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Emily Grice

Im trying to find any family related to Emily Grice who died in 1931 age about 34yrs, she died at The Rock Inn in Carlisle St east and buried in Tinsley Park Cemetary, shes my great great aunt, her maiden name was Gill

Re: Emily Grice

If you are looking for her ancestors we will try to help you.
However, if you are looking for descendants who may still be living then we do not do that because we would be invading their privacy if we put their names on this forum.

Re: Emily Grice

Name Emily Gill
Sex Male
Age 24
Residence Place 184 Ripon St
Birth Year (Estimated) 1897
Father's Name James Gill
Father's Sex Male
Spouse's Name Harry Grice
Spouse's Sex Female
Spouse's Age 23
Spouse's Residence Place 21 Cartton St
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1898
Spouse's Father's Name Harry Grice
Spouse's Father's Sex Male
Marriage Date 28 Dec 1921
Marriage Place Attercliffe, Yorkshire, Cannot say why her fathers named as James. HARRISON, Mary Ann (Spinster, age 20, ~, residing at 24 Holly St).
Married Herbert GILL, on December 25, 1879, by James Battersby (Banns) at
St James Church, St James Street. Father's name is Charles William Harrison (Boiler maker).
Children Ronald Henry Grice 1922-2011,

Re: Emily Grice

Thanks barry but this is the wrong Emily Grice I have all the info already as she is family I just wondered if she had any other family still left

Re: Emily Grice

Hi again barry I just read it again and sorry it could be it threw me as it said Emily was male her maiden name was Gill her parents were Herbert and Mary Ann I only know their address as Carlisle st and thanks for the info

Re: Emily Grice

There's lots of newspaper articles about her murder and the subsequent inquest, though maybe you're aware of them. Her husband Harry ended up in Broadmoor criminal lunatic asylum, dying there of dementia in 1934.

Re: Emily Grice

hi barry yes ive got all the newspaper cuttings, very interesting but sad also