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Swine Flu Vaccine is Even More Scary Than the Swine Flu

Re: Swine Flu Vaccine is Even More Scary Than the Swine Flu

Swine flu: Vaccine risks and dangers
July 7, 3:30 PMUS Intelligence ExaminerFred Burks
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Swine flu vaccine risks and dangers (AP Photo/Greg Baker)

The swine flu has turned out to be little more dangerous than the average flu. The majority of those who have died of swine flu have had other health complications which played a decisive role in mortality. Revealing articles at the beginning of the outbreak described the pandemic of fear taking place, as happened with the avian flu just a few years ago.

Yet the campaign of fear continues. Plans are well underway for a massive vaccination of the public with a swine flu vaccine that has only recently been developed, and which has undergone very limited testing for possible severe side effects. We encourage you to do your research and consider the major risks and dangers of this new vaccine.

According to the CDC, approximately 36,000 people die each year in the U.S. from the regular flu. That averages to about 100 people a day. The total number of confirmed mortalities in the U.S. from the swine flu since the virus was identified in March is less than 200, less than the number of people who die in two days from the regular flu. Yet don't be surprised if you soon start to see massive propaganda for the swine flu vaccine, starting with our children. Vaccines bring billions of dollars to the drug companies and more control for politicians.

Plans have been made and laws have already been passed to restrict constitutional rights during a pandemic. And in spite of the low severity of the swine flu, a pandemic of the highest level has already been declared by the WHO.

At worse, these new laws can be used declare martial law and suspend constitutional rights. At best, many will likely be injured or die from side effects of the vaccine, as happened during the swine flu pandemic in 1976. At that time, a national emergency was declared even though only one person died of the flu. Hundreds died that year as a direct result of the swine flu vaccine massively promoted by the government and major media. Don't miss the powerfully revealing 10-minute clip from CBS' 60 Minutes on this, available here.

Now is the time to educate yourself on the power of the multinational pharmaceutical companies to manipulate government, to incite fear, and to reap huge profits. You can start by reading the revealing words of the former editor-in-chief of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine at this link.

Another key article containing reliable information on the risks and dangers of the swine flu is available at this link. Finally, please read the excellent article below on this topic by the president of the National Vaccine Information Center, and do your part to spread the word and take action for the good of all of us. By educating ourselves and those around us, we can stop the greedy drug companies from wreaking havoc to our health and political systems.

Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice?
by Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center

Barbara Loe Fisher is featured in an engaging 12-minute CBS News interview on the risks and dangers of the swine flu vaccine available at this link.

This fall, many parents are wondering what will happen to their children when they enter the schools. Some public health doctors want to turn schools into vaccination clinics where children will be the first to be injected with experimental swine flu vaccines.

Less Than 50,000 Swine Flu Cases Worldwide

Every day we are being warned by doctors at the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control to worry a lot about the H1N1 influenza A virus, which was first identified in Mexico in April 2009 and is being called the new swine flu. As of June 15, 2009, the World Health Organization states that 76 countries have reported more than 35,000 cases, including 163 deaths. 108 of those deaths have occurred in Mexico.

We are being told that nearly 18,000 Americans have gotten sick from the new swine flu virus, with about 5 percent being hospitalized and 45 dying. It looks like people, who are in poor health to begin with are at greater risk of having complications and dying from the new swine flu, which has symptoms just like regular influenza. This is not surprising because people in poor health are always at greater risk of having complications and dying from infectious disease.

Most Flu-Like Illness Not True Influenza

What a lot of people don’t know is that true type A or type B influenza only causes about 20 percent of all flu-like symptoms that people experience during any given flu season. 80 percent of all flu-like illness in a normal flu season is NOT caused by the type A and B strains of influenza for which annual flu shots are given. And vaccine acquired immunity is temporary, while immunity gained after recovering from influenza is longer lasting.

1968 Flu Pandemic Killed 34,000 Americans

The new type A H1N1 influenza virus public health doctors say is making people sick around the world is an unusual combination of human, bird and pig viruses. Nobody seems to know exactly how this new virus was created and why it suddenly emerged from Mexico in mid-April - or if it will behave like past pandemic influenza viruses that caused 68,000 American deaths in 1957 and killed 34,000 Americans in 1968. [10] (The CDC states that 36,000 Americans die from influenza complications annually, with most of those deaths occurring in the elderly and those in poor health). Influenza pandemics usually start with mild symptoms and progress to more severe symptoms before populations acquire immunity to the virus and it dies out.

