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Why Fox news is Un-American

Jacob WeisbergThe O’Garbage Factor
Fox News isn't just bad. It's un-American.
Published Oct 17, 2009
From the magazine issue dated Oct 26, 2009

Last week, when White House Communications Director Anita Dunn charged the Fox News Channel with right-wing bias, Fox responded the way it always does. It denied the accusation with a straight face while proceeding to confirm it with its coverage.

Consider Fox's Web story on the episode. It quotes five people. Two of them work for Fox. All of them assert that administration officials are either wrong in substance or politically foolish to criticize the network. No one is cited supporting Dunn's criticisms or saying that it could make sense for Obama to challenge the network's power. It's a textbook example of a biased journalism. (Click here to follow Jacob Weisberg.)

If you were watching Fox News Channel, you saw the familiar roster of platinum pundettes and anchor androids reciting the same soundbites: this was Obama's version of Nixon's enemies list, the rest of the news media is in Obama's corner, Obama should get back to governing, and so on. On The O'Reilly Factor, Alan Colmes, the network's weak, battered house liberal, mumbled semi-agreement while "Doctor" Monica Crowley and Bill O'Reilly lit up the scoreboard with these talking points.

Any news organization that took its responsibilities seriously would take pains to cover presidential criticism fairly. It would regard doing so as itself a test of integrity. At Fox, by contrast, complaints of unfairness prompt only hoots of derision and demands for "evidence" that, when presented, is brushed off and ignored.

There is no need to get bogged down in this phony debate, which itself constitutes an abuse of the fair-mindedness of the rest of the media. One glance at Fox's Web site or five minutes' random viewing of the channel at any hour of the day demonstrates its all-pervasive slant. The lefty documentary Outfoxed spent a lot of time mustering evidence that Fox managers order reporters to take the Republican side. But after 13 years under Roger Ailes, Fox employees skew news right as instinctively as fish swim.

Rather than in any way maturing, Fox has in recent months become more boisterous and demagogic. Fox sponsored as much as it covered the anti-Obama "tea parties" this summer. Its "fact checking" about the president's health-care proposal is provided by Karl Rove. And weepy Glenn Beck has begun to exhibit a Strangelovean concern about government invading our bloodstream by vaccinating people for swine flu. With this misinformation campaign, Fox stands to become the first network to actively try to kill its viewers.

That Rupert Murdoch may tilt the news rightward more for commercial than ideological reasons is beside the point. What matters is the way that Fox's model has invaded the bloodstream of the American media. By showing that ideologically distorted news can drive ratings, Ailes has provoked his rivals at CNN and MSNBC to develop a variety of populist and ideological takes on the news. In this way, Fox hasn't just corrupted its own coverage. Its example has made all of cable news unpleasant and unreliable.

What's most distinctive about the American press is not its freedom but its century-old tradition of independence—that it serves the public interest rather than those of parties, persuasions, or pressure groups. Media independence is a 20th-century innovation that has never fully taken root in many other countries that do have a free press. The Australian-British-continental model of politicized media that Murdoch has applied at Fox is un-American, so much so that he has little choice but go on denying what he's doing as he does it. For Murdoch, Ailes, and company, "fair and balanced" is a necessary lie. To admit that their coverage is slanted by design would violate the American understanding of the media's role in democracy and our idea of what constitutes fair play. But it's a demonstrable deceit that no longer deserves equal time.

Whether the White House engages with Fox is a tactical political question. Whether we journalists continue to do so is an ethical one. By appearing on Fox, reporters validate its propaganda values and help to undermine the role of legitimate news organizations. Respectable journalists—I'm talking to you, Mara Liasson—should stop appearing on its programs. A boycott would make Ailes too happy, so let's try just ignoring Fox, shall we? And no, I don't want to come on The O'Reilly Factor to discuss it.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Not only are they totally against anything the administration does FOX fabricates and lies about things all the time.

A couple of weeks ago in a speech Obama said about the CEOs that they are NOT bad people it is just that they want to make a profit more than anything.

Well, immediately after that speech Sean Hannity got on the air and said that what bothered him the most was when the president said that CEOs are bad people.

Such flagrant lies are what FOX is all about.

