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Newspaper help

I've found an article I'm interested in on FMP newspapers but unfortunately it is blanked out. Just wondered if someone else could access it.


24th January 1855 Derby Mercury ROBERT BOALER

Many thanks


Re: Newspaper help

Jenny, those particular newspapers do seem to be unavailable on FMP. They are equally unavailable on British Newspapers website

Re: Newspaper help

Just my luck!

Thanks for looking Dave.

Re: Newspaper help

Hi Jenny,

If your Robert Boaler is the one who married Jane Hunt then could it be a newspaper announcement for the birth of their son- Robert Mee Boaler, born in the Worksop, Notts. area 1855 September quarter..??
Sadly this child's death was also registered in the March quarter of 1856 so the death could also have been in late December of 1855.

HAPPY HUNTING :sleuth_or_spy:

Re: Newspaper help

Hi Wendy

It is the right Robert but the article appeared to be about some kind of property.

The family lived in Barlborough so I'm going to the Heritage centre next week and hopefully I'll find something about him.


Re: Newspaper help

Hi Jenny,

Using fuzzy logic to bring up more snippets of the FMP transcription I came up with this:
Alfreton 15th January 1855. By Mr Bannister, Barlborough and Marsh Lane in the County of Derby. Desirable Freehold and Copyhold Investments. To be sold at Auction by Mr James T Bannister at the House of Air John Hall Gosling known by the sign of the Rodes Arms at Barlborough in the County of Derby on Monday the 29th Day of January 1855 at 5 o’clock in the Afternoon subject to the conditions of Sale to be then and there produced.. the following valuable Freehold and Copyhold properties consisting of Freehold Lot 1 The Windmill mi....the Windmill Hill Close And Stone Quarry, the Plantation, the Near Underhill Close, the Middle Underhill Close, the Far Underhill 2 All that Messuage, Dwelling House And Tenement situate and being in Marsh Lane in the Manor and Parish of Eckington in the County of Derby, with the Garden containing 2 Roods and 32 Perches (more or less) and appurtenances thereto adjoining and belonging as the same Premises are now in the tenure or occupation of Eather White and occupied by her as a beerhouse. Lot 3 is now in the occupation of Mr Robert Boaler who will shew the same, and there is a valuable Bed of Coal under about 10 acres thereof. Further particulars may be ascertained on application to the Auctioneer or to us at our offices in Bridge-Street Worksop
