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Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I believe the topic of the thread is Obama vs. Fox News.
Fox News has never made a statement saying that the birth certificate was either real or phony.
You have been watching the other news channels. You know, the ones that are not fair and balanced. Those other news programs don't even pretend to tell the truth. They don't back up what they say like Fox News.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

OBama was born in Hawaiia. The authorities have declared this to be true. What reason would they have to make up a fake bc ? We all can easily discern the true reason for the birthers fabrication, fiction,propaganda.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Who cares if Fox wins the ratings....the dems have been winning the elections. LOL!

OUCH!!!!! Here comes the bold predictions on how the reps will clean up in 2010. Just like we heard before the 06 & 08 elections.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I’ve got to admit that I’ve been skeptical about claims about Obama. We heard that he was a Muslim, but I doubted it because of his many years of attendance at a Christian church. Then we heard he was Kenyon and I doubted that because I couldn’t believe that the entire Hawaiian government would join in a conspiracy, and because both Hawaiian newspapers had contemporaneous birth announcements.

But Stinky has opened my eyes. You will note above that Stinky listed several “red flags” about the lack of documentation concerning Obama. One really stands out. Apparently no one has ever released Obama’s KINDERGARTEN RECORDS. This stunning revelation knocked me back on my heals and caused me to rethink the whole issue. I mean what do we know about this man? Did he play well with others? Did he color within the lines? My mind was reeling.

Then I figured it out. Stinky and his crowd have missed the most obvious conclusion. It’s not that Obama is a Muslim or foreign born; it’s much worse than that. Obama is an alien, and not in the illegal alien sense. HE’S FROM SOME OTHER PLANET!!! Or at least a mix.

Many of you will remember Mr. Spock from the Startrek series. Trekies will remember that Spock, like Obama, was half Vulcan, half human. If you think about it, it’s obvious Obama has Vulcan blood. Look at his ears. Tell me they’re not Vulcanesque. Then there’s the Spock-like cold rationality of the man. Oh sure, he gets fired up in his speeches sometimes, but the way I figure it, that’s the earth blood talking. I mean we know Obama’s mother liked black guys. This new evidence shows she had more exotic tastes.

Here’s what happened: HIS KINDERGARTEN TEACHER FIGURED IT OUT!!! That’s why there’s the shocking omission of the Kindergarten Files from the public record.

There’s something else that’s really frightening. There may be nothing we can do. I don’t think there’s anything in the Constitution that prevents Vulcans, or any other extra-terrestrials for that matter, from becoming president. So we may have live with it. After all, we just (barely) survived eight years of a guy who seemed to be half chimp.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Hilarious post ,Higher Ground. I wish that I would have thought of it.The birthers, though, will somehow load it into the propaganda machine as proof that OBama should not be president: Last year, a poster facetiously suggested that they could claim that he was born before Hawaiia became a state. Ergo , that is now one of their talking points although they had to make him 3 years older.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The birthers are hillarious. I enjoy reading their drivel. I mean we always knew what a looneybird Normie is, but when he tries to make his case about Obama's citizenship, I realize that he is even more of a nut than originally thought!

The pathetic part of this whole thing is that it's partisan driven by partisan sheep that are still bitter about losing the election & want to stop at nothing to regain power. Instead of putting their energy into something constructive, they focus on trying to destroy the other side with their lies, half-truths & conspiracy theories.

BTW higher ground....your post is hillarious!

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Spoking like a true so tom would say "kool aid drinker". Really have you resorted to making fun of someone. I expected more. With your intelligence. Shameful.

But as most blind that can not see. His kindergarten records are of Indonesian persuasion. You know if he was or wasn't a citizen of said country. You know if he was also a duel citizen, However if he was a citizen, under there law you renounce any other citizenship. I know you don;t loose your citizenship by law until your 18. But that was befor it was passed in the 80's. Back then he was under the direct control of his parent(s). But like everything we do not know if he was adopted. And in doing so lost his US citizenship. Maybe that is why he wants to give amnesty to illegals.