Just look at who they use and quote all the time:

Karl Rove
Newt Gingrich
Laura Ingrahm
Rush Limbaugh
Michelle Backman
Sarah Palin
Dick Morris
Glen Beck
Sean Hannity
Bill OReilly
and all the Republican liars who tell you the administration wants to kill people

Anytime I want to laugh I turn on FOX to immediately listen to someone tell me how Obama is the lowest form of life on the planet. Almost every piece they do reflects this sentiment. And when OReilly tells me that he favors something Obama did it is immediately followed by a "BUT" and then 10 minutes of negative comment.

Yes, they use their own staff and pundits to "make" the news and then repeat the fabrications over and over.

What a joke they all are. Amazing liars and how easily many fall for their tactics. Just look at how Petros and Muddawg and others here on E tater followed their every word as though FOX told the truth.

And of course they need another enemy so they use the term "main stream media" as their enemy to try to separate themselves from the "media". Classic Gestapo PR tactics.
"It is not the fault of us the true Arians, but of the Jews"

The tragedy is that so many of us want to hate someone and Fox provides that hate.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

"The tragedy is that so many of us want to hate someone and Fox provides that hate."

That pretty much sums it up, huh Joel?

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Rational, honest folks can see through their ruse. I guess that leaves you out "crooked."

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

I wonder if say the last administration sent out a memo saying

MSNBC with left-wing bias, MSNBC responded the way it always does. It denied the accusation with a straight face while proceeding to confirm it with its coverage.

Wonder if any outrage would be heard. Especially the first ammendment. Naaaahhh.

Actually David Carr(yes the David "bush war crimes" Carr) had a piece in the NYT saturday.

I like to read opposing or more accurately newspapers who like to lie. Anyway: "The Obama administration, which would seem to have its hands full with a two-front war in Iraq and Afghanistan, opened up a third front last week, this time with Fox News."

"We're going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent," Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, said in an interview with The New York Times. "As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don't need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave."

Ah, but pretending has traditionally been a valuable part of the presidential playbook. Smiling and wearing beige even under the most withering news media assault is not only good manners, but also has generally been good politics. While there is undoubtedly a visceral thrill in finally setting out after your antagonists, the history of administrations that have successfully taken on the media and won is shorter than this sentence.

After discussing past Presidents who unsuccessfully fought the press, Carr first scolded the White House, and then declared an unpredictable winner:

Even though almost all the critiques contained a kernel of truth, in each instance the folks who had the barrels of ink, and now pixels, seemed to come out ahead. So far, the only winner in this latest dispute seems to be Fox News. Ratings are up 20 percent this year, and the network basked for a week in the antagonism of a sitting president... he administration, by deploying official resources against a troublesome media organization, seems to have brought a knife to a gunfight.

Carr seemed even less impressed with the tactics the Adminstration has been employing in this battle:

On the official White House Web site, a blog called Reality Check provides a running tally of transgressions by Fox News. It ends with this: "For even more Fox lies, check out the latest ‘Truth-O-Meter' feature from Politifact that debunks a false claim about a White House staffer that continues to be repeated by Glenn Beck and others on the network."

People who work in political communications have pointed out that it is a principle of power dynamics to "punch up " - that is, to take on bigger foes, not smaller ones. A blog on the White House Web site that uses a "truth-o-meter" against a particular cable news network would not seem to qualify. As it is, Reality Check sounds a bit like the blog of some unemployed guy living in his parents' basement, not an official communiqué from Pennsylvania Avenue.

Ouch. That'll leave a mark, as will Carr's conclusion:

The American presidency was conceived as a corrective to the royals, but trading punches with cable shouters seems a bit too common. Perhaps it's time to restore a little imperiousness to the relationship.

Even the fringe left are disagreeing with the white house on this. Well most of them, present company excluded. He doesn't seem to know the meaning of presidential. It's the thug-style politics he's always been involved in. He instinctively thinks he can destroy Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/whoever, by talking trash about them. Or this White House thinks it's the first administration questioned by the press--must be racism.

Maybe it's like I said I think Barry is a undercover republican. He's getting people to join in droves, and making every conservative tv, radio, newspaper, website very rich. They are all having double number increases in customers. And that is on my "truth-o-meter"

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Where else would expect to see a magazine article about Fox news? Of course the liberal Newsweek would run that, they are part of the tank group. Fox sure does upset the left and the Obama administration. No one biased when it came to George Bush were they? Please..... liberals, practice what you preach.

Oh, glad to know ALL of you watch Fox news. Even if the truth does kill you. Oh, yea, you forgot Ann Coulter in your list.

GO Rush.....GO Fox........

