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Baptism note query

Hi all

Here's hoping someone may be able to explain the meaning of a note in the baptism record for

John Thomas Smith b 9 Oct 1884
bap 19 Nov 1884

note states " received into the church 17 Oct 1884 "

Many thanks Andrea

Re: Baptism note query


It may be that the child was very ill and had an emergency private baptism at home (not necessarily performed by an ordained member of the clergy) and then happily he perked up and was well enough to be taken to church about a month later for the official ceremony?



Re: Baptism note query

Thanks for your reply Andrew.

Sounds quite plausible to me, i had to ask as it was the first time i'd come across that written on the baptism records.

If correct he rallied long enough to reach 70 yrs of age.

Cheers Andrea

Re: Baptism note query

Hi Andrea,

Andrews explanation is correct.

Elaine in Ottawa.