See another legal matter with no answer. Plus it also goes with the "can a president hold duel citizenship in his life" question. If you read his life story, it's like a twisted, meander trail of dead ends, road blocks, and inescapable pits. All because of his secrets. But unlike the rep's he hides his. When asked about there BC, within the month, George Romney(1968), Barry Goldwater(1964), Lowell Weicker(1980), John McCain(2008) all showed there original long form birth certificate while running in the presidential election. Yet barry has hid his since last feb. So make fun, it is and always had been a issue. Alas all other times when a bc was in question, it was showed. But of course those others were not looked at as the messiah and could do no wrong. He won a nobel prize in 11 days as being president. That takes talent.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The vey "fact" that Fox has not mentioned whether or not the Birth certificate is real proves the point that they are not a news reporting group: I noticed that Spinner O,Riley is to interview the birther non pareill. Will she mention the BC for Fox?? One of our most ardent posters seems to spend every waking moment watching Fox and others. Perhaps he likes reiteration.If a news piece is unslanted,"unspinned", then you cannot tell whether the newscaster is Republican or Democrat,Liberal or Conservative.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

He also won the nobel prize by doing nothing.
Now that does take talent.

If the courts were to look into the birth certificate question now there would be riots in the streets like nobody has seen since the 60's and they know it. The court probably feels it is better to just ignore the Constitution than start the riots.
After all it is no big deal, Congress has been ignoring the Constitution for years.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The president or candidate would not have the original long form:that would be on file in a government agency.They would have only a copy at best. OBama went to Catholic kindergarten,for a while because of availability.That would not be of Indonesian persuasion. By the way, how do you know this if his record was never released? How do you know that he hid his BC? I thought he did not have one.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

First off tom...Obama didn't ask for the nobel prize & was certainly stunned to have won it. Do I think he deserved it? Nope. But is that gonna stop partisan tools like you from moaning about it? Nope. You are what you are.

Now, as for the birthers....since the original birth announcement from the Honolulu paper has been produced, here is what you must believe to buy into the moronic conspiracy:

48 years ago in a country, (Kenya allegedly), half way around the world, a baby was born. "I see great things for this boy," says the local tribal leader. I forsee him becoming president of the greatest nation in the world, the U.S. of America." "But you have to be born a U.S. citizen to be president," said the Mother. "Don't worry, my child, I will make it happen," said the tribal leader & so a fake birth announcement was placed in the American paper 48 years ago & the conspiracy was born.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

It's like I'm repeating myself which I am. I understand the reason, noone wants to answer the "why" question. I have no answer for it either other than he's hiding something.

And yes Fox has reported on it, many times. And yes some of there talent is on both sides of the BC issue. Some say he is some say he isn't.

Barry first said he never had a copy of a BC. But in "memories", he's talking about how he found that and his shot records while going through his grands belongings. And he received all her stuff after her death. So he does have a copy.

Indonesian law states that they have control over all state facilities. That includes Christian schools. They allow them. The law also states only citizens can use them, unless they are the children of diplomats. There under muslim law. It's alot different than ours. Anyone with a visa can go to our schools. Again another legal problem with citizenship.

Original birth announcement from the Honolulu paper has been produced? Really. Is that why the announcement apparently stood the test of time in there archives, until January of his year which has been wiped clean. Search there archives and see if you find it. Both have magically disappeared. But everyone still says it's there. But none of them have looked for it themselves. Well I and many more have, and it's not there. Seems funny that it was there for over 40 years, them POOF it's gone. Kinda like this is his family home, until the residence had a interview that said different. Now you cann't find a picture of the house. And that address was on the announcement too. Hmm both have dissappeared from archives. Strange...

I have a cousin who lives in Dallas. He lives in Germany working for a contractor. His son was born in Bonn. His grandmother in Dallas posted his birth in there paper. The reason to announce the birth of her grandchild. It's not a new thing. Grands do it every day in hometown papers. I've seen a few in our paper. And I know the parents don't live here. And it did not state the "Where" just the "Who". Just the parents and the child. Sure sometimes it states where but not all the time.

Tom I have to agree. This would destroy us. Riots, and martial law would reign. A whole party would be destroyed.

See all these retorts have cause, I doubt everything is true, but there is that glimmer of doubt. None of this is cut and dry on both sides. But both sides are so hard headed they will not back down.

So lets just lay everything on the table and see what's inside. If barry is innocent then no harm done, then you can gloat. If he isn't then you have to admit you were fooled. The last part is why some of you will never admit any of this however small, is suspicious. And personal feelings are more important to some than anything else in the world. Nothing ever will change your mind because to loose face is the worst possible thing that could happen.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I've seen the birth announcement AND the birth certificate. Not in person of course.