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

You can almost see Obama visible cracking. Obama can't endure the glare of one cable news network, so he demeans the office of POTUS by going after FNC like a spoiled celebrity lashing out at the tabloids. His narcissism is more evident by the day. He's not yet ready to sit at the adult table.

Meanwhile, Bush endured eight years of unrelenting criticism from every other network both broadcast and cable, as well as most print media and a huge chunk of the internet. I wan't a big fan of Bush and I never thought I'd say this, but the more I see from Obama, the greater my appreciation for Bush. Let me take a name coined a few years back from my least favorite Tv person keith olbermann, with a very wise quote.

"Our Idiot and Chief" needs to remember

"Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel"

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

To clarify the newsweek article regarding Ms. Dunn, she said that Fox reports lies. It wasn't bias that got Fox news on her case, although she accuses Fox of that too (I wonder if MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC ever reported bias commentary against Bush). It was that she, as the White House Communications Director says that Fox reports lies about the Obama Administration. Well then, why doesn't she call Beck. Glenn Beck has a phone hooked up right on the set to take her call and he promised that if she could tell him what lies he has told he would headline with it and fix it. The phone is silent. We're waiting Ms. Dunn. She needs to put up or shut up and the Obama Administration needs to quit trying to squelch free speech and get over themselves.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

If people don't like to hear the real news, then they should switch channels. Why is it that so many independents and liberals are listening to Fox. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH!!! If you don't like it turn it to MSNBC and hear them jerk the other parties around. If you want to hear the news that suits you,search around and I am sure you will find it.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Ha, ha, ha, ha,

George Bush was the worst president the country ever had. And now late in the day you FOX lovers have come out of your rat holes.

What is the matter? Did you binge last night on Jim Beam, or were you just too consumed by Nascar races or Poker games during the day?

You guys are amazing. Now I am not a fan of any of the news media. They all jockey for position, but FOX is so blantanly phony and you guys still buy into the lies. Hey I bet you would follow them off of a cliff.

I laugh at you for the same reason I turn on FOX to get a good belly laugh.

Hey, don't worry you can still hunt squirrels tomorrow. Be careful of that tape worm you put into the stew.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Stop, go to the phone, call Glenn Beck on his red phone and give examples of what Fox reports that is not true...... or are you like all the rest and just generalize?

Oh yeah, being a redneck and being a conservative is not the same thing. You need to come out of the holler more.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

President Obama's presidential campaign focused on "making" the news media cover certain issues while rarely communicating anything to the press unless it was "controlled," White House Communications Director Anita Dunn disclosed to the Dominican government at a videotaped conference.

"Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control," said Dunn.

"One of the reasons we did so many of the David Plouffe videos was not just for our supporters, but also because it was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters," said Dunn, referring to Plouffe, who was Obama's chief campaign manager.

Wanna see the video. One media outlet isn't listening, and not reporting what he wants. That should make you rage, that is admittance to supression of the first ammendment. But since you are not a fan of any media, of course you never complain about ANY other news media outlet. I'll file that in the apple pile. Don't worry this should give Fox a few extra viewers. There is no such thing as bad plubicity. But they are not smart enough to understand that. But what do you expect from someone who associates with people who think Mao had good idea's(I have that video too if you want to see it).

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

All of the Kool-Aid drinkers believe that if you disagree with Obama you are Un-American.

I wonder why Fox news is number one. Could it be because they have the balls to tell it like it is?

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

What as Obama done for us nothing,and you thing he is great.That why fox news can't say anything good about him.Joel go back and clean the crab out of your own hole that you live in.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

All of the Kool-Aid drinkers believe that if you disagree with Obama you are Un-American.

I wonder why Fox news is number one. Could it be because they have the balls to tell it like it is?

Amen Tom

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Joel Rosenthal
Ha, ha, ha, ha,

George Bush was the worst president the country ever had. And now late in the day you FOX lovers have come out of your rat holes.

What is the matter? Did you binge last night on Jim Beam, or were you just too consumed by Nascar races or Poker games during the day?

You guys are amazing. Now I am not a fan of any of the news media. They all jockey for position, but FOX is so blantanly phony and you guys still buy into the lies. Hey I bet you would follow them off of a cliff.

I laugh at you for the same reason I turn on FOX to get a good belly laugh.

Hey, don't worry you can still hunt squirrels tomorrow. Be careful of that tape worm you put into the stew.

If George Bush was so bad what has Obama done so great?

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

I for one like it when Govt. stays out of the affairs of private industry. But that being said there is a place for Govt. when our entire economy and that of the world's is headed for a huge depression.

