Combination remedies in Homoeopathy

two or more remedies mixed together and each time you repeat, you give the same combo

Combination remedies in Homoeopathy
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Against the use of combination remedies

Samuel Hahnemann was a meticulous researcher and one of the maxims he lived by, taught to him by his father, was: "Never to accept anything in science until it had been proven to be true by investigation."

We know he experimented with combination remedies and dismissed them, eventually stating:

"Every powerful medicinal substance produces in the human body a kind of peculiar disease; the more powerful the medicine, the more peculiar, marked and violent the disease.

"We should imitate nature which sometimes cures a chronic disease by super adding another, and employ in the (especially chronic) disease we wish to cure that medicine which is able to produce another very similar artificial disease, and the former will be cured ; similia similibus."