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School Record search meaning

I did a search for my Grandad’s school record. I found him with the following result”

Parent or guardian name(s): Francis Ford (~), of 6ct 4 Providence Rd.
Admitted to Bole Hill School, Bole Hill Rd Walkley Sheffield, as of 01 Dec 1904,
until 08 Dec 1905, reason for leaving: Crookes Schl. Previously attended Bole Hill Infts.
Remarks: A poor 2nd divn..

Could anyone advise what the comment in the Remarks heading mean ie “A poor 2nd divn..”?

Re: School Record search meaning

The grading in junior school was based on age. Standards I to VII were for age 5 to 11. But if a child showed poor progress they could be held back, or if they showed superior progress they could be pushed forward.
If it was a large school, such that there was more than one class in any year, then one class would be division one or upper division and the other would be division 2 or lower division.
It would seem that your grandfather was classified at the lower end of div 2. This was presumably the classification provided to his new school in order to put him in the right place in that new school

Re: School Record search meaning

Big thanks Dave for the info.

With my Grandad being at Bole Hill School for only one year (7 to 8 age) before going to Crookes School would that suggest it was an assessment year for all children or that he’d probably been held back before moving?

Looks like I got his genes 😂😂

Re: School Record search meaning

Robert, he was at Bole hill infants before that. So he started in the infants then transferred to the junior school at age 7. Then at age 8 he transferred to Crookes. The remark is presumably to inform the new school where to place him.
I am guessing that Bole Hill was a small school and Crookes was larger.

Edit, it looks like Bole Hill was a small school with only one class per year. That means that the remark was presumably aimed at the class he should be placed in at Crookes

Re: School Record search meaning

Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated.

Re: School Record search meaning

Hi Dave & Robert,

Bole Hill was my old school in Sheffield.

It covered 5-15 year olds. It was the standard Council School of the time built around 1887. The same plan was used for many of these schools.

It was built on the site of an old quarry. I believe the most senior grades were Moved to Myers Grove Comprehensive school. That was about 1970. The infants and junior grades were moved to Morley St School. The building became a community center.

Bole Hill was on the border of Crookes and Walkley.
My parents lived off Bole Hill Road which was Walkley and both sets of Grandparents lived on Heaveygate Ave just at the back of the School and they were in Crookes.

Sooooo it could be there was a change of residence and thats why he changed schools.

Elaine in Canada.

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Re: School Record search meaning

Thank you. That could be a reason as by the census of 1911 the family wasn’t living a the same address. It’ll be something we’ll probably no know with all who would know have given now gone 😞. Thanks again

Re: School Record search meaning

Hi Robert,

I have just looked for him on the 1911 census and I seem a little confused.(Dave dont agree) LOL.

There is a Francis R Ford and a Frank Ford. Was his father also a Francis Ford? or a John Ford.

I can't spot the Providence Rd address for either. Where did you find that one.

Elaine in Ottawa.

Looks like He was Francis Robert Ford as was his father.

1901 census Lived on Walkley Bank Rd
1911 Census Chester St Sheffield (Trafalgar St & Fitzwilliam St. (Central Sheffield)

Plus the 1904-1905 Providence Rd in the school Admission Register. (Walkley.)

Elaine in Ottawa.

Instant Messenger: Skype

Re: School Record search meaning

Hi Elaine

Yes his father was also a Francis Robert. The family in 1911 was living on Chester Street but in 1901 I have the family living at 17 Orchard Road (which is a road between Walkley Road & Highton Street). His mothers name was Annie Elizabeth. He had a brother Ernest & sister Beatrice. I’ve not seen a census record for Walkley Bank Road. - I’ll have another look jus be certain. Cheers

Re: School Record search meaning

Hi there,

YUP thats the family I found in 1911

I believe that the Orchard Rd (that I know very well) is the Frank Ford with father John.

I would have to go in again and check it out so will leave it to you if you have access
to either Ancestry or FMP.

Let me know if you dont have access


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Re: School Record search meaning

Hello Elaine. The 1901 Ford family living at 17 Orchard Road is my mob ... Francis R, wife Annie E, Francis & Ernest. My Grandad’s dad was a Carr for the Corporation collecting night soil. As they say “where’s there’s muck there’s brass” .... trouble is I don’t know where it went 😂 Thanks for your help.

Re: School Record search meaning

Hi Robert,

I was wrong........:older_woman:

Frank Ford father John is the Walkley Bank Rd child and you are correct Francis R Ford called after his father is the Orchard Rd child.

Both Children are listed in our Schools admission data.

Like most us we would love to know where it went....LOL.

Now crawling back to my shame.:mask:

Stay safe.


Instant Messenger: Skype

Re: School Record search meaning

😂😂😂 no shame ... just be safe 😷