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westihouse barrio mall 02132008

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter 02132008.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Gloria Guerra con our weekly Westinghouse barrio mall newletter. Its sad que sometime your own friends don’t even thank you the honor one gives then. Oh well life goes on.
Well as you can see we are well into 2008, and we are almost at the end of the first fiscal quarter. Many of the stores here at the mall have lots of new inventory items for 23008 and now that we got rid of all the hot **** we can safely say que whatever you buy is on the up and up. But con report lets go to our political vato fedio vermicelli .

Si thank Gloria, as the election get heated up its our job to make sure que we vote for the right person. Lets not buy in on all the bull **** some folks have con a new start, chinga what happens when they get in? its not that easy, so realize que its not that way. This years major election will change our leadership but not the whole body. Thank you and back to Gloria.

Thanks fedio and I would like to add to that, we are correct we say que change will come but not the way so vato’s make it sound like . A start, again that’s bull ****. There is never a new start, and if there was, things would have change long time ago. It’s the same old game at the same old tyme.
And finally los barrio music awards and our cyberspace awards will be held next week right here at the mall. Hope to see all the new talent que el barrio has store for us. Have a great tejano day and shop in the hood and keep them flea markets open.