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Pretty Girls in 1971

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

I know many of these lovely ladies today. Does anyone know who won that year? Before I moved here.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

I am not 100% sure, but I think it was Susie Chappell.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

I might not always agree with you Norman (in fact about 95% of the time, haha), but I sure do enjoy this kind of reminising. I appreciate the work you put into it to post these old papers and pictures for all to enjoy and go back in time with. I am remembering good old times and thinking about people that I haven't seen in years. Thank you.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

Thank you Hillsboro Girl. I actually spent the bulk of my day working on county history. I love the memories and I am glad you do to.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

Alot of people do not understand your passion do they Mr. Alderman. To me you have went out of your way to do wonderful things for all of us. You give us so much info. from the past and for the future. You are our link to the bigger box. The few that put you down enjoy their words they choose but they are like a double headed quarter. They still open uo your site each and everyday. Most time going as far as to make a comment. They say one thing but do the other.

You keep up the good work that you truly enjoy doing. I, myself am GREATFUL for what you do.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

I agree with this thread. I was not even born then but I love to hear about things from a diferent time. Norman, you are a piece of work at times but I respect you for saying what is on your mind and sticking up for what you believe in. Yes there are alot of people that walk around talking about you but that doesn't stop you. If more people were like you this world wouldn't be so quick to do things to hurt or jip others.

Please don't stop uncovering the deep secrets of this county. We all love to hear the "big wigs" get their panties in a wad.

Also please do more of these fun and interesting threads, its a nice break from the corruption and scandals.

I don't agree with the person who told you to "get a job". We all know about your medical condition and we all know that you worked most of your life as a dedicated educator until you were bamboozeld by the BOE. Don't let his/her post get you down, we all know better.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

was is a big word that to me means, behind me. I "was" at the bank yesterday. was,ha...

Picking on the dawg shouldn't be allowed on e-tater...

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

I was in the class of '71. And yes Susie Chappell did win. According to everyone, even my deceased husband I haven't changed at all. I am still as good looking now as I was then and have been told lately than I am still a goodlooking lady. Which I knew that anyway!

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

Thank you!

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

I also agree that Norman puts a lot of his personal time and a lot of effort into these threads. I love looking at things like this. So thank you Norman for all that you do.

And to whoever posted about the "dawg", well I'm sure he isn't the only man who might have BEEN or IS married to one of these ladies. And yes, the word WAS is exactly that. WAS. That is why God put eyes in the front of our heads, so that we look at what is in front of us right now and into the future, not into the past.

Re: Pretty Girls in 1971

Hey Norman, how about some more pictures of the Ms. Pocahontas candidates from past years. What with Pioneer Days coming up, that should be fun to look at.


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