Older Americans May Have Antibodies Against Swine Flu

The good news about the new swine flu going around is that there are signs those of us born before 1957, may be naturally protected and at LOWER risk of being infected. [11][12] Why? Because we recovered from influenza caused by similar influenza strains that circulated in past decades and have long lasting antibodies that help us resist infection. So the aging baby boomers have something to be happy about.

Vaccinated Children Don’t Have Natural Antibodies

But will health officials allow our children and grandchildren to get those same kind of natural protective antibodies to type A and B influenza, including this new swine flu? It doesn’t look like it. First, doctors in America have been insisting for the past few years that every child from six months old to age 18 must get an annual flu shot. [13] Second, there are now calls by U.S. health officials to give American children the first doses of experimental swine flu vaccines in the school setting. [14]

WHO Declares Phase 6 Alert; Public Health Doctors Exercise EUA

This is because the response by doctors at the World Health Organization, who immediately went into high gear within days of identifying the new swine flu virus emerging out of Mexico, was to declare a public health emergency. Now, they have increased the pandemic flu fear alert to Phase 6 [15], which is the equivalent of the U.S. Homeland Security’s Code Red warning of an imminent terrorist attack. [16] Doctors at the Centers for Disease Control, who followed the lead of the World Health Organization, have done the same and are exercising unprecedented power that Congress handed over to them after 9-11.

Fast Tracking of Experimental Vaccines With Novel Adjuvants

Whenever the CDC declares a public health emergency, that declaration allows the Food and Drug Administration to permit emergency use authorization for drug companies to fast track creation of experimental drugs and vaccines that do not have to be tested as thoroughly as vaccines that go through the normal FDA licensing process. [17] In this case, Congress responded to the public health emergency declaration by giving a group of drug companies one billion dollars [18] to fast track experimental swine flu vaccines that may include whole live [19], killed or genetically engineered human and animal influenza viruses, chemicals, and potentially reactive oil based adjuvants that manipulate the immune system to boost the vaccine’s potency. [20][21][22]

States Enact Stronger Quarantine & No Free Assembly Laws

In some states, like Massachusetts, public health doctors have persuaded legislators to quickly pass pandemic influenza legislation that will allow state officials to enter homes and businesses without the approval of occupants; to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent; to require licensed health care providers to give citizens vaccines and to ban the free assembly of citizens in the state. [23][24]

What Can You Do?

What does this declaration of a public health emergency in the U.S. mean for you and your family? It means that, right now, you need to become educated about vaccination, influenza, vaccine risks, and the public health laws in your state. You need to find out what your rights and options are under new public health laws that may require you and your children to get vaccinated or be quarantined. [25]

Take Action Now

Go to and learn more. Register now to attend the Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination Oct. 2-4, 2009 in Washington, D.C. and help organize in your state to protect your right to informed consent to vaccination. Call and write the state legislators you elected to make public health laws that govern you and your family. Make your voice heard.

Homeland Security, Department of Defense & CDC

As Department of Homeland Security officials are declaring that any disease outbreak is a matter of homeland security [26][27]; as Department of Defense officials are defining public demonstrations as “low level terrorism;” [28] as CDC officials make plans to re-route airplanes to designated airports with quarantine centers to screen all passengers for signs of swine flu [29]; and as fast tracked experimental pandemic flu vaccines are being created to be given to American children first, it is time for all of us – whether we are public health officials addressing what we believe is a true public health emergency or whether we are ordinary citizens simply trying to protect our health and the health of our children - to act in rational and responsible ways.

Protect Health Choices

Every pharmaceutical drug, including vaccines, carries a risk and those risks are greater for some than others. In this time of fear, we cannot let that fear take away our freedom to make voluntary health choices, including vaccine choices, so we have the power to make sure that the cure is not more dangerous than the disease.

Re: Swine Flu Vaccine is Even More Scary Than the Swine Flu

I would recommend the long article in Wired magazine - found at
as a good place to start your investigation about the dangers of vaccines vs the dangers of those diseases. It is long, but shows careful investigation and puts these issues in good perspective.

