Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

He's employed by and has gotten tons of negative comments by youtube users. Does he deserve this criticism? Here's some of his links:

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

seems ok to me. theres a million naysayers out there but i did see a lot of people defending him

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

He's no Mark Baxter, Brett Manning, Jaime Vendera, or Robert Lunte, thats for sure.

Just from that first video, I can see why people wouldn't like him. Telling people to yell for high notes? No mention of head voice. Sounds like he's advertising pulling chest. If thats one of his teaching methods, then yes, his bad criticism is completely justified. Then again, if you listen to every "voice coach" on youtube instead of looking into getting a real one or searching for a learn to sing at home program with really good reviews and a money back guaruntee, well, I guess the phrase "you get what you pay for" applies.

Still, this guy sounds to me like the type of person who'd get along with that Eric Frey guy.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

The one thing I observed about Expert Village (as far as vocal tips go) is that the time alloted on each video isn't really enough to learn anything. Most of the tips are examples and some of them can be quite obscure to a beginning vocalist. I'm not only referring to one vocal instructor on that site either. I watched one person explain how to keep the throat open in their first video then jumped to different hand symbols for "Doe Ray Mi" in the next. The video that followed was about posture. I could no longer pay attention, because my mind kept reverting to the previous "Doe Ray Mi" video and trying to place it's relevance amongst the subject of vocal lessons.
So the negativity that one particular "teacher" received can be argued both ways. His tips are very basic and almost borderline obscurity. However, his tips may be of value to some. They definitely weren't to me. Of course this is just my own opinion.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

I watched his videos when I was broke and looking for something cheap. Nothing he taught me was something I didn't already try... with no results. When I finally looked at some real videos of people who knew what they were talking about I learned of Lip Bubbles which brought me eventually to Brett Manning. But someone on Brett's forums posted a video of Steelheart's She's Gone... and someone else replied saying Jaime Vendera taught that method.

Yelling for high notes was something I had done which only gave me two extra notes in the year or two I was singing seriously, but with great pain as the sacrifice. Jaime's program in the 3-4 months I've had it has given me over two octaves.

This guy is basically like the choir teachers I've had. He makes Jaime Vendera look like god, and to my voice he is.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

I don't know how much you can really learn from youtube, BUT from the few videos I've seen this guy is one of the better ones:

I'm not sure if I agree with every word out of his mouth (I haven't watched all of his videos) but overall he's got a beautiful, well produced voice himself and the videos I have watched are full of good advice and he has some great tips.

I admit, I am a shameless thief ;). I'll watch videos, listen to programs, and try to get other people's tricks and tips to use either for myself or for anyone who I'm helping.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

Hmmm... I've watched a few of that guy's videos and he seems to be aimed more toward teaching a classical singing style. He seems to be all about trying to eliminate the chest resonance when singing in head voice. I noticed when he does a siren he really lightens up as he ascends. Also, he should cut down on the coffee a bit.

Now, this guy Eric Arceneaux, seems to be geared more toward those who want to sing in an R&B style. He says he's a professional vocal coach, singer, and recording artist, and the originator of what he calls "The Arceneaux Approach". This guy actually has good advice in my opinion. Not bad at all for free lessons and quick tips if it's your style.

Toward the end of this video, you can see how well he's blended his upper and lower registers and has a good tone with lots of resonance.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

Hahaha, yes sorry I should have mentioned that he's more of a classical/broadway approach and not so much for rock.

I am not a rock singer so I prefer not to bring up as much chest myself. But overall his advice is sound.

I think he's adorable, but yes... needs to cut down on the coffee or chill out juuuust a little. But I know plenty of people like him who are quite normal otherwise :p.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

Eric's videos were actually the ones that showed me the lip bubbles. =)

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

the yelling thing is something that melissa cross teaches

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

Hey James, I know you didn't bring ths up but I think it is important to mention. Although I personally am a rock vocalist, the Raise Your Voice techniques work for ALL styles;) I have country, pop, blues, R & B, classical, gospel, metal and rock students. Bottom line is the techniques are for a healthy supported voice and the style you use is up to you;)

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

Yeah, I am very familiar with it. If you don't remember, I mentioned in another thread how two of the exercises are from the old Bel Canto techniques that were taught---in my opinion, two of the most effective exercises I've seen in any program 'operatic' or otherwise.

The guy in the videos I posted seems to have wonderful, easy technique. But he doesn't take the full chesty sound up as high as you typically do--I'm not slamming you or saying either one is the superior technique.... Just that it's a bit of a different approach to the sound.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

If you see his other video's he talks about head voice and chest, and how theres a range where you can do both and mix them.

I didn't watch all the video's you posted, just the first. But i'm assuming if you think he wants you to pull chest, that you didn't see that video.

I'm sure if he did a 20 minute video talking about head and chest and yelling and such. It would all come together better and sound better.

Re: Is the criticism this youtube "teacher" gets justified?

No slamming taken;) I thought his videos were fine and yes he has more of a classical approach. When singing style, it all boils down to what you love doing, then working on those tones. I am personally working on something with a true Bel Canto teacher/classical singer right now because of all the modern type approach coaches out there today, I think I am one of the few that sees the connection between the way I teach and classical. Good technique is good technique, it is that simple:) Back to those vids. I thought the coach was pretty basic, but you know what? That's what a lot of kids need on Youtube. I now see TONS of How to sing videos on youtube and the majority of them are horrible. I saw a vid a few weeks ago of a kid trying to teach deth metal. He sounded good but then he said that you had to grunt as hard as you could and blast as much air as possible...I bet he'll lose his voice a few videos from now. If it were me, I'd search Youtube, find the good videos and post the links on here forall the RYV gang to view;) Eric has some decent videos too;)