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So what is this crazy notion of a "County Coordinator?"

The last one burned Howe's Leather to the ground and cost the county multiplied hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What is there to coordinate?

Who is the chosen one for the job?

Has anyone checked his background?

Re: So what is this crazy notion of a "County Coordinator?"

He says that he do the job for $1 per year. I wish to offer to do it for $0.50 per year. That will save the county 50 per cent of a coordinator.

A Poll

Do YOu Support a County Coordinator?
No free polls

Is a $1.00 per year a good salary for a coordinator?
Yes He would be worth more!
No We would lose money! free polls

I would be happy to do the job for this much...
$ 2.00 per year
$1.00 per year
50 cents per year
25 cents per year
10 cents per year free polls

Re: A Poll

this is something your good buddies Marty and dave are pushing. Maybe you can get this job after all.

Re: A Poll

dont need one.

Here's What the Last County Coordinator Did!--The $9,000 Video

Re: Here's What the Last County Coordinator Did!--The $9,000 Video

This proposed coordinator job may start out at $1.00 per year, but the first thing you know, it suddenly turns into a regular salary job, as Walt Helmick's job did at $30,000 per year and that was back in 1996. We don't need a county coordinator. Just another "Hog on the Corn". Look out for the Commissoners to raise taxes again. When will it ever stop, the county just keeps hiring more help in just about every office in the court house. The commissioners are paid a good salary and if they do their jobs, they should be able to coordinate any thing that goes on in the county. They need to start working with each other as I see the Commission going back just like it was a few years ago, when it was the county circus instead of the Town of Durbin. Just my personal opinion as a taxpayer.

Re: So what is this crazy notion of a "County Coordinator?"

Special CC meeting to discuss this!

Re: So what is this crazy notion of a "County Coordinator?"

did it ever collapse or did they fix it? i didnt watch the whole vid.


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