And one more thing for the birthers. President Obama has produced every document ever asked of him by the courts.

And once again, you idiots have to think that he's fooled the FBI, DOD AND Secret Service! And that with all the deep pockets of hate groups like the swift boaters...they haven't been able to expose him either.

But please don't stop trying to tell us that he's not a citizen! You guys crack me up! The lenghts that you will go for your precious political party is scary! It's like a little army of Rush Limbaugh's out there.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Unfortunately the courts have never asked him to produce any, normal citizens have no standing in our current government. The only state that ask for verification, interesting enough was Hawaii. And that was done by a letter from speaker nancy. The Federal Election Commission has that paperwork for public view. Which is a first by the way.

Seems interesting his home state questioned his legal application to run for president, and the 3rd most powerful person in the nation sent a letter. Seems they could have just went next door and looked. They have the authority. Just another interesting question in a long string of interesting questions.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Here is a new little I guess you could say strange occurance. Seems that there are 2 different letters sent to the states. You know the more you dig the more dirt you seem to uncover.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

It wouldn't surprise me if they produced a phony birth certificate. ACORN was able to register thousands of people to vote that had been dead for years. So it looks like anything is possible.
They even registered Mickey Mouse to vote.
I think Mickey voted for John McCain.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The Acorn story is an example of the untruthfulnes of Fox and those who grovel at it,s very name: Acorn was not convicted with either voter fraud or voter reg. irregularities.Acorn reported all false registration forms to the authorities . Acorn has nothing to do with voting or vote counting.That is done by legally elected officials. Fox regularly mixes up voting with voter registration and does so deliberately just as our poster does.I hear O' Riley say once , huuriedly , as though he was afraid someone would hear him "Acorn has done some good".those who went to hear the corrected Fox stories knows where to hear them.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The sheep are the ones who believe that he is an American when he won't show his birth certificate.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Argument, fact,and politics.....

Here is just a sample. The tip of the iceberg. There are many more.

TEXAS 2008 - In Harris County, nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information.

VIRGINIA 2005 - In 2005, the Virginia State Board of Elections admonished Project Vote and ACORN for turning in a significant number of faulty voter registrations. An audit revealed that 83% of sampled registrations that were rejected for carrying false or questionable information were submitted by Project Vote. Many of these registrations carried social security numbers that exist for other people, listed non-existent or commercial addresses, or were for convicted felons in violation of state and federal election law.

In a letter to ACORN, the State Board of Elections reported that 56% of the voter registration applications ACORN turned in were ineligible. Further, a full 35% were not submitted in a timely manner, as required by law. The State Board of Elections also commented on what appeared to be evidence of intentional voter fraud. "Additionally,” they wrote, “information appears to have been altered on some applications where information given by the applicant in one color ink has been scratched through and re-entered in another color ink. Any alteration of a voter registration application is a Class 5 Felony in accordance with § 24.2-1009 of the Code of Virginia."

WASHINGTON 2007 - Three ACORN employees pled guilty, and four more were charged, in the worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history. More than 2,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted by the group during a voter registration drive.

WISCONSIN 2008- At least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee have been called into question after it was found that the organizations had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. Two people involved in the ongoing Wisconsin voter fraud investigation have been charged with felonies.

These stories did not come from FOX.

You should lay off of the Kool-Aid and pay more attention to Fox News. You may be able to get your facts straight.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Do not be motivated by bigotry and devotion to Fox: Those stories were trotted out by Fox as both news and as political comment. Acorn turned in the registration forms as required by law. How do you think the wrong doers were caught? ?Some people automatically find fault with any group or project which helps the poor and especially the poor who happen to be black. (Do you know who might be guilty of this?)Acorn was started by a white male, but many of its clients are black and poor and many are white. It is absurd to say that the group which registers inner city people,black or white, falsifies voting records.Registration is not the same as voting. Get more physical exercise. It will help you mentally and spiritually.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The above stories are from New York Times articles. They did not originate at Fox News.
BTW the white guy that started ACORN was convicted of embazzeling millions of dollars from the organization.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

For what it's worth. NPR had a poll on this this past week. Now I think NPR is about as liberal as one could get without having morning flag burnings. Even they think barry is going too far. I mean you have millions of other news sources to choose from. It';s not fox's fault that they generate large groups of watchers. The reason being there the only conservative news group. While liberal have every other news group. Liberals are spread out while fox and talk radio are localized. Anyway the poll.

