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I am (Select only one box) *
If you are a US citizen , select how you acquired your citizenship *
Have you obtained a Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship *
Did you gain lawful permanent resident status through marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident?
1. I am filing this petition for my *
2. For child of parent select your relationship to the beneficiary (the one being petitioned)
3. If your beneficiary is your brother/sister, are you related by adoption
Gender *
4. Did you gain lawful permanent resident status or citizenship through adoption *
Is your current mailing address the same as your physical address *
Current Marital Status *
Have you EVER been employed in the last 5 years whether inside or outside of US *
Your Ethnicity (Select only one box) *
Your Race (Select only one box) *
Eye color (Select only one box) *
Hair color (Select only one box) *
Gender *
Has anyone else ever filed a petition for the beneficiary. *
Current Marital Status *
Gender *
Gender *
Is the beneficiary EVER been employed *
Was the beneficiary EVER in the United States? *
Was the beneficiary EVER in immigration proceedings?
If you answered Yes select the type of proceedings and provide the location and date of the proceedings
Have you EVER previously filed a petition for this beneficiary or any other alien? *