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Sheffield Indexers
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Strange info…

My great grandfather Alexander Bell Warburton was born in Sheffield in 1876 and died there in 1914. I noticed tonight that Family Search have got his parents John Warburton and Elizabeth Bell linked to him, BUT they have his parents residence as being Sint Eustatius. John, a silversmith, was born in Sheffield in 1831 and died there in 1907. Elizabeth was born in Sheffield in 1832 and died there in 1900. All three of them are buried at City Rd. How can I see where Family Search got this bizarre Sint Eustatius information from?


Re: Strange info…

Hi Heather,

I can't find the "Family Search" information that you found......I would say its a mistake as there is no St Eustatias in Sheffield.


Re: Strange info…

In FamilySearch it is very easy to click the incorrect place-name from the drop-down menu and enter a similar name from elsewhere. Is there a source attached to it? Otherwise none of it is definitely correct and you are free to change it.

Re: Strange info…

Hi Elaine,

I mailed you a screen shot.


Re: Strange info…

Hi Heather, Sint Ustatius is an island in the carribean.

Re: Strange info…

Thanks Heather,

Like to help if I can but to be honest I think its a transcription error at Family Search.

Will have another look at what you sent me and see if I can find it on their site.

Take care Elaine.