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Wentworth street area

In the 1920/30/40s will the houses in the Wentworth street, Martin street area have been rented from the council by the tenants.

Re: Wentworth street area

Hi Phil

Daily Independent Tuesday 1st June 1937:
Under the Housing Act 1936 the Corporation seek confirmation of a Compulsory Purchase Order of land in Upperthorpe Rd, Wentworth St and Watery Lane; and confirmation of five Clearance Orders relating to houses in the Upperthorpe Rd, Wentworth St, St Philips Rd and Fawcett St areas. In the clearance areas there are 554 houses and it is proposed to displace 2951 persons.

So I would guess that prior to that date anything there would have been either privately owned or rented from a private person.


Re: Wentworth street area

Thank you Heather.