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Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

It is now several days since Ben Wilfong was placed on Administrative Leave by Sheriff Jonese. No arrest; full pay!

Loretta Malcom's son was sent in to investigate; still no arrest. Now we hear that another investigator has been called in!! Crime does pay in Pocahontas County.

BUT NOW HERE IS THE CLINCHER: We have been informed that Ben Wilfong's mother is related to David Jonese's wife. She (Wilfong's mother, Angie) is a cousin to his wife. Plus she works at 911.

According to our source, she is making regular trips to the sheriff to ensure that her son is not prosecuted and that David Jonese as assured her that he will take care of the matter. She is bragging that her son will get off these charges. And if you notice there has been no arrest.

Good going, Angie!! Start bragging about the sheriff covering up for your kid! Brilliant! He must have gotten his check writing genes from your side of the family!!

By the way our source pointed something. When Robbie Alkire did his thing in Marlinton he had been drinking a lot of Vodka and was smashed on alcohol. It was then and only then that he turned into a wild man and did things that weren't particularly smart.

But Ben Wilfong was stone cold sober when he went to the magistrate's hearing that day and swore under oath that he had paid Tim Wade his feed bill. Then he returned with the "backs" of the checks as requested and again swore that he had paid the bill. HE DID ALL OF THIS SOBER!!!

Writing checks on a bank that didn't exist was not the result of being drunk, just being "not smart." He wasn't thinking; but it wasn't alcohol that impaired Ben Wilfong. He was sober! He just never thought about the little problem that the bank changed names from 2004 until 2007. He used current checks written on the Pendleton Community Bank and backdated them to 2003 and 2004 when the Pendleton Community Bank was actually the Pendleton County Bank.

It is one of those types of crimes that you could use in one of those "Dumbest Criminal Shows" on TV. Wrong Bank!

Kinda reminds me about the German soldier who settled in America and WWII and got sick. He told them that he was a veteran so they sent him to the veterans hospital and when they checked his veteran status they sent him elsewhere. Their comment being: "Right War; Wrong Side"

After what David did in magistrate court with Lester and Darla, I am not at all surprised about these allegations. He is headed to the dark side!!!

So is Donna kin to Jonese or His wife?

Will Donna go along with this!

How can you get any more proof of guilt than we have right now!! WE HAVE THE CHECKS WITH HIS NAME ON THEM! They are on-line and I have a copy of them!!!

If Wilfong is let off the hook, this county is finished!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Norman...You are making false statements about who is investigating the Wilfong case. You do not have the true facts before you speak; thus tainting even more your already flawed credibility.

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Loretta Malcomb
Norman...You are making false statements about who is investigating the Wilfong case. You do not have the true facts before you speak; thus tainting even more your already flawed credibility.

So Ms. Malcomb, your son is NOT investigating? Enlighten not only Norman but the entire county!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

So what's false? Most of us know that "internal investigators" are basically coverup artists. There is very little independence with these "investigators". Bring in someone who isn't kin to do the investigation.

Furthermore, what is left to investigate? Make the arrest!!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

David Jonese did an "investigation" on Totten, took him off night shift and then put him back! Totten still hasn't been arrested.

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Ben will be off 2 more weeks by then he will have his spring work done, he will come back untill the middle of June then be supended again untill the middle of July to get his hay up. By then Norman will be onto something else and life will go on, So goes life in Pocahontas

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

And what about that farm supply owner? Does he get paid?

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Wilfong will get off,and Tim will get 6 month in jail.Poca. law

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

What am I missing here? Those checks were stamped with Tim Wade on the back of them in the endorsement spot. They clearly say For Deposit Only, Bank of Marlinton, Tim H. Wade Farm Supply Sales Account. To me, that would mean that they were deposited by Tim which then means the bill was paid. I know some of the copy had to be blurred to avoid everyone seeing personal information. In that section that is unreadable, is there a date stamped that those checks cleared the bank on. Surely, the bank wouldn't have let him deposit checks resently that were 5 or 6 years old. What am I not understanding? Please enlighten me.

