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Just wanted to wish you all the very best and here is hoping 2022 is a better year. Take care. Elaine. :christmas_tree: :santa: :snowman: :snowman_without_snow:
Instant Messenger: Skype
I second that Elaine. All the best and a covid free 2022 to all. Lyn
Hope you all had a good Xmas. I had a wonderful gift... COVID
Oh John, I hope you’re OK and that it hasn’t made you that poorly. Big hugs to you from NL 🧸 and best wishes to all for a healthy and happy 2022 Heths
CHRISTMAS HUGS AND NEW YEAR'S WISHES TO YOU ALL (and an air hug for Covid JOHN and for any other Covid cases) CHEERS Wendy in Guelph
Thanks folks just made me feel lethargic and got a blocked nose. John