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Section e burncross

Hi can somebody explain to me the sections of burncross cemetry im loking to find section e which dosent appear to be on the plan. I know there is no grave stone as they were poor but it seems there are other people with the same grave number and section thanks in advance any help appreciated

Re: Section e burncross

Hi Morag

Common or public graves graves are used where the family do not have enough money to purchase a plot for their deceased member. They are usually in unconsecrated ground hold a number of unrelated burials - although each family would have been expected to pay for the burial itself.


Re: Section e burncross

Thanks for getting back to me thats what i thought how can i find where the grave is it says on the records grave 52 section e but on the planner at the cemetery there is nothing that resembles section e thanks again

Re: Section e burncross

Morag, looking at our records for Burncross and comparing to the plan it would seem there are no SECTIONS labelled on the plan, only grave rows and grave numbers. The records show SECTIONS up to Q, These should be Row Numbers not Section If you read the Section E as Row E then Grave E52 can only be in one of 2 places on the plan, one in consecrated and one in General. Following Angela's advice you should look at the one in the General Section

Re: Section e burncross

Hello Morag
I will email you a plot map. On the Plan. A-Q has two sections. At the base of each plan is the letter number and the grave numbers are listed in each row. The plots area with letter E is on the left hand side as you enter the Cemetery. Good Luck, Christine ps My computer will not let me email you. Please contact me:

Re: Section e burncross

Christine, are you saying you have a better plan than we have on this site? If so, may we have a copy please to replace the one we have?

Re: Section e burncross

Hello Dave
I have the overall plan plus 9 individual section maps - Bereavement Services sent them to me. For some reason I cannot use the "email" button on this site. My email is If you write me I will send them all to you. regards, Christine

Re: Section e burncross

Morag, you may not have noticed but if you look carefully at the records over to the left you will see that your 2 jacksond are the only 2 people in that grave E52 in unconsecrated ground. The other 3 burials in E52 are in Consecrated gound, so not the same grave as yours. There are 2 E52 graves, one in consecrated ground and the othjer in Unconsecrated ground That fits with the plan