Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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I saw Maiden for the first time a couple of nights ago in Concord, CA. They were awesome! Bruce is still the man. I just purchased the Live After Death DVD, long considered to be the pinnacle of their achievements and playing. He is singing way better than he did on the DVD. Just an incredible performer, singer and frontman. Don't miss them on this tour.

Re: Maiden

awesome man! i'll be seeing them for the first time on june 11 in chicago and im super excited! they're the best band in the world for me!!

Re: Maiden

You will not be disappointed. They play all the "hits" and a couple of gems from way back. Unlike some of their other tours when they played many newer songs. It is heavy on The Number Of The Beast,Piece Of Mind and Powerslave. Don't you tube and you will be blown away by the staging and presentation of the songs.

Re: Maiden

I'd never see them cuz i'm not really into them that much, but i've seen some dvd's of them. The singer is always good, but he acts so corny and over exaggerates a lot of things.

Re: Maiden

I love that about singers like Bruce. They get what rock is about. Its not about caring whether or not you look cool all the time, its about cutting loose and just getting stupid (commonly referred to as feeling the music). He has fun, and with as long as he's been doing what he's been doing, to still have that much passion and presence, its remarkable.

Re: Maiden

Bruce Dickinson is my favorite singer. He has unique tone and incredible control. He's very passionate about music and he's also very smart. I love him

Re: Maiden

Eh I like Rody Walker type of stage presence. He is hilarious, but not corny. Bert McCracken gets into it without being corny. Maynard is just wacko, but not corny.

I dislike corny-ness haha. He is a great singer though.

Re: Maiden

Dickinson's moves are exaggerated because he wants the people in the back of the arena to be able to see it also. Personally I love the athleticism of frontmen and I think its one of the things that attracted me to singing in the first place.

It was a great tour this year. Much better then the last one where all they played was that new album front to back which wasn't their strongest.

Re: Maiden

I like Bruce because he acts the songs out onstage. It is kinda like the opera or a play. When he sings the Trooper you feel like you are being attacked by the Russian guns. He is very intelligent, athletic and theatrical.

Re: Maiden

Me and my husband had the pleasure of singing on stage with Iron Maiden (with Blaze not Bruce unfortunately)during Heaven Can Wait in 1998, haha! Here is the video:

You can see me momentarily to the far RIGHT of the group of fans singing . I need to find a way to do this again when Bruce is actually singing!

Re: Maiden

Yeah I always notice COMPLETE different views of music from mostly everyone on here, aside from Dream Theater. A lot of people on here like Judas Priest, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Nitro, The Scorpions. I happen to hate all of them haha.

Nothing against you guys, but its a weird thing I've noticed.

Re: Maiden

man, you guys are making me feel old. I saw Maiden in like 1983 or something like that. LOL

It was something like $8.50 and Quiet Riot was their opening act.



Re: Maiden

I envy you skullsplitter. Don't feel old, feel lucky. You saw Bruce at his best. I saw some live vids of him when he was new to Iron Maiden, and he was phenominal. He's good now too, but there was a time period, I want to say right around the time of the "live at donnington" videos where he was not doing so well. Glad he's got it back these days.

Re: Maiden

Don't feel bad Andrew...It's just a lot of people are drawn to metal because of the glass breaking which automatically translates into 80's heavy metal I guess;) I like all kinds of music, not just metal and rock;)

Re: Maiden

I like metal, but generally nothing older than '90's. I was born in the 90's haha.

Maybe its also because 80's metal had those bands with singers than all had those huge 4+ octave ranges, and you can hit notes i'm sure some girls can't hit, haha.

Re: Maiden

I was born in the 90's too, strangly enough though its hard to find a band from after 95 that i'll even listen to. I listen to mostly music that is older than me.

Re: Maiden

I used to do that too.
Then I grew out of it. It was kind of like, since the music is older, I was listening to the same old songs by the same bands that broke up years ago. So then I got sick of them and the whole style of "classic rock" or "80's metal".

I'm wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt right now....yet I hate them hahaha. Its a comfortable shirt. You might find this weird but I just dislike the singing in Led Zeppelin.

If you dwell on the old music, music's just gonna sound the same forever.