The White House on this one; Fox News isn't "fair and balanced." 35%

Fox News on this one; it asks questions others don't and the White House should be able to handle them. 63%

Neither side. They're both trying to play this "feud" to their advantage. 2%

For those that were alive then, look at what happened with Woodward & Bernstein at the Washington Post during the Nixon administration. If as an elected official you are doing what the clear majority of your voters want you to do, you should have no fear of any journalist or any question.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I watch different news programs on TV and the thing that stands out about Fox News is that it's fair and balanced. Unlike other news organizations the reporters and newscasters at Fox are not so busy kissing Obama's a$$ that they can't see what is actually happening. Some of the other so called news programs are pathetic.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I wont say they are fair and balanced. But I will say they are closer than any other news channel out there. At least when they have discussions on issues and have guests, it's not a closet liberal, or conservative acting like they are something while there actions say different.

After Fox i have to go with CNN. I know a few on there are so far left, there isn't even a reason to even joke about being unbias. But there general news is pretty strait on. Political, is left but not advanced to a point of msnbc. However there last 3 or 4 new shows are very liberal. So one has to wait and see if the rest will follow in line with the lustiest trends in programing.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

A point of view is not enhanced by vulgarity ,emotion often colors our concept of truth.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Isn't it funny how those who had no problem with they way Bush was handed the election in 2000 now continually whine about ACORN! News flash! ACORN didn't win the election for Obama....Georeg W. Bush & the republicans did!

People took a look around at the shape of the country after 8 years of republican rule & decided enough is enough. And now the bitter sheep are left to their conspiracy theories & pinning their partisan hopes on the failure of the country because if America does well, they don't have much of a chance of unseating Obama in 2012. Therefore they will secretly sit around hoping for the wars to go bad, another terrorist attack, the economy to slip, ANYTHING for them to cling to in hopes of a partisan victory in 2012.

As for the birthers....well, they're comical. I just enjoy the reading & realizing how crazy, petty & partisan some idiots really are!

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

If the republicans used the democrats tactics they would be on TV constantly blaming the Obama administrations H1N1 vacination debacle for causing the flu epidemic the same way the democrats blamed Bush for causing the hurricane Katrina disaster.

And this bunch is going to run our health care system. What a joke.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

If the republicans used the democrats tactics they would be on TV constantly blaming the Obama administrations H1N1 vacination debacle for causing the flu epidemic the same way the democrats blamed Bush for causing the hurricane Katrina disaster.

And this bunch is going to run our health care system. What a joke.

The dems didn't blame Katrina on Bush. Only the disaster in the response that followed. Remember that wonderfully famous quote by your hero GWB, "you're doing a good job Brownie."

While the local & state governments certainly dropped the ball as well, the fed response to the disaster was pitiful at best & it starts with an inexperienced horse trader buddy that Bush appointed to run FEMA!

And stop with the misinformation. The dems don't want to "run out health care system." That's just a lie perpetrated by the Rush Limbaugh crowd. They want to offer a public option for those who can't afford insurance any other way. Stop with the lies.

But let's go back & talk about the wonderful job Bush & co. did after katrina shall we. Should be fun.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Another comical stylings from the birthers.

In little noticed remarks, Michelle Obama stated at a public event that her husband's mother, Ann Dunham, was "very young and very single" when she gave birth to the future U.S. president.

Her comments further undermine the official story as told by Barack Obama – that Dunham was married to his father, Barack Obama Sr., at the time of birth.

The remarks were made by Michelle Obama during a July 2008 round table at the University of Missouri. Obama was responding to criticism of her husband's presidential campaign speeches about fatherhood and faith-based initiatives.

Michelle Obama explained her husband understands the struggles of low-income families.

"He understands them because he was raised by strong women. He is the product of two great women in his life. His mother and his grandmother," she said.

"Barack saw his mother, who was very young and very single when she had him, and he saw her work hard to complete her education and try to raise he and his sister," Michelle Obama said.