Re: Swine Flu Vaccine is Even More Scary Than the Swine Flu

The article Norman posted is nearly 4 months old. Perhaps the current info isn't scary enough? Thanks for the old news.

Re: Swine Flu Vaccine is Even More Scary Than the Swine Flu

I would never take any kind of flu shot. Thank you very much. I've heard that people who work at hospitals are requires to take them.

Re: Swine Flu Vaccine is Even More Scary Than the Swine Flu

I would never take any kind of flu shot. Thank you very much. I've heard that people who work at hospitals are requires to take them.

I've been getting flu shots for years, sense I started, I havnt caught nearly as many "bugs" as I used too.
Someone will always have some kind of reaction to something, those idiots who started the childhood vaccine scares a few years ago have caused a comeback in all sorts of childhood diseases. Now they're starting on this, if you don't want the shot, don't get it, but don't make your decision based on the fear mongering of those who get their jollies by scaring the public. Do your own research, talk to your doctor. Think for your self.

No confirmed cases of Swine Flu in Pocahontas County

Ignore the dozens of kids out sick. They don't test for swine flu, just assume that they have swine flu.


WVMR Reports
Re: WVMR Reports

A child (who lives with her mother) got the live virus up the nose. Now, the father, who has a baby less than 6 months old can not let his daughter visit because he was told that if she sneezes on the baby, the baby could get swine flu. No mention of this was made when his ex-wife got the child the flu vaccination. If this is true, I noticed the school paper did not mention that children who get the up the nose vaccine could pass swine flu on to babies. If this is true, what is to keep the children in school who get the live virus from passing the flu on to children who are not taking the vaccine. Could someone in the medical field please address this issue and identify if you are an RN, doctor, or whatever. The above incident happened in another county. Thanks

Re: WVMR Reports

oh please....

Re: WVMR Reports

this happened
A child (who lives with her mother) got the live virus up the nose. Now, the father, who has a baby less than 6 months old can not let his daughter visit because he was told that if she sneezes on the baby, the baby could get swine flu. No mention of this was made when his ex-wife got the child the flu vaccination. If this is true, I noticed the school paper did not mention that children who get the up the nose vaccine could pass swine flu on to babies. If this is true, what is to keep the children in school who get the live virus from passing the flu on to children who are not taking the vaccine. Could someone in the medical field please address this issue and identify if you are an RN, doctor, or whatever. The above incident happened in another county. Thanks

Not true try again

Re: WVMR Reports

This is not a joke or a made up story. I have no agenda here and I'm not ignorant either. I know it may sound incredible, but why would they be told that?
So, please some health professional address this. Is it possible for a baby to get swine flu if a person received the live virus, by sneezing on them?

Re: WVMR Reports

The Web site for the Centers for Disease Control has a great page of questions and answers about the nasal H1N1 vaccine:
(Sorry, I don't know how to let you just click on this.) They say it is safe for nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit to take this type of vaccine. These are people who are working with the sickest newborns. They do say there is a very remote chance of spreading the weakened virus used in the vaccine to very close contacts. This is possibly the source of the story. The CDC does not consider this a concern because the virus spread from the vaccine is much, much weaker than the regular H1N1 virus, so would cause a much milder illness - in the very rare case that it caused any illness at all.

Swine flu and other germs in school system

This is a really good idea and my mom's school has been doing it since the start of the year.....Parents why don't you send clorox wipes with your children to school to give to the teacher then during the day have the kids wipe off toys, deks, books, etc. She is a kidgergarten teacher and all of the parents are sending these in and have the kids wipe off stuff. One little boy told her knew what they were doing and she asked him what and he said we are cleaniong this stuff off to keep us from getting sick. It is a great idea and for the little kids they enjoy it in her class so please think about doing this because it will help kill the germs. And for the older students take some with you at the start of the day before you touch your locker wipe it off then do it during the day you don't know who is sneezing or has a bug and is touching your locker. Please take this into consideration!!!!!

Re: WVMR Reports
Re: WVMR Reports

I found out that i have the swine flu...i went to the doctor and he said that since i didnt come within 24 hours after the symptoms started that there was nothing he could about it...does anyone know how long it lasts...this is miserable.


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