I abhore the fact that Obama bailed out all those banks and industries, but because of the state of affairs left by George Bush it was necessary.

Yes, we will all be paying for this bail out even though much of the money will be retuned to the US treasury. But Obama took the steps that hopefully will keep us from a much greater disaster.

Slipper, I am glad that you can post those laughs. It just shows how well Obama's plan is working. And yes it will take years to offset all the boondoggles put forth by that traitor George Bush who lied to us, violated the Constitution and favored his buddies over the country.

If unemployment does not rise much over 10% that will be a moral victory for Obama and the country.

Oh, and by the way despite the fact that FOX is not really a news station, but only a propaganda machine, it is NOT UNAMERICAN. This is what free speech is all about. Honest caring people will recognize their overt lies and the others will follow them like sheep. Are you a sheep?

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

...and here is one of the Kool-Aid drinkers now. How are you doing Joel?

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

I was just thinking over the last week or so that I kinda missed Joel's "I'm smarter, more compassionate and morally superior than you" diatribes. Then he comes back and changes my mind

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

I think of Joel,s posts as literate and knowledgeable
and a welcome addition to the forum.They also show a great deal of kindness and mercy especially when compared with many of those on E-Tater.
By the way,I am not Joel,nor do I know him.If there are doubts please check with Norman.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Joel , Ive known a few good democrats but you are dumocrat to believe in obama and his charm of good works.
Tom , Glad I dont drink koolaid.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Many people don’t have sufficient critical faculties to discern when “news reports” slip into propaganda. It’s not surprising that many people watch Fox. People buy the National Enquirer and the other tabloids. Presumably, these people believe the UFO stories and the Elvis sightings. It’s the same with Fox. Those with mentality is at a certain level simply can’t distinguish Fox coverage from news.

A lot of Fox “news” coverage seems to be devoted to crime stories. There was no end to the coverage of the blond who disappeared on some Carribean island. They will spend hours on an infanticide by a disturbed mother. It’s tabloid. That’s where it’s owner got his start. It's intended for an audience with limited intellectual scope.

But stupidity is not the only explanation for the popularity of Fox. Notice how often Fox is droning from the TV in the physician’s or the dentists office. Many people like Fox because it confirms their own political beliefs. They like the irritating, sardonic, hate-filled rhetoric of Limaugh, and his ilk.

Obama can treat Fox any way he wants. There’s no first amendment righ to access to a president or his administration. There’s no first amendment right to be free from criticism by the administration.

I don’t watch Fox much. I’ve got to admit I momentarily switched over to Fox on election night when Obama’s victory became clear. For the first time I enjoyed Fox programing.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Thanks Slipper,

It is great to have you as a proxy for my buddy Patrick. I love it when guys like you and those other guys, oh yes, Tom and Getting it, attack me with your inane comments.

You guys are wonderful because your inability to contribute anything reveals more about yourselves than me.

Keep the silliness coming. I almost feel as though Patty and Roger are back.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Higher Ground ...

Without you saying so, I could tell by you comments that you have not watched Fox News.
Don't feel too bad, you aren't the only one going through life uninformed as to what is going on around you. A lot of Kool-Aid drinkers don't like the truth that Fox News brings out.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Crime stories and crazy mothers. And yet nothing from all the other news agencies with 24 hour michael jackson coverage. A bit cynical to say the least. Fox was the only one actually having something outher than jacksontv. However that is neither this nor that concerning the topic at hand.

I find the media as a whole very dissembler to the VP Spiro Agnew issue of 40 years ago. So much rage, and he just hinted at it, unlike what is happening now. Besides if Fox is trashy or lacking truth in there reporting, then it will fell. All newsagencies that have done this nationaly have failed in the end. People are not dumb, they see through smoke and mirrors. But to the ones looking out it's speaks more that is an effort in effect to quarantine Fox News, and to discourage other media outlets from picking up on stories that originate here.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive. But who is doing the deceiving? When your mouthpiece says "Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control.", it doesn't look very good for your case. But alas it usually ends up as the one with the least amount of support. Even if there telling the truth. Fox has more viewers that all three network news combined. And is beating CNN and HLN combined by 10%, while poor MSNBC is only drawing 24% of Foxnews numbers.

