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Herbert Linley

G'day everyone,

Hoping for some assistance in locating, birth, baptism and burial record for this chap.

His approximate birth is about 1849 in Sheffield.
I know from the wedding details found on here his father's name is William.

I've got an 1861 census record that I think is him living with a brother and mother Gertrude Yates (assume she remarried).

Herbert married Isabella Condon February 1870 at St Philips Shalesmoor.

Herbert's occupation was Brittania Metal Spinner/Smith.

Isabella died and a year later he married Louisa Shirley who had married previously and married name was Fox.

1871-1901 census has him living in Channing Street while 1911 he's living at Langsett Road.

It's only his birth, baptism and burial I'm after please so no need to provide other information thanks


Re: Herbert Linley

Further the burial I have found on this site has him calling himself Alfred Linley 19.12.1922 burial date.

Re: Herbert Linley

Hi Leisa

This might possibly be the birth:
Herbert Wilson LINDLEY - Q1 1849 Ecclesall Bierlow, vol 22 page 110


Re: Herbert Linley

May not be him, Name Herbert Wilson Lindley
Birth Date 1849
Death Date 24 Sep 1855
Event Type Burial
Event Place Sheffield, Metropolitan Borough of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Cemetery Sheffield General Cemetery

Re: Herbert Linley

Please refer to second post on this thread. I have his burial details and death index.

It's baptism and birth I can't find that I need help with thank you.

Re: Herbert Linley

The marriages to Isabella and Louisa both say that Herbert's father was William Linley, a silversmith. Leisa - you say you found him in 1861 with a mother called Gertrude.

In the 1851 census at 24 Duke Lane, Herbert aged 2 is living with mother Gertrude Lindley (widow age 36, silver burnisher) and two siblings Henry F (15, grinder) and James A (aged 6)

Looking at the brother James, there is an 1847 baptism for James Ashton Linley (born 15 Oct 1844) and it says the mother was Gertrude Linley, spinster. No father mentioned.

Looking at brother Henry, there is an 1857 marriage for a Henry Linley, grinder aged 21. His father's name was left blank on the record.

Soooo, I'm wondering if this William Linley silversmith was a bit fictive?


Re: Herbert Linley

Just to muddy the waters a bit further, there's a marriage in 1887 for a James Linley, metalsmith, who was of the right age to be Herbert's brother, and the trade is right. One of the marriage witnesses was Herbert Linley. But... James says his dad was James Linley, a tailor!


Re: Herbert Linley

Hi Leisa, It's begining to look likely that Gertrude was never married and her births were never registered!

Re: Herbert Linley

Looking up Sheffield newspapers in case there is something about Gertrude/ Herbert. Nothing significant but you might as well have these:

Sheffield Independent Mar 1 1870 & Mar 5 1870
At St. Philip’s Church … Feb 28 by the Rev. Creswell Roberts, B.A., Mr Herbert Linley, Britannia metal smith, to Miss Isabella Condon.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph Nov 22 1873
LINLEY – Nov. 17, Herbert, son of Herbert Linley, Channing-street, aged 7 months.

Sheffield Independent Feb 14 1857
At the Parish Church, on the 8th inst., …Mr. Henry Linley, grinder, to Miss Elizabeth Radley.

Re: Herbert Linley

Thank you but I already have those clippings. :smiley:

Re: Herbert Linley

If that is the case then maybe the bloke who was a tailor is the father and the birth is under Gertrude's name?

Re: Herbert Linley

Hi Leisa,

Hope this may give you a little clue as to his birth. In the 1921 census he is living with one of his sons Albert Condon Linley, shown as widowed and his age on 19th June 1921 (date of census) was 73 years 1 month so looks as though he was possibly born in May 1848 but there is nothing on the GRO indexes or baptisms so perhaps he wasn't registered or baptised. Although on both marriages his father is shown as William Linley I can't find a census record before 1881 with Herbert on it.


Re: Herbert Linley

I think Barry is right, that Gertrude never married and that her children’s births might not have been registered.

In 1861 she was calling herself Gertrude Yates, but I couldn’t find a Lin(d)ley/Yates marriage. Also in 1871 she had reverted to using the name Linley. In the 1841 census Gertrude was on Earl St, with an Elizabeth Lindley (age 50, silver burnisher) a William Lindley (age rounded down to 20, warehouseman) and a Walter Lindley age 7. Walter is probably the William Walter Sykes Linley born 23/12/1833, baptised in 1837 together with a brother Henry Clarence Sykes Linley, born 12/12/1835 - mother Gertrude, a spinster. No father mentioned.

Gertrude’s own baptism was a late one, in 1832 (she was born 12/11/1813) A brother William (born 22/12/1818) was baptised at the same time as her, and was probably the warehouseman in 1841. Their parents were William and Elizabeth. William was a silversmith. Looks like Herbert might have given his grandfather’s details rather than admit he was illegit.