I hope no one takes this badly ;)


Re: Maiden

I don't take it badly. I just think its impossible to get tired of good music. Everyone has different styles, that is what will keep music going. Personally, I can never get tired of a singer with 4+ octave range, theres too much versatility for me to get tired of. These days you just don't hear it anymore. I appreciate good musicianship, when I hear a singer with a crazy range I can hear how much work they did to get there. I can't listen to singers who only use a clean chest voice with no vibrato (Yes you Drake Bell!) I just hear a person that woke up and said "I think i'll start being a singer today"

There was so much amazing music produced from the 50's through mid 90's. It'd actually be impossible to listen to it all. So I don't think I ever have to get tired of listening to older bands. I have an 8 hour playlist of my favorite songs going right now. 2 of them are from recent years. The rest is mid 90's and back. And these are just my absolute FAVORITES. I've got plenty more on cds and stuff.

To each his own though, but as long as the old bands are touring, i'll keep wishing I had enough money to go see em

Re: Maiden

I saw Maiden (for free ;) on Saturday and all I can say is WOW...

Dickinson's voice is in tip-top shape!

Re: Maiden

I was there too :)) Bruce is fantastic!

Re: Maiden

Wow just listen and ... Drake Bell sucks lol

Bruce is amazing singer!! He is apart of my holy trinity

Bruce Dickinson, James LaBrie and Geoff Tate

Re: Maiden

I like your trinity.

Re: Maiden

There are still bands with amazing singers nowadays. Most of the focus mainstream wise has been lifted off though.

If you wanna find 4+ octave singers you'll just have to look around harder.

Drake bell's voice isn't that great at all, but I gotta say, the them to "Drake and Josh" is quite catchy.

Re: Maiden

never really got into iron maiden, always made me think of galloping horses. and i hate when bands sing dungeons and dragons stuff, its just comical to me... lol. Andrew, listening to old stuff wont make todays music stale, it makes it better. all those guys who we worship, worshiped other guys most people on this board ave never heard of, and they listened to them like crazy (all the brits lovin our blues) and they made it into something that was their own... thats what needs to happe to rock music now, unfortunately the level of musicianship in modern bands has plummeted since then....

Re: Maiden

You can blame laziness or lack of talent for that one. You can ask any singer if they want a larger range and of course they're gonna say yes, they'd be stupid not to, who actually WANTS to have limits?

But the fact is modern band's singers typically either don't take the time to learn how to sing like that or they don't know how to learn. Whatever the case may be, its their problem not mine. I'm not listening to them anyway.

Re: Maiden

Well I said that listening to all the old music, I got bored because the bands I listened to, the same songs over and over got boring.

I like modern music because the bands come out with new stuff every year or 2. Gives me something new to listen to.

Re: Maiden


Well I said that listening to all the old music makes new music stale, I got bored because the bands I listened to, the same songs over and over got boring.

I like modern music because the bands come out with new stuff every year or 2. Gives me something new to listen to.

Re: Maiden

There are many, many great modern singers (with broad vocal ranges, I might add). Daniel Gildenlow, Russell Allen, Tobias Sammett, Andre Matos, Roy Khan, Michael Eriksen, Fabio Lione...they're just not in the mainstream as much as, say, a Rob Halford probably used to be, 20 years ago.

And the level of musicianship in modern metal is incredible! Check out Opeth, Symphony X, Pain of Salvation, Porcupine Tree, Freak Kitchen. Modern metal is exciting and intricate, and personally, I'd prefer it anyday over most 80's metal. The thing I'm trying to say is, blanket statements are often, if not always, wrong.

Re: Maiden

but modern metal isn't mainstream is it? not even close. If the singer is not singing, i don't listen to it, and just because you can play a million miles an hour doesn't make you a good musician. not saying you should sell out, either.

Re: Maiden

i don't think popularity neccessarily has anything to do with quality. and we as musicians especially shouldn't consider mainstream presence as a factor. good metal music probably used to be more popular in an earlier age. now, it's perhaps not as popular. but i believe great singers/musicians exist in every era and in, more or less, equal number.

Re: Maiden

When I say modern music, I mean modern mainstream music. That is the sort of music that shows the apparent lack of talent. Fall out boy, panic! at the disco, pretty much any rap 'artists', all that mess.

I love modern metal where there are singers, not screamers, because it restores my faith in music everytime i listen to it. I don't give a crap about mainstream or not mainstream, if I like a song I'll listen to it. The part that sucks is that the mainstream is the only music that gets a large degree of exposure and most modern mainstream is crap on a stick.

Re: Maiden

It doesn't really matter what's mainstream in what era or not. There was always crap stuff out on certain mainstream radio stations. There also is good mainstream stuff that requires skill. On my local rock radio stations, they're will be crap, then there will be the good stuff.