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Daniels / Freeman ??

I'm trying to find the birth of my grand mother Emily Matilda Daniels/Freeman.
According to her marriage cert in 1903 she was 23 yrs old, father Edward Daniels occ engine driver deceased,
She died in 1949 aged 69 this would put her birth in 1880?. On the 1911 Census she gave her birth place as Sheffield Yorks, and on the 1939 Regs her birth date as 9 Sep 81??
Family info say's that she was orphaned as a child, is this were the Freeman name comes in? and did she have siblings?
So far I cannot find her on any previous census or bmd?
This has been my brickwall, ( anybody got a sledge hammer please )


Re: Daniels / Freeman ??

Can we have a bit more information - e.g. her married name that will help get a feel for her. Did she marry in Sheffield for example?

Re: Daniels / Freeman ??

Hi Jeff,

There is NO Emily Matilda Daniels/Freeman registered in Sheffield between 1877-1883.

Her married name and where she was living on the 1911 census and 1939 index would also help.

Elaine in Ottawa

Could this be the marriage?

Marriages Dec 1903
BOUNDS Walter James Brixworth 3b 257
DANIELS Emily Matilda Brixworth 3b 257


Instant Messenger: Skype

Re: Daniels / Freeman ??

In 1911 census Walter and Emily Bounds are in Andover, Hampshire with 4 young children. It does indeed say that Emily was born in SHEFFIELD but it does not give a county for that. All but the youngest of the other household members were born in the same place in Northants. The record is strange in that there is no signature and no handwritten address on it.
Therefore I would question the accuracy of the Sheffield info.
PS perhaps this is one for the 1921 census to sort out?

Re: Daniels / Freeman ??

Hi, thank you for your efforts with my brick wall,you are correct in that she married my grand father Walter Bounds in 1903 in Guilsborough. Northamptonshire, and then they moved to Andover and had another 8 children. I think that Dave T suggestion is going to be the only answer, so I'll have to wait for when that comes out to the public domain.

many thanks