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Car dealers in Sheffield in 1947

This is an absolute long-shot. I have a vintage Ford Prefect car, KWA 372, first registered in Oct 1947. the 'WA' apparently refers to the car registration area of Sheffield. I wondered if anyone knew which dealerships might have sold Ford Cars in 1947? I should add that the history of the car, prior to 2011 has been lost. I am assuming there weren't hundreds of them in 1947!

Re: Car dealers in Sheffield in 1947

Hi Stephen,

Maybe Brook Shaw? They were a Ford service depot as early as 1916.
Paul who has the 1948 Kelly’s should be able to confirm - see over to the left “Directories”


Re: Car dealers in Sheffield in 1947


T C Harrisons had been on the go since before the war so they would have been active in 1947 (see the history page on the RC Harrison Group website).

There was also Brook Shaws. Brook Shaw shows up in the Directories available on this site already active as a motor car dealer in 1905. By the 1930s he was selling Fords and Fordson tractors

There's more than one thread on car dealerships in the Sheffield History and Expats section which mention quite a few Ford dealers though perhaps from different years.


Andrew P.

Re: Car dealers in Sheffield in 1947

Your best chance is in Newspapers.
A search of Newspapers in Sheffield for Ford Prefect for 1939 to 1949 produces only 29 answers and they are all in 1939 (that is because for some reason the other years are missing form the records).
I do not have access to the full records but I am sure you will get some indications from them if you pay for access.

Re: Car dealers in Sheffield in 1947

Another possible line of enquiry - maybe the AA / RAC have archives from that period.


Re: Car dealers in Sheffield in 1947

Thanks for the swift replies! I'll follow those ideas up. Meanwhile, if you see a photo of a car with KWA 372 on the number plate, you know who to call!!