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Athlone Triathlon Club

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Athlone Triathlon Club
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Sunday spins - commencing 7th of November

Per recent posts, you will be aware that a decision was made at the AGM to have our cycles on Sundays rather than Saturdays.

Sunday spins will kick off at 10a.m. SHARP from the Regional Sports Centre and commence on Sunday the 7th of November.

The spins will continue to be held in conjunction with Shannonside Cycling Club and there will be three groups: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced - with a designated Committee member supervising the Beginners at all times.

Only ATC or SSCC members are insured to cycle with us for these sessions. Any non-members joining the spin with a view to possibly joining either club, will be required to sign a waiver before the session starts.

ATC have a policy whereby non-members can partake in a maximum of 3 club sessions - after which they will be required to join ATC before being allowed continue training with us. We regret having to insist on that but unfortunately, insurance provision etc....requires us to take such precautions and as such, the Committee member overseeing the spin on any given Sunday will have no discretion in dealing with such matters.

Hope to see you all on Sunday week.


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* Ensure a friendly atmosphere to our visitors and forum members
* Ensure the privacy of our members and that of others
* Comply with existing laws
* Encourage responsible use of our forums and discourage activities which disrupt our community and reduce the value of our services to our visitors
* Encourage the freedom of expression and exchange of information in a mature and responsible manner.
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