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Tinsnip Manufacturer

I would like to know when J. Cousins and sons, who were makers of scissors and tinsnips ceased manufacturing.
I have a pair of tinsnips which belonged to my grandfather and were most likely brought to Australia when the family moved here in 1912.
I have found that they operated from 65-67 Garden st Sheffield until at least 1938 as I have a copy of an advert for the their tools from that date.
Thank You
Ian Stewart

Re: Tinsnip Manufacturer

Hi Ian

I have found in the Kelly's Directory of Sheffield & Rotherham 1954 (alphabetic section):

Cousins J. & Sons, tinmen's shears & painters' knives manufacturers & cutlery manufacturers, 5 John st 2 (T N 51824) & Club Garden walk 11. T N 20144

However they are not listed in the alphabetic section of the Kelly's 1957

Kind regards


Re: Tinsnip Manufacturer

Tweedale's Directory of Sheffield Cutlery Manufacturers has an entry for this firm. He says that they ceased business in about 1970.
