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William and Elizabeth Howson in 1851

Desperately trying to find this husband and wife, both born in Sheffield around 1821, in 1851 Census. William will either be a steel melter or a steel refiner, and there should be some children with them (Mary Jane born 1847 and Albert 1850 for starters). In 1848 they were living on High Street, if that helps. Cheers if anyone can help.

Re: William and Elizabeth Howson in 1851

Hi Paul,

I can't find the family on the 1851 census, but there is a baptism for Albert.

Albert Howson born 23 Apr 1850, baptised 27 Oct 1851 at Attercliffe.
Parents William and Elizabeth of Attercliffe, steel refiner.

Looks as if at some point they have moved from the centre of Sheffield.


Re: William and Elizabeth Howson in 1851

Albert is one of several children that should be with them. Others are James (1842), Thomas (1844), Samuel (1845) and Mary Jane (1847). I can find all bar Samuel in 1861. There could have been 13 children in total, 6 registered in Sheffield up to 1852, then 7 in Ecclesall Bierlow up to 1862. Wondering if there are some missing pages in 1851? All have Mother’s Maiden name of Wilson, but can’t find an appropriate marriage either.