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the Davis family

Hi all
I'm looking into the Davis family form a friend.

info below

1861 census

Elizabeth Davis head Widow 39 from Dublin ireland
Mary A Davis dau UM 13 not sure where she was born bad writing on census page.
John J Davis son UM 10 from tankersley sheffield

I'm trying to find a marriage for Elizabeth as I need her madden name for my search in the Ireland records.

if you can help please leave a message thanks

Re: the Davis family

Where please were they living in 1861 as struggling to locate them.

Re: the Davis family

I think they're at Vine Yard in 1871 , Elizabeth widowed born 'on the seas' John J b 1850 Tankersley and Mary J Dowd adopted daughter.



Re: the Davis family

Like John I can not find them on the 1861 census.

1871 census.
Vine Yard, off York St Sheffield 1. St Pert& Paul the ecclesiastical Parish.

Elizabeth Davis Head Widow aged 48 a Shoe Binder, born at Sea a British Subject.
John J Davis son um 21 Parcel Porter born Tankersley Yks.
Mary J Ward/Wood adopted daughter aged 5 born Sheffield.

Suggestion did the Mary A Davis have the child Mary J Ward/Wood but died.

Elaine in Ottawa.

Re: the Davis family

Elaine, at least I dont need to change my glasses!!!!

Is Tankersley under the Wortley Registration district as if so struggling to find John J birth.

Re: the Davis family

The answer is yes but I couldn't find him.]/url]


Re: the Davis family

Hi all

So the 1861 census is on Ancestry

5 court Queen St Sheffield
Elizabeth Davis aged 39 Charwoman Born Dublin,Ireland
Mary A Davis Daughter aged 13 Scholar Born (could be)Todmorden, Lancashire
John J Davis Son aged 10 Errand Boy Born Tankersley, Yorks
John Cosgrow (?) Boarder aged 1 Nurse Child Born Sheffield


Re: the Davis family


Sorry - Down as DAVIES not DAVIS

Re: the Davis family

thanks for your help

Re: the Davis family

Hi Paul et al,
When John James Davies married on Feb/28/1872, Pitsmoor, Sheffield, his father was recorded as John William Davies, Engineer.
John James was a Clerk but later became a cab driver.

Mary Jane Davis (??) born 1865 Sheffield. The only connection I have found is a birth for March qtr/1865 at Barnsley Union. no mmn.
There is also a death for a Mary Ann Davis Dec.qtr/1865 at Barnsley Union age 30 (B:1835.??)
Is it possible Mary Ann headed back to the Tankersley area (Barnsley Borough) where her brother John James was born.

Possible burial for Mary Ann Davies, 14th Oct/1865 at Royston, Yks, also nr.Barnsley.

There is a birth record for a Mary Ann Davies B:1848 June qtr.Sheffield, mmn: Hepplestone but I cannot find a marriage match.
Still nothing on Elizabeth....

Some of the above can be found on Sheffield Indexers/Family Search and BMD.
HAPPY HUNTING:sleuth_or_spy:

Re: the Davis family

"Mary A Davis dau UM 13 not sure where she was born bad writing on census page."
Tomorden Lancash. The surname for the three written as Davies