Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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Hi Jaime, wonderful to meet you!
WOW Thank you for your response to my Sebastian Bach question on TC-H! NOW I have your site this just keeps getting better and better!!!! YESSSSIR!!!! I'm in awe of his amazing technique all the totties & all over the years, a shame, but he still TOTALLY ROCKZ live!!! He was on the money the other night at the Angel Down Under tour, SAVAGE ANIMAL just AWESOME! I read on here that he taught vocal lessons and people on here have had them from him! I had know idea he taught vocals?? Don Lawrence is a classical based coach isn't he? If I may ask...does your approach differ dramatically from that kind of approach?
Do you still teach belt?

Thank you greatly appreciated!!!!!



Don also taught my close friend Tony Harnell. Yes Don is very classical oriented. Do I teach belt? I teach power!


Hi Jaime can I ask, by classical, do you mean bel canto technique?


I've been studying alot & understand that the classical approach chooses to push/develop chest voice in males, but females must stay in head voice. I studied with a classical teacher, and she was always telling me not to develop chest voice, she would look at me with fear in her eyes, almost with a cross to my face! CRICKEY! Furthermore she didnt ever help me bridge. This always confused me, I was listening to all these singers wanting to develop that style, and after time left cause it wasnt goin where i wanted it to! Then i studied with a number of other teachers and styles from rock, r&b, jazz, and contemporary including the bel canto approach vocalises, belt (by an associated jo istil coach) all of which has been great and horrible all at once! U know take the good with the bad....
My question is with having this background is it possible/worlkable to belt & bridge the passagio, can/do these techniques work together?? Or do u have to do one or the other?


If Jaime doesn't mind me answering his question: Through his techniques and practices, you will develop the fullest, most resonant sound in both chest voice, head voice, and everything in between. Volumes of all different levels, from quieter than you can probably get now to louder than you can now when shouting, WITHOUT damaging your throat.

Want grit? Jaime can teach it. Want vibrato? Jaime can teach it. Want to break glass, bridge the passagio, and have a long healthy vocal career? Guess what, Jaime can teach all that too.

Honestly, if you are looking to expand your range, power, and versatility, and you don't have alot of money to spend, raise your voice is exactly what you needed to get.



It always depends on the teacher you get. I studiyed classical singing and when I read RYV the first time I was really surprised how consistent it was with what I had already learned.


Thanks for your replies,
Totally great review man, I have no doubt that Jaime's book is eye popping awesome, the dude smashes glasses with his voice, nuff said! Not only that but you can tell he is a great teacher, the youtube videos it comes straight though, so important!!
Yeah totally teacher from teacher is always soooo different, & unless you know better I guess u have to learn the hard way from time to time. life, got to embrace it hey.


Rock Out, you should have an idea that the book is awesome because if you are on this board, you are supposed to be an RYV owner;)If someone gave you the password, I'm not gona compplain;)


Oh wow r u serious?? I feel terrible, im really sorry Jaime, I honestly found your website though TC Helicon after you replied to one of my posts and navigated my way on to your forum without a password, 200% absolute total truth, seriously. I dont know anyone here!! I'm the other side of the world in Australia and have no friends on here at all!
Very sorry
rock out


Don't sweat it, there are a lot of ld back doors into here. We just movedf it into the Members area in the last year. I am not mad at all. If anything we are glad yto have you here....cuz I know once you check out the vids and audio, you'll be jonesin for a copy of RYV II, haha;)


Oh wow, I felt so bad even though i did nothin wrong, isn't that, weird...ooh well. Jaime u r a champion, thank you 4 taking my word Jaime that is where its at, its the honest 200% truth!!(come to think of it getting in without a pass is very rock star though hehe, i'm in the right game ;)
Am I buying your book u so know it LIKE BOOYEAH OF COURSE! I'm saving to buy & invest in as much as I can! I'm working finances out, i'm SOOOOO crazy obsessed with singing I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! So then I will be a "Official member" and wave my dog tags proudly. Geez I really hit the jackpot somehow getting in here, I feel even more privileged, I was so sadly ready to not come back...
Just a question about the "Raise Your Voice 2" do I need 2pocket tones or is my keyboard ok? Do you get all those bonus products/discounts listed on your page?
Your book/exercises are for males & females aren't they?

So your writing a new book with Tony Harnell, sounds way to cool! Any news when this will be available? This is soo wish list

Jaime, Thank YOU!



You can use your keyboard;) I think there are still some bonuses left like buy one pocket tone get the other for free. As far as the book with Tony, it is still in the process. We've basically wrote the whole thing but have to do some rewrites;)The way the system works, it works for both male and female:)


I can't wait for that book to come out. I've recently become obsessed with Harnell's voice in the song "caught between the tigers" and "everyone's a star"

I almost killed my friend for saying he sounded like Cindy Lauper (the girl who sings girls just wanna have fun)


cyndi lauper...???? WT!! now that deserves a head but! Or at least a sweep of the leg, it's easier hehe. Thanks Jaime, do I need to email you about price difference for the E-book of Raise Your Voice2?


Email me? I don't understand? The ptrices are listed in our store. BTW- I forwarded this blog to Harnell so he could know he sounds similar to Lauper, hahaha. He sang Girls Just wanna Have Fun as soon as he read it;)


He sounds nothing like Lauper to me, but a friend of mine sent a link to a video of her singing on YouTube several weeks ago, and shes actually an incredible singer believe it or not. Not really my kind of thing but I was surprised. Maybe I should do an interview with her for the site and see if shes a fan of Harnell, maybe shes emulating him


Agree Cyndi is a great vocalist, i meant it in the comment of calling Harnell a girl ;)


Jaime it says on your website quote "EMAIL US FOR SHIPPING OUTSIDE USA" cause I live in Australia. That was referring to the print book, not "Ebook", my bad all good!
Tony H started singing it straight away that's pure gold! HA


It was funny how that happened to. I was listening to "everyone's a star" and he looked at me and said "Did Cindy Lauper put out a rock album?" and I looked at him and said "You have got to be ******* kidding me."

Over the next few minutes we listened to 15 seconds of Harnell and 15 seconds of Lauper (ironically the song was girls just wanna have fun) and it wasn't until I showed him other TNT songs (Seven Seas, drums of war, caught between the tigers) that he was able to admit he was wrong, but now whenever I am listening to everyone's a star around him he starts singing "They just wanna, they just wanna"

I hate my friends sometimes.


Sorry, just to answer an earlier question---yes, two of Jaime's exercises (the falsetto slide and the transcending tone) are directly derived from bel canto exercises.

So in a way much of what Jaime is teaching is bel canto oriented, but he's using the same exercises to achieve a different sound.

Good technique is good technique is good technique, as they say ;).


James, you hit it right on the head! I know a lot of coaches who put down classical training ans say we had to change to be modern. But two of my teachers, Jimm Gillette and Elizabeth Sabine both taught from an alteration of classical technique. So I do get people from the classical vein on both sides of the fence....I have the ones who see the connection, then I have the nay sayers who say I cannot hit high notes in full voice...until they hear me;) Great technique is great technique, PERIOD! I think what causes problems is when a rock or pop or county singer goes to a strict classical coach who knows nothing but the strict classical tone and feels that anything else is incorrect. I think the reason I do so well is because I have had all the throat problems but found a way to correct them and use the same techniques for any style of music. I help singers keep their sound, but make it better and easier to do regardless of style;)


Taking singing lessons for a year, learning classical method helped a lot now. I learned a lot about tone and such from the lessons. If I didn't then I'd have to be putting a lot more focus into it now.