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Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

December 22, 2009

Ewell Hunt's attorney says sheriff will not resign, despite indictment

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Ewell Hunt's attorney says the Sheriff will not resign (12/21)
Franklin County Sheriff indicted (12/21)

The report says Ashley Hunt, a 17-year-old minor, was allowed to participate in law enforcement activities under "dangerous or potentially dangerous circumstances."
The report also cites a discovery of drugs at Franklin County High School linked to Arrington's son.
The activities of Former Deputy Allan Arrington form the basis for the indictment against Sheriff Hunt.
Hunt's attorney, William Stanley, say his client has no intention of resigning or taking a leave of absence.ASSOCIATED LINKS
Read the Franklin Co. Sheriff indictmentFranklin County Sheriff Ewell Hunt was charged after a Special Grand Jury indicted him.

The Grand Jury released its report today… after a seven month investigation.

While the charge against him addresses sloppy evidence handling-- it's the sheriff's daughter who is scrutinized.

Hunt's attorney says this isn't his client's fault and people in town are already wondering what's next.

It's a hot topic at Hema's restaurant, news that's discussed over sandwiches and drinks.

Warren Clark's heard that chatter.

He says, "There'd been rumors of maybe an investigation or possible indictment."

Now it's fact.

"I hate to see a double standard in law enforcement. I really do," says Clark.

"Wasn't something you expect to hear about your local Sheriff," says Marjorie Arrington, a Franklin County resident.

Marjorie Arrington didn't vote for Ewell Hunt, but she believes he's following the law.

"Maybe somebody's making too much out of too little," says Arrington.

The indictment accuses Hunt of running his department in a way that violated his constitutional duties.

His attorney says the charges won't stick.

William Stanley, Attorney for Ewell Hunt says, "The problems cited in that report are not problems created by Sheriff Hunt, they're problems inherited by Sheriff Hunt from the previous administration."

William Stanley believes Monday's indictment comes from a Grand Jury investigation that went too far.

"There are many issues that are not relevant to what was originally being investigated," says Stanley.

Stanley says his client has always handled evidence properly.

He says the allegations about Hunt's daughter are unfair and unfounded.

"Every hour that she said she worked, she worked."

Residents just hope Hunt is telling the truth.

"You raise your hand and take an oath. That's got to mean something," says Clark.

Many say they're saving judgment for the courtroom.

"He wouldn't have been elected if people didn't believe in him then. Until his day in court, there isn't any reason to comment on him negatively," says Sheryl-Ann O'Brien, a Redwood resident.

Hunt is scheduled to go on trial March 23rd.

In the meantime, defense attorneys say they'll file a motion to have this case dismissed.

No matter what, Hunt's attorneys say their client has no intention of resigning or taking a leave of absence.


Franklin County Sheriff Ewell Hunt has been indicted by a Special Grand Jury.

The charges against the incumbent sheriff stem from sloppy evidence handling. The Grand Jury released its report Monday after seven months of investigation.

More a than one-third of the report is devoted to addressing what the Grand Jurors call "very irregular and highly suspicious activities" of the Sheriff's daughter, Ashley Hunt.

Ashley Hunt worked for the sheriff's department for nearly two years. During her time there, she answered only to her father.

The report says Ashley Hunt, a 17-year-old minor, was allowed to participate in law enforcement activities under "dangerous or potentially dangerous circumstances."

The Grand Jury recommends no charges against Ashley or Ewell Hunt.

The activities of Former Deputy Allan Arrington form the basis for the indictment against Sheriff Hunt.

According to Virginia State Police, Sheriff Hunt was arrested and charged Monday morning. The charge is for failing to "maintain certain records to be kept by Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police." The charge is a misdemeanor.

Arrington confirmed for News7's Keith Humphry in May that deputies had no place to properly store evidence.

The report cites a discovery of drugs at Franklin County High School linked to Arrington's son.

Arrington resigned and surrendered his weapon, but kept evidence at his home for four years.

The report says 27 items of evidence once in Arrington's possession remain unaccounted for as of last Thursday.

The source of the drugs for which the younger Arrington was charged was likely drug evidence formerly under Lt. Arrington's control, though the Grand Jury also says that is not the only possible source.

Neither Arrington nor Hunt's former Chief Deputy Josh Carter have been charged.

Read the full indictment by clicking here.

Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

Jonese takes his boy with him every where and I think that shouldnt be allowed. What if the sherrif is in a wreck or something and his boy is with him what would come out of that. His boy when he is with him he wears a SD shirt like he is a deputy.Jonese couldnt even catch a gas drive off in the Bartow area and they even went towards Green Bank!!!!

Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

I think we have a problem with double dipping by the sheriff. He is supposed to be full-time yet runs a rock business! How can he claim to be full-time when he is doing other things.

Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

Wouldn't that be "child endangerment?" Somebody call CPS

Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

Our fine sheriff in pokie county has hired his college age daughter as an auxillary personel. What happens if one of these bad a**e* go crazy? Yes his precious would be in danger. I think people should do the job who are trained and have a few years on them. But I guess we don't know anything. It is time for everyone to go amuck amuck amuck. New Year's eve will soone be here... party like it is 1999. They can't catch us all.

Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

Lets PARTY PARTY PARTY....than RUN RUN RUN because they cant catch us because we are the ginger bread man

Re: What happens in other places when the sheriff hires his own kid!!!1

Than the Sherrif wants to get more deputies....this county is going to be really poor we dont need anymore....if you are in a 55mph zone and you are going 56mph you better be looking for the blue lights..


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