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Can anyone give me information about the area of Bradfield called Swinnock. An ancestor of mine was born there, and all I can find on the internet is a road called Swinnock Lane and some references to Swinnock Hall. My ancestor (Samuel Wilson) was from a poor family, and had no father given.

Re: Swinnock


On the 1855 OS map Swinnock Hall is shown simply as Swinnock,west of Wharncliffe Side.There is a reference to the history of Swinnock (Hall) within a Wickipedia article on nearby Brightholmlee.

Barry C.

Re: Swinnock

Hello Pamela slightly off topic,I am slowly transcribing Loxley Chapel baptisms 1799-1830.

Harreat Wilson father Joseph mother Hannah address Swinnoch in the parish of Bradfield.Fathers occupation is farmer baptized 18th Feb 1807.

William Wilson father Joseph no mothers name adddress is Swinnack in the parish of Bradfield occ is farmer bap 10th Oct 1804.

Minister Daniel Dunkerly.


