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By: Sibalenhon Web Forum Management



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Technical Conference

Office of the Civil Defense National Disaster
Coordinating Council

Update Report Oil Spill Incident at Region IV-B

Releasing Officer

Glenn J Rabonza
Admninistrator,OCD and
Executive Officer,NDCC
DATE:September 07, 2007
Sources: PCG & DENR

1. Situation Overview

-On or about 5 PM 04 September 2007, an oil spill occurred at the vicinity of Maestre de Campo Island, Romblon Province or at 14.5 nautical miles southeast of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro.

2. Actions Taken:

-On 5 September 2007, the PCG HELO with PCG Commander, National Strike Force, Science Team and Congressman Leandro Madrona, conducted an aerial survey at the vicinity of Brgy. Masadya, Island town of Concepcion, Maestre de Campo Island, Romblon.

-The survey revealed that the oil sheen was coming out from the submerged M/V Mactan where salvage operation is being conducted by Calixto Enterprises. The sheen was estimated to be 3 meters wide and 120 meters long.

-After the aerial survey, PCG Science Team proceeded to the spill site to inspect/assess and get water samples from all possible affected areas.

-Result of inspection showed that diesel oil was still coming out from the source with an estimated rate of one half liter per minute or less.

-Per assessment at the shoreline of Brgy Masadya and sitio Salinraban of Maestre de Campo Island, Romblon, where oil spill were concentrated, no traces of oil were found and it was believed that it has dissipated through evaporation and strong wave action.

-After completion of inspection, the team conducted dialogue with local officials of Concepcion, and assured them that the oil spill will not threaten the marine reserve since it will not reach the shoreline.