Her remarks about Dunham being "very single" when she gave birth to Barack Obama were also quoted last year on a blog posted at The remarks, however, contradicted previous claims President Obama made about the circumstances of his birth.
Later in her roundtable comments, Michelle Obama stated her candidness might get her into trouble:

"So in my famous Michelle Obama honesty that sometimes gets me in trouble, I have to say that when Barack approached me, when he was seriously considering this run for president, I said, 'No way. Absolutely not. Please don't.'"
According to Hawaiian documentation, Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961 to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.
The official story claims Dunham and Obama, Sr. were married Feb. 2, 1961. The pair separated two years later and they divorced in 1964. Obama's father returned to Kenya and saw his son only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.

In actuality, it isn't clear Obama's parents were married, since official records have never been produced showing a legal ceremony took place. No wedding certificate or photograph of a ceremony for Dunham and Obama Sr. has ever been found or published.

In his book "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage," former Time magazine contributing editor Christopher Andersen elaborates: "There were certainly no witnesses (to the alleged civil marriage ceremony) – no family members were present, and none of their friends at the university
had the slightest inkling that they were even engaged."

Andersen further quoted Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii, a self-described friend of Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham in 1961, as saying that "nobody" was invited to the wedding ceremony.

Obama himself, on page 22 of his autobiography "Dreams from My Father," wrote of his parents' wedding:

In fact, how and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I've never quite had the courage to explore. There's no record of a real wedding, a cake, a ring, a giving away of the bride. No families were in attendance; it's not even clear that people back in Kansas were fully informed. Just a small civil ceremony, a justice of the peace. The whole thing seems so fragile in retrospect, so haphazard."

Obama's birth story is further complicated by the fact that when Barack Obama Sr. arrived in Hawaii at 23 years old in September 1959, he already had been married, since age 18, to a Kenyan woman named Kezia Aoko, who was allegedly pregnant with Obama Sr.'s first child when he abandoned her in Africa in 1957.

Obama Sr. ultimately had four children with Aoko. WND staff writer Jerome Corsi concluded there is no evidence to suggest Obama Sr. was divorced from Aoko either in Kenya before he left for Hawaii or in Hawaii prior to the alleged marriage with Dunham.

On page 126 of "Dreams from My Father," Barack Obama Jr. described his father's marriage with Aoko in a quotation in which Dunham says, "And then there was a problem with your father's first wife … he had told me they were separated, but it was a village wedding, so there was no legal documentation that could show a divorce."
Dunham apparently was suggesting bigamy was not involved in her alleged marriage since Barack Obama Sr.'s marriage to Aoko was a "village wedding" that possibly would not have been recognized as legitimate by Hawaii civil law. Barack Obama Sr. was reportedly a polygamist who had at least four wives, including Ruth Nidesand, who Obama Sr. met at Harvard and became his wife after she followed him back to Kenya.

Evidence challenges claim over birth address.

See another of those funny "why" questions.

And the healthcare is for those who cann't afford it. All 8 million. The rest of it is for them to control us. Nothing more.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I agree. The Obama administration's handling of the H1N1 vacination program is right up there with Bush's handling of the Katrina aftermath.

The problem is Obama promised to do things different.

You remember "change we can believe in".

The man is a joke and always has been.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I agree. The Obama administration's handling of the H1N1 vacination program is right up there with Bush's handling of the Katrina aftermath.

The problem is Obama promised to do things different.

You remember "change we can believe in".

The man is a joke and always has been.

Exactly what part of the administration's handling of the H1N1 issue to take cause with? I mean let's have an intelligent discussion on this one. I eagerly await!

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

If Ann was already deserted prior to becoming a mother she was single in a very real way. How does a young, gravid woman ,married or single get to Kenya or Indonesia to give birth?Why would she leave the obstetrical services in this country? The forum should offer a prize for the most absurd story about our president,s birth.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Were you expecting something different from a person who was born in another country?

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

So are you saying Ms. barry was lieing. Caught up in a bold faced lie. Are you saying she made up lies to make herself better looking in front of those discussing single mothers.Hmmmm.

So it comes done to either barry or ms barry is caught lieing. Now which one?

