Baptism of Ellen McCormack born 1855-06-21, baptised June 24, 1855. States mother as Bridget Martin, but should be Bridget Hartin/Harten. One of the Godparents is Ellen Martin, this could be correct, but could someone check that this lady is not a Hartin/Harten also. Many thanks.
Thanks for letting me know I will check it out. Having problems with the original CD that we used to transcribe St Vincents material from but...... I will have hubby check it for me as he was the transcriber.
Hi Claire,
On BMD there is a marriage record for:
Bridget HARTEN and Matthew McCormac in 1853 Dec qtr. Sheffield.
On GRO the mother's maiden name given for the birth of Ellen McCormick in 1855 was HARTAN
On this site there is a marriage record for:
Matthew McCormick ( parents Math & Ellen) and
Margaret Hartman (parents: Gow & Ellen)
marriage took place on November 5th, 1853 at St. Marie's R.C. Church Sheffield.