Like someone said "Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel"

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Oh "Forumer" of the truncated name,Tom, perhaps you can share some of this marvellous news which transfixes you: what is it that Fox puts out which is not heard elsewhere? Perhaps you can give us verbatim accounts of their "fair and balanced" reporting.If you will not or cannot,then stop your attack on us who see the lack of balance and lack of fairness of Fox.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

I don't need to give anyone an account of what Fox News is reporting. Watch it yourself and you will see. Assuming you are intelligent enough to understand. A lot of Obama followers aren't smart enough to see what is happening.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Your insults show a poor ability to communicate: People with a modest IQ often are good communicators if they have a sense of dignity and fairness. I repeat, show us doubters why Fox is fair and unbiased.Prove your point ;forget the juvenile remarks. It takes the education, wisdom,
ability and honesty to rate anyone else,s IQ.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Watch it yourself. It isn't that hard to understand. Their newspeople will spell it out for you and even back up what they are saying with videos for those that need pictures. It wouldn't be the number one news channel if they didn't tell it like it is. If people enjoyed being lied to they would watch MSNBC.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

Some enjoy greatly the hateful,biased comments,especially those repeated every day. You are correct:They are very easy to understand, with or without pictures.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

I'll transpose a summery of stories that only fox pursued while all others news outlets set blindly beside the road throwing praises to ideas and dreams.

They broke the story on van jones.
They were the first to find White House Communications Director Anita Dunn quoting Mao Zedong and calling him one of her “favorite political philosophers,”
If that wouldn't bad enough she turns around and says that "Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control." Both broke by Fox.
Barry saying he will bankrupt the coal industry, and send our electric bills 50% higher.(I still don't think some have even reported this yet.)
The whole ACORN disaster.
The John Edwards mistress scandal
Any good stories about guns, or religion.

Those are just off the top of my head, I'm sure I can expand it if I put my mind to it. But as you can see there all either stories about liberals doing wrong. Sure they report when conservatives do wrong, but all other news agencies also report these stories, moreover this is about stories that Fox broke days, weeks, even months before any of the other 5 major news agencies has any mention about them at all.

Sure Fox is right leaning, just like all other news agencies are left leaning. Perfect example the economy, 3% unemployment was disastrous a mere year ago, now 10% is uplifting. Protesters outside the white house are terrorists today, a year ago they were patriots. Easy to understand example to show what we mean. 2 years ago, 120 gay rights activists protested in front of the capital building. CNN had 2 hour coverage of the event. While thousands of tea party protesters did the same thing in September, they covered it for 23 minutes and 19 seconds.

All comes down to this, Fox provides a news outlet people want to see, and hear. And capitalism says you give people what they want. This is why the fairness doctrine is communist/socialist/unfair/unwanted. When I go to a bookstore, and browse the biography section, I do not want to see fiction, or self help books mixed in. I want biographies. So if you don't like fox, then turn the channel, because alot,and i mean alot of people do. And this is still a free country. Besides if they were telling lies on barry, he would have libel and slander cases against them. And I haven't seen any, so that in of itself speaks volumes in this debate.

However noone has discussed why a president would lower themselves to fight with a news orginization. Of course I would bring up when palin said the same thing about MSNBC and the nightly outrage on all but fox channel. Yet barry does it, and it's enlighting. I thought then when she said it and now when he said it, it's ignorant. You cann't please everyone, so who cares. However it shows who is in the pocket of who very clearly.

Re: Why Fox news is Un-American

The big difference between Fox News and the other news people is they are not so occupied with worshiping Obama that they can't see what is going on.
They tell it like it is. That is why Obama is so upset with them.

Obama Gunning for the Republicans

Re: Obama Gunning for the Republicans



--From a teacher in the Nashville area

"We are worried about 'the cow' when it is all about the 'Ice Cream.'

The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year...

The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.

I decided we would have an election for a class president.

We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.

To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.

We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.

We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.

The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids.

I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support.

I had never seen Olivia's mother.

The day arrived when they were to make their speeches.

Jamie went first.

He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better

place. He ended by promising to do his very best.

Everyone applauded and he sat down.

Now is was Olivia's turn to speak.

Her speech was concise.

She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream."

She sat down.

The class went wild. "Yes! Yes!

We want ice cream."

She surely would say more. She did not have to.

A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream?

She wasn't sure.

Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it.

She didn't know.

The class really didn't care.

All they were thinking about was ice cream.

Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a landslide.

Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and 52 percent of the people reacted like nine year olds.

They want ice cream.

The other 48 percent know they're going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess."

This is the ice cream Obama promised us!


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