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westside warrior news network 02212008

02212009 westside warrior news network .
02212008. Hello again como estan I am lewis mojo lewis with this thursday Westside warrior news , barrio headline news;
Three brothers arrested for possession of stolen plants.
Two crack heads arrested for riding their bicycles .
And finally lesbians protest new gay bar.

If things couldn’t be any harder , it seems que baby Johnson the new owner of a new gay bar on our side of town had enough trouble just getting a liquor license to sell but was ticketed for only having one bathroom. The complaint was filed by a bunch of lesbians who were real disturbed by the fact que men dress like women were using the same bathroom this lesbians were . Who knows what goes on in there but they didn’t want any want be guy that want to be girl allowed to us the same restroom. They have been protesting for the last few days that got the attention of the city inspectors that require both men and women rest rooms regardless what you are dress like. The bar will open again as soon as another bathroom is installed.
It looked normal but if you looked a little closer something was totally wrong when this two known crack heads drove right by el constable car on their bicycles. The only problem was que neither of the bicycles had tires just the rims and one of them didn’t even have a bicycle seat. I know its really not that important but the constable told us que once he stopped to ask them where they were going, they hailed ass and left them bicycles behind. They were both arrested for littering with junk bicycles , and once he searched them he found three rocks of something that looked like crack. Charges are pending on the drug charge but will be fined for littering.

And finally It seems que los three Gonzales brothers just don’t know when to stop. Los three got arrested this weekend with possession of thirty-two plotted plants of all kind. When el constable stopped then on a normal traffic violation he asked them if he could search the trunk of his car an they said yes. That’s were el constable found all this plants con price tags still on them. After el constable called in to see if anyone had reported stolen plants, the central office had a report que 30 plotted plants were missing for the house of plants across the tracks. All three bros were arrested and hauled off to jail.
Well raza there you have it for today, counting down towards tejano roots, this could be our year.