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Your logic is lacking if not your bigotry which you deny. Who is Ms. Barry? I am repeating your asininity: I am not verifying it. Your tale about OBama being born In Kenya cannot be logical if his mother was not married as you are now crowing.Do you believe that Ann would or could go to Kenya as an unmarried woman to have her child?They would have executed her. Ihave no proof, nor do you, that Mrs. OBama said what you attribute to her. Your post reminds me of your mentor, who once wrote on E-Tater that while OBama was born in Kenya, his mother never left the U.S.You are trying for the prize of writing the most absurd post about OBama,s birthplace.You need to find another name for Ann as you did for her child.Neither OBama nor his wife are lying. Why do you ask? Have you told any posters lately who disagree with you to move out of the country?

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

What do you mean? something different from what ?

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

The only official document had the name barry. So I assume it's that. I can call myself mojo, but that doesn't change the fact my name is what is it.

You cannot have it both ways. Was his parents married at his birth. Then the misses lied above.


Was his parents not married. Then barry and his socalled birth announcement are lies(which we found out that it is)Making everything else he's said about it questionable.

So you choose. I just give more examples of the "why" question. And as usual, you and others give more excuses, or oooooooooo's racist, bigit. Please it's a broken record. It doesn't matter if I am or not, if you cann't answer the question why, your moot. It shows your bereave and lost in the dark.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

I thought the arguement was that he was born in the Phillipines. The courts are not going to rule different now even if someone comes up with positive proof that he wasn't born in the U.S.
There would be too many blacks rioting in the streets if they tried to change things now. They courts believe it is better to let him serve his 4 years and he will then be voted out.
Obama is not really the president anyway. He is stooge for the extreme left, liberial, socialist element of the democrat party.
Has he actually made a decision about anything in his first 9 months in office? Has he personally introduced any bills to the legislature?
Obama is being credited for the so called health care reform bills going through Congress and he has no idea what is in the bills.
He is a joke.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Name calling is a popular literary form for those who cannot discuss or politely disagree.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Are you indulging in a little peeping tomism?Get the leer off your face.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Here we go. First he was a Muslim. There was no proof of that, in fact much proof to the contrary. Then he was born in another country. There was no proof of that, in fact much proof to the contrary.

Now Stinky goes for something that really affects Obama’s ability to be president; Stinky says that Obama is illegitimate. No wonder we should hate Obama. HIS PARENTS DIDN’T GET MARRIED. He is what we used to call a bastxxx. I had to alter this perfectly legitimate (no pun intended) word to get by the censors.

Wouldn’t it be terrible if Obama fudged (again, no pun intended) the truth and maybe said his parents were married? Or, maybe his mother told him she was married to his father. What if Obama’s mother actually mislead her son on the issue of whether or not he was legitimate? Couldn’t we get some kind of post mortem conviction of her for actually misleading her son on the issue of his legitimacy?

Stinky’s attack might not advance his goal of getting some mud to stick to Obama. There sure are a lot of bastxxxs around anymore. Actually, there always were. Soon they will probably be the majority. Forty percent of births in 2007 were to unwed mothers. So if Stinky and his crowd continue to play the illegitimate card, they’re likely to make a lot of folks mad.

One of the great things about the Obama presidency is the inspiration it gives to poor kids who are not white. They might grow up to be president. Now we can say the same thing to kids who are illegitimate.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Looking, looking, looking, nope no answer to "why". Just answers to the reason that motive my quest for the "why" question. You could just save alot of time and strain on your fingers, and wrists and just say

. . .

Then we both could wonder. But to do so you would have to admit to yourself that you may have been fooled. And from all the capacious replies, that would be like loosing a leg or arm. Never going to happen. How about next time just post " IGNORANT RACIST" in bold lettering so you can save both our times in typing and reading what boils down to those few words. Quite frankly your posts have become repetitive and boring. Name calling and cursing. Your case like barry's is looking very, very weak. Those are the hallmarks of a loser of a debate. Are my questions sinking in? Is the ground becoming shaky? Ignore all my posts demonstrating the contradictions in stories from this administration. And live in your world of all questions answered honestly. While I post these stories giving rise to other sensible people coming to the realizations that the "Why" questions are becoming more substantial.

And don't bamboozle yourself, I hear conversations. In stores, grocery, and restaurants. Sometimes adding my own input, but overall, it's from what they read on here. And more and more people are also asking the "Why". Your becoming a dieing breed. And maybe in that, you will also ask the question. When you are in the minority. It is in my experience; it is best to loose face in a group, than alone.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

You know if I had been duped like you Obama followers were duped I would be upset too.
Just drink the Kool-Aid and all will be fine.

