Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

I have enough money to spare right now to get all of them now, but want to know what all they have to offer. I also have enough to get both mindset products, so I was wondering if anyone here could give a quick review on those.

I actually have $155 total to spare, could probably fork out a little more, maybe an extra 15 if i'm just short of being able to buy something, and I know I want to get Vocal power with Jim Gillette, but now i'm wondering what I should get first between the rest of Jaime's products, or the Elizabeth Sabine stuff. I feel like I don't fully understand the power push, and I know she was the first to teach that, which is why I'm wondering what would be better.

I'm also debating over getting the mindset products or everything from Mark Baxter I have on my list. So if anyone has tried any of these and could give me some insight. I plan on deciding on sunday so I can order anything I plan on getting on monday.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

We are getting ready to release her book "Strengthening Your Singing Voice" in both print and ebook form within the next week;)

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Personally, I'd buy the rest of Jaime's products.

Vocal Power by Jim Gillette is a MUST HAVE as far as I'm concerned. I know they were discussing releasing it on DVD, but I don't know if they have yet.

Strengthen Your Singing Voice by Elizabeth Sabine is an excellent book.... I just wish she had written and released it 20+ years ago.


Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

I've already got the web pages saved on all of the products, and yes they have the dvd version of vocal power.

So Jaime, you endorse her products on your site, can you maybe tell me a bit about what each of them discusses? I've got a long list of products I want to get, and i'm trying to weed out which ones to get first.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Elizabeth's techniques are short, sweet and to the point. All three of her mp3s are very similar. If you want to save money, I'd wait till we have the book uploaded. It is done but my webmaster just has to add it. Vocal Power by Gillette is a must have. It is very corny but those scales are priceless.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Does the book have all that the mp3's have? I have no problem getting the full $80 worth of products listed on the site, mainly want to know if they are all just the same thing or what exactly each have to offer.

Also, the mindset products. Which one should I get first, or are they best to have together? If I get them together, which should I use first?

I know i'm getting vocal power, that one is already decided, I'm just really trying to decide what else to get.

If nothing else, i'll mix it up, get one of the mindset, one of Sabine's products, vocal power, bret manning's mastering vibrato, and can you hit a high C without straining.

Although, i'm also trying to decide if I should switch one or 2 of those with the ultimate breathing workout, or the 5 secrets of screaming. I've got a long list of things to buy, and don't know what to get first.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Skip Mannings vibrato thing. Yes it helps, but the stuff in RYV2 about vibrato is really the same thing. Mannings just has a lot of audio files for it.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

fair enough. If i leave it off, I can afford the other 2.

Still have some deciding to do.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Elizabeth's book basically covers everything from the mp3s. Vocal Mindset is specifically for RYV users. Mindset has nothing to do with singing. It is the program I used to program success in my life;)

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

I think i've decided since I can't quite figure out which sabine thing I want (I'd get the book, but i've already got so much extra reading to do, and listening to or watching something so I can hear or see whats going on is more what I need at this point) I think i've decided to get Vocal power, The ultimate breathing workout, vocal mindset, Can you hit a high C without straining, and a few mark baxter mp3's.

I figure the vocal mindset will get my mind in order, the breathing workout will help with my breath support issues, Appell's book will reinforce what I already know and might go deeper, not sure, Vocal power is just a requirement, and I really just want to know what baxter has to offer.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

The mindset thing seems really interesting and whenever I get money of my own i'm going to have my mother order it for me. She'll think its a hoax thing and won't want to pay for it.

But i'm more willing to buy and cry than wonder. If you get what I mean

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Ah man, don't waste your time reading...shut up and

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Open mic, theres a time for shutting up and singing, and a time for learning. I've read Jaime's book, and i've been working with the techniques for a while, but I want to be a vocal coach, so the more I know the better. I'm not necessarily doing this for the purpose of bettering my own voice, although thats a bonus, its more so I will know more, and be able to teach more.

