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Benefits of DaaS

While many of us aren’t leaving home much these days, even for work, managing laptops and your business’s IT assets has long been a struggle. Statistics show that a laptop is stolen every 53 seconds, but that statistic doesn’t cover when your workers misplace them or leave them on buses or in an Uber. And, for remote work, these challenges become more significant.

With many workers opting not to come on-premises for the duration of the pandemic, managing access, applications, and assets become even more difficult. However, desktop as a service (DaaS) may be one solution to help you meet these challenges, with additional benefits as well.

What are the Benefits of DaaS?
Many IT cloud-based services promise significant benefits and Desktop as a Service is no different. As early as 2016 significant growth in this market was expected and, no doubt, that growth accelerated with the onset of a worldwide pandemic that shifted many workers to remote situations. In fact, Gartner predicts several cloud markets for significant growth, including DaaS, because these services provide so many benefits.

Reduced IT Costs
Controlling costs have become even more important in an economy significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. Many companies had to take a hard look at expenditures and identify budget lines that could be either reduced or stabilized. In many organizations, IT is costly. Whether it’s hardware or maintenance, your organization is bound to realize cost savings using DaaS.

Improved Security
Maintaining network and data security is a concern for just about every business. It’s why many have steered clear of BYOD policies, or even permitted company-owned hardware from leaving the premises. However, with DaaS, there’s no data stored on a local machine and so concerns about that kind of data loss are gone. Furthermore, your DaaS provider's security measures and compliance ensure that your cloud-stored data is safe and secure.

Simplified Scalability
It’s no secret that when your business is ready to grow capital expenditures (CapEx) are required. With new employees, there’s often a need for a new computer, the time spent setting it up and ensuring you’ve got the capacity to handle more traffic, computation, and storage. DaaS ensures that your new hires are like plug-and-play hardware. With minimal hardware required, they’re ready to go almost instantly. This means that without major spending, your system is scalable and ready to handle growth when it happens.

Improved Management and Control
While benefiting from both the flexibility that your employees need and the agility your network needs, you don’t sacrifice control. Limiting access to data and applications is managed remotely as are any necessary updates to the system. Gone are the days of trying to coordinate system-wide updates that require terminal access, which is further complicated by remote work.

To know more about Virtual Desktop Cloud or Azure Desktop visit CloudDesktopOnline.