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

No, the bank says that "they were not processed". The deceit here is the question as to how Tim's stamp got on the backs of the check.

Furthermore, why would a bank process a check that was not drawn on their bank?

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

The backs of the checks did not show up at first. He was requested by the magistrate to bring the backs too!!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

All he showed was copies, not originials. All he had to do is copy the bogus checks and then copy the backs of previous checks that had been processed and claim that they were one in the same. Am I missing something? Am I the only one that sees this?

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

No, Little Fishy!! You are right!!! This isn't rocket science! You are not missing anything!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

How many of you can produce a check you wrote last year including the back of the check? Or how many are like me that never see an old check once it is written. He may be guilty as sin, but dont hang him until the facts are tried.

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Well, then where did he get the check? The bank says that they didn't process it! Was it an inside job at the bank? That's scary!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

What bothers me most is that it appears that we have another crooked cop!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Lets see now, who all in this county is corrupt according to Norman?

The sheriff, the prosecuting attorney (previous one included too), all the deputies and 911 operators, the entire staff in the sheriff's office, all of the state police, the assistant prosecuting attorney, the ex-sheriff and his son, the entire Pocahontas County school system (includes board office staff of course), the three county commissioners (past and present), all the board of education members (past and present), the golf coach at the high school, the mayors of all three towns, the parks and recreation members, PSD members, magistrates (past and present), judges, hospital administration, Masons and Easter Star members, the guy running the green boxes on Ceasar Mountain, possibly one of the banks now, investigators of any kind (and their mothers), oh and the guy building the gas station beside the elementary school, and lastly, which covers all I might have missed: anyone who doesn't agree with Norman!!!!

Anyone that runs for a public office in this county had better check the thickness of their skin before putting their names on a county ballot, that's for sure.

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Norman is right the cops are corrupt state and county also judges and least some of them.
and by the way what happened to that real tall cop i think his name was chris saunders do you know why they got rid of him Norman

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

To CCC..anyone can go to the bank and request a copy of a check that was written up to 7 years back. That is all they are required to keep them. I know this because I recently needed a check copy from a couple years ago, and the bank told me they keep those copies for 7 years as required by regulations. SO...anyone can get a copy of a check. Ben messed up when he used a CURRENT Pendleton Community Bank check, and dated it for a few years back, before they were Pendleton Community Bank..DUH....then, he took another check that was written to Tim, probably recently, made a copy of the back showing Tim's endorsement, made another copy of the back and the phoney front of the check on one page, and THERE YOU HAVE IT. A Fraudulent check copy. It's easily done if you have a blank check and a cleared bank check with an endorsement on the back...and it is illegal. Angie can beg all she wants, the fact remains that Ben is a crook. He is a disgrace to the PCSD, and he calls himself a COP ? His phoney butt better not ever try to arrest me for anything !

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

You would think that he would be too embarrassed to do police work. Why doesn't he resign and save Jonese from having to fire him?

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Just wondering since Ben is a non-credible OFFICER can past charges be dropped???

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Check with your lawyer!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

That is pretty comprehensive; I am having trouble thinking of anyone you missed!! Thanks!!

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

I'm with Norman 100% , YES he's right, open your eyes and ears . HMMMMM,maybe it just has to do with the people that have been mistreated and harrassed by these people who took off their rose colored glasses and sees it for what it is.
Make one of them angry and see if your life doesn't end up a living hell, just cross one of them . It won't go on forever ,you can believe that, but while it is why live in denial, step into the real world.

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

just thinking ...

You missed Walt Helmick

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

no i can answer that question for you, its ruining my life right now. i got a ticket from 'BENNY', for going 45, in a 40, and it was for pure spite;I told on one of his buddies for speeding, and running 5 children, and myself off the road, while he was intoxicated... afterwords due to stress i had a massive heartattack, and was unable to pay the fine on time , or fight him. therfore my liscence are revoked, he's suspended, and i'm stranded owing lots of money that i am unable to pay...

Re: Blood Thicker than Water--Jonese Working to Drop the Charges on Wilfong

Hang in there! Payday is coming!


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