I know that the emotional side of singing is the part you need to use when recording or performing, but when it comes to actually learning, if you just "shut up and sing" without knowing what you're doing = Vocal suicide

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Indeed there is. You pretty much stated exactly what I have been saying the last few days. The only differece is when I give you guys some extra info and a place to read up on this info, that is the response I got. That post was therefore meant to be ironic coming from me. Read all you can. Knowledge is the food of the soul.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Poor Open Mic, I feel like you've been dealt a band hand here at the voice connection...I feel like you're a well spoken, intelligent individual, who just said a few wrong things and now you're paying for it. You can't even make a joke now lol...(funny by the way) Ummm basically, the way I view/interpret happened here is're entitled to your opinion and to giving us information on what research has found about the voice in the scientific community, or the classical community or whatever...but anything that is contradictory to what Jaime teaches or puts forth in his book should basically not be discussed. New ideas can be respectfully brought up, but can't be dwelled upon... as if we are are to adopt this new view...whether it be right or wrong. It is Jaime's board and book and teaching style...this is not a collective effort to find out new approaches to/facts about singing, it's a collective effort to help each other sing better using Jaime's system. Thats all I really wanted to say about that...after hearing all the back and forth in previous posts...

As for Jay Sin, if you're on the fence about the ultimate breathing workout or 5 secrets of screaming...I'd go with UBW...

I have the 5 secrets of screaming, he basically does what Jaime does...(Scream exercise audio file) and then does a couple of scales accenting certain notes with grit...its pretty good...but you can't scream unless you have all the priciples of UBW down...

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

I went ahead and got the UBW for now, as its a quick download after purchase. Reading it now actually.

Open mic, I should've gotten that joke, but I was a little out of it at the time (lack of sleep lately)

But I understand your views, and we're very similar. We both desire to know all we can, and i'm sure alot of people on this board are the same way. Its also clear that you understand theres more to singing than knowing how everything works, and that seems to be the part that the rest of us don't seem to take notice of. In the future, i'll look at your posts knowing that you do understand to sing with passion and learn technique so that you don't lose your voice. Before it seemed you were all technical, but I think I understand you now.

anyway, I ordered everything I can currently afford, so thanks everyone for the input.

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Let's nip this in the bud right now as to why ANY ill attitude has ever been presented by me. I don't care what you discuss on here, but this is for RYV users. I got REALLy tired on Martin H shoving CVY down my throat on this board when he isn't even a coach or CVT certified. i don't need to hear that CVT flagoleat is what everyone else in the world considers falsetto. Why would I want to confuse my readers. If they want to learn about CVT, ready my review of the product and go to Cathrine's site. Now, I did not ***** at open mic because he presented studies on voice. What you people fail to realize is I have done just what he is doing now, like 20 years ago. But from hundreds of students I have found I do not need to push anatomy to see amazing results...maybe other coaches do, but to each his own. Now, I don't want to hear a comment like "It is fine to discuss anything on here but if it goes against Jaime's beliefs it will get scalded or canned or something to that nature. I am not Hitler. I created this board to help create an RYV community for singers to support themselves during the process. I thought I was doing a good thing. I am moving forward so fast in this business that I personally do not have time to be on here anymore:( So help each other out, keep it friendly and the next few months will dtermine whether I completey redisng a better message board or do away with it completely...says Hitler;)

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

Hitler.....I was trying to work out who you reminded me of
Thanks altered, although I didn't say anything 'wrong' information wise, I was sure to back up what I had said. It was just contradictory to what other people beleived although I think that was sorted.
Jaime, 20 years ago? Gotta keep up with the game! New things are coming out all the time ;-) lol.
I was never saying push anatomy (although we are really talking physiology rather than anatomy) down their throat. If they want to learn, then great. Point them in the right direction of some great info. I do believe it will help a teacher guide their student though but we've already dicussed this at length on 2 boards.
We are all moving fast in our own respective fields Jaime but it's nice that we all have a place to talk about stuff like this. It's great to see someone caring about the people that have purchased their program enough to actually post on their own message board. There are some people that don't even visit theirs.
Anyway have fun doing Hitler things (innapropriate Hitler related joke removed!).

Re: Has anyone used the sabine products in this site's store?

haha innapropriate Hitler joke removed.

But Jaime you'll be leaving these boards for a while? Make sure you stop by every so often ;) This board is one of things that makes you different from the other great teachers. You give advice for free and your not mean about it. But yeah, everyone needs their own free time.

ugh god its 3:33 in the morning and I gotta go to bed haha.