I could see the man for what he was when he was campaigning for office and everything that has happened thus far confirms that I was not wrong.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

One day 48 years ago, half way around the world in Kenya, a baby was born. Not just any baby. A baby who would some day grow up to be president of the United States. But to do so, they would have to fool people into thinking he was born in the U.S. so a phony birth announcement was placed in the Honolulu paper 48 years ago.

See, that's what a moron you have to be to believe this crap because there WAS a birth announcement in the Honolulu paper 48 years ago.

What you also have to believe is that:

He was able to fool the FBI, Justice Dept. & DOD when he was getting vetted for the highest security clearance in the land.

You also have to believe that all the hate groups, like the swiftboaters, with their endless gop pockets, haven't been able to "expose" him, if you will.

Keep in mind that several of these lawsuits have already been tossed out of court because they "lack merrit." There are no shortage of Obama haters willing to file frivelous suits. The president has produced EVERY document he has been ordered to produce.

All one needs to do to put this to rest is check:


But the idiots are entertaining aren't they!

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Mumble, mumble, mumble birth announcement, mummble, mummble, FBI, mummble, mummble, fired doesn't melt steel,...excuse me. I could guess you do care. Someone who takes that much effort to type all that. So again is barry or ms barry lieing. One has to be. His mommy cann't be both married and single at the same time. Let me try to think as a koolaid drinker.
With barry it is possible. Remember he was born in a house where there was no other people living it the whole time since it was built, other than the couple living in it now, and people still say he lived there(yourself). Nope cann't swallow that much hog wash.

Factchecks, and snoopes. The same that said that barry wasn't cutting 300billion from medicare. Then I posted the AP, WH press release, and the aarp article about it that said defferent. Yep there reliable sources. Unfortunately, everyone quotes them, and they are not regulated, or overseen. And noone knows them from adam.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

There is no answer to your" Why" because it is a falsehood . It is like answering the question with a yes or no" Have you stopped beating your wife?"

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

No your answer has the falsehoods. My why question is neither yes or no. It is as followed.

"WHY" does barry keep fighting court battles over a LFBC spending 2+ million dollars mucking up our overtaxed court system for the last year and a half?

Now how is that a yes or no question. You know 15 minutes and $12 could clear it up on alot of people's minds. But alas he has spent millions, and thousands of man hours fighting these battles. And none except for 2(unlike his belevers like to say)have been thrown out other than lack of standing. It's like the latest case. Judge Carter from CA said First lack of standing. Then he said he did not feel confortable, to go against 51% of the voters, and allow anything like this to happen. That just shows that justice was not done, but feelings, and a job being from CA.

Judges do things against peoples wishes daily to do what justice says. These are the type of rulings these court cases have had, but you never hear about them. Other than people like me with the "why" questions. I guess the only people who have standing is the VP and Speaker. Becasue none of us has.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

My own quote, "Our government stinks. It's official"
Mumble, mumble, mumble birth announcement, mummble, mummble, FBI, mummble, mummble, fired doesn't melt steel,...excuse me. I could guess you do care. Someone who takes that much effort to type all that. So again is barry or ms barry lieing. One has to be. His mommy cann't be both married and single at the same time. Let me try to think as a koolaid drinker.
With barry it is possible. Remember he was born in a house where there was no other people living it the whole time since it was built, other than the couple living in it now, and people still say he lived there(yourself). Nope cann't swallow that much hog wash.

Factchecks, and snoopes. The same that said that barry wasn't cutting 300billion from medicare. Then I posted the AP, WH press release, and the aarp article about it that said defferent. Yep there reliable sources. Unfortunately, everyone quotes them, and they are not regulated, or overseen. And noone knows them from adam.

blah, blah, blah, Obama lies, blah, blah, blah, my party lost & I'm bitter, blah, blah, blah, I don't care how foolish I look, I'm a partisan sheep, blah, blah, blah.

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Give up your fairy tale. You are on the verge of hysteria. Are you a mad man or a mad woman?

Re: Fox is Kicking Obama's Kenyan posterior!

Back to the original thread about the president and Fox:
there is a good article at showing that there really was no boost in Fox's ratings after the brouhaha with the Administration.

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