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Coroners reports - inquests

I have found a probable death of my ggg grandmother Ann Skelton in the 1841 Sheffield papers. It says there was an inquest into her death - can anyone direct me into how I can view this.

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Hi Susan I found this sorry i was unable to post the snippet here so I have transcribed it for you.. I hope it is the correct person
British Newspaper Archives Saturday 18 December 1841
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent On Wednesday, an inquest took place at the Infirmary, touching the death of Ann Skelton of Bailey Field age 67. She was walking in patterns a few days before, down a passage adjoining her house, when she fell over a bucket, or a hole in the pavement, and broke her thigh. She was conveyed to the Infirmary, where she died on Tuesday, in consequence of the injury......Accidental death ..


Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Many thanks - just found that on find my past. I think its the correct person so was hoping to read the coroners report. Strange you have the same name!!!

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Hi Susan,

According to the National Archives, between 1752 and 1860, coroner's were
required to file their inquests at the quarter sessions, these are at the
local archives.


Re: Coroners reports - inquests

I suppose the archives are limited at the moment. I live in Cornwall so wouldnt be able to visit anyway. I may send for the death certificate to confirm her relationship.

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Hi Susan,

Burial 16 December 1841, Sheffield Parish Church (Cathedral).
Ann wife of Thomas Skelton of Bailey Field, aged 63.


Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Hi Moira, thanks for that it definitely seems to be the one. Strangely there are two Ann Skelton deaths registered one Dec quarter 1841 and one Mar quarter 1842 - but I can only find the one death so maybe they registered her twice.

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Done a bit more research and now totally confused - have Ann Skelton's husband as William so not the correct Ann. More work needed.

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Hi Susan et al,
FYI: The GRO Index only has one death recorded for Ann Skelton and that is in 1841 Dec qtr. Vol:22 Pg 361 age 68 (B:1773??) (could age 68 be an error Moira for age 63..??or visa versa.)

The FBMD record for March qtr.1942 Vol:22 pg 371 could as you say, be a duplicate or an oversight.

FYI: There was another Ann Skelton age 65 (B:1776?)recorded on the 1841 census living with William Skelton age 38 (B:1803?), possibly her son..?? There is a baptism for a William, in 1802 at Sheffield Parish Church, on Family Search website, with parents William and Ann.
The 1841 address was at Copley's Yard (or Cape Royd Yard) Highfield, Ecclesall Bierlow.

In 1851 census there is an Ann Skelton age 77(B:1774?) Widow (Almswoman) living at Newhall Street with Richard and Jane Carr who were Governor and Governess of Hollis Hospital on Newhall Street(info about this place can be found on Genuki website)and also on Picture Sheffield. There was also another resident, Mary Milner age 70.

Since you are not positive about the Ann Skelton from Bailey Field, it might be worth pursuing the above info a little further.
HAPPY HUNTING:sleuth_or_spy:

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

I have a definite match for Ann in 1841 census - she is living Bailey Street with her daughter and son in law Elizabeth and Henry Hibberd( its actually Hibbert). This is what has confused me as the 1841 death was in Bailey Fields - so I wrongly assumed I think that this is my ggg grandmother until I read that her husband was Thomas - my Ann married William. The search goes on - but that's what is great about family history!!!

Re: Coroners reports - inquests

Now having looked at the 1841 closely is she in another household and its just a coincidence!