Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Upset went to another singing teacher

Frustrated need support

Anyway when i need to go with help i go to Adam robuck here in N.Y Could not get a hold of him so i went to Katherine Agresta

I know she helped cindi lauper get her voice back.
Anyway i went there and had to fill out a form where i played have a had broken bones.

That was strange for me She said what teachers i had.
I said had some in russia and the one that helped me was Adam robuck a book raise your voice by Jaime Venderra.

And i talked aobut zipping the cords. Seemed she had no idea what that was. I said i need help with my second bridge she did not know what that was.

I started feeling stupid so then we went to the paino
and a 5 scale Ahh going up to down. That was hard casue im used to the other way around.

I was singing then she said do you have to sing loud.
I said no just i fet my teeth where vibrating so i leaned in.

I could not ewen get in to my bridge she was even asking me is this your first bridge pointing at the f sharp above midde c. Seemed everything i learned about zipping cords was wrong. That is how i felt

What can you guys say about this.
$95 for a half a hour it is not the money it is just i felt like i did not learn nothing.

Just sombody telling me all i larned about the bridge and zipping is wrong.

confidence was lost.

Jaime i will take that lession.
Sh**t ohwell.

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

Sorry about the first post

Frustrated need support

Anyway when i need to go for help i go to Adam robuck here in N.Y Could not get a hold of him so i went to Katherine Agresta

I know she helped cindi lauper get her voice back.
Anyway i went there and had to fill out a form
About where i live what teacher i had about medcial conditions.

That was strange for me She asked what teachers i had.
I said i had some in russia and the one that helped me was Adam robuck a book im reading raise your voice by Jaime Venderra.

And i talked aobut zipping the cords. Seemed she had no idea what that was. I said i need help with my second bridge she did not know what that was or where.

I started feeling stupid so then we went to the paino.
And started a 5 scale of Ahh going up to down. That was hard casue im used to the other way around.

When I was singing she said do you have to sing loud.
I said no just i felt my teeth were vibrating so i leaned in.

I could not ewen get in to my bridge she was even asking me is this your first bridge pointing at the f sharp above midde c. Seemed everything i learned about zipping cords was wrong. That is how i felt

What can you guys say about this.
$95 for a half a hour it is not the money it is just i felt like i did not learn nothing.

Just sombody telling me all i larned about the bridge and zipping is wrong.

confidence was lost.

Jaime i will take that lession.
Sh**t ohwell.

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

sounds to me like different schools of thought

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

Ive had alot of teachers like that...She's probably a pure talent. Thats why she's not so into diffrent other than she learned.
It's realy hard to learn from a pure talent...

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

ohh and a tip when you pay 95 dollars for a half an hour
dont talk about what youve learned or know for that matter. Just listen, ive made that mistake and teachers sometimes get angry because they wanna be the one teaching not you.
And if youve got diffrent oppinions or she doesnt know what you are talking about the lesson is probably gonna crash.She feels stupid and you feel stupid 95 dollar waste.

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

Pay that same amount towards a lesson with Jaime... He can help you better and build on a philosophy you know

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

Zipping....not gonna touch it LOL!

Just goes to show that working with a good teacher is priceless. I'm sure in new york there is no end of great teachers. I wish you luck in your search..if not, Jaime is only a phone call away ;-)

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

Yes you shouldn't have went into detail about what YOU know, you should have just listened. I think that you personally really think too much about stuff like zippiong and second bridge. Listen Boris, I have spoke to you many times and I truly know what your main problem is...It is your mind! Just like 95% of the other singers out there. You think too much even as you sing. Singing is about freedom, not being congested with thought. If you want a lesson, We;ll kick start you on the right path. But I think you need to buckle down, forget about the terms, do the exercises, focus on the correct sensations and sing your ass off.

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

THat is one thing she said other then i have a very beautiful voice. that tension in tongue that im preparing to much for it.

Still i dont think ill go back to her. Jaime i need to to tech me to stop thinking about it to much your right that is my problem.

She did ask me what i learned that is why i said anything.

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

I would give this woman a second shot and try to go in with a more open mind.

Re: Upset went to another singing teacher

Umm maybe you should go with a teacher that is less expensive jesus $95...ouch