Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Mindset: Programming Your Mind For Success

I am going to tell you that as far as I'm concerned you can NOT live without this. Read on, because something interesting happened to me yesterday after listening to the audio program.

I bought the E-book for Mindset the other day, and I got the audio program yesterday. I've studied hypnosis and human potential/self-improvement programming for essentially the last 20 years. I took several courses on hypnosis in college and have tons of different audio programs on various subjects as well as numerous books on hypnosis; at one point I has considered joining one of the Hypnotism guilds so that I could open a practice as a Hypnotherapist.

I'm approximately one third of the way through the Mindset e-Book, and I'll tell you right now - this is perhaps the best of these books that I have ever read.
It contains in depth information about how your mind works, and how you can change it to become the best vocalist you can be.
It dawned on me while I was reading it that Jaime is such a gifted teacher that it isn't funny; not just as a voice instructor, but as a teacher in general. I think he truly has found his calling in life.

Note: Once I finish the e-book, I will write more about it.

Vocal Mindset - Meditation Program

The Vocal Mindset Meditation Program is made especially for singers, and it covers a lot of ground regarding various aspects of professional singing and your approach to singing, practicing, and living as a singer.
The program's facilitator is Hypnotist Matt Adams.
I realize that this is a meditation program and not necessarily a hypnosis program. The difference between the two is that meditation generally takes place when your brain enters Alpha, which is a relaxed state. Hypnosis takes place in Theta, which is like a light sleep.
Even though this is being touted as a meditation program, I was hypnotized by it.

I've had problems with many hypnotists in the past, and I discussed this with Jaime when I was considering getting the audio program. Let me tell you - Matt Adams is excellent! I was under within a few minutes after has asks you to close your eyes; the scripting for this program is quite powerful and there are anchors everywhere (an anchor is a post-hypnotic suggestion that your mind utilizes to bring about change. Such as, if you wanted to quit smoking, you would have to say something like,"I have quit smoking because I chosen to quit smoking." The word "chosen" is the Anchor in that sentence, and it allows your mind to pro-actively bring about a positive change; in other words, what anchor words do is empower your mind for change - it's like tricking your own mind into changing bad ideas, concepts, and habits, for the better ones.

Our mind stores what are called Imprints. Imprints are things we pick up - you know when you hear some jingle for a commercial that you just hate, and you hear it all the time, and then you're out somewhere and you find yourself singing the jingle?

That is an imprint. Through repetition that song is stored in your mind.

People enter hypnotic states all day long - think of it as being "super-conscious" or "more conscious"; in a hypnotic state, you aren't "unaware" of what is going on, in fact just he opposite - you are extremely aware! That is why your mind is able to "rewrite" or "delete files" (Jaime - comparing our minds to computers is an excellent analogy) that are incorrect, or bad for us, and replace them with ideas, concepts, and thoughts that are better for us.

Here is where this got interesting for me.
I listened to the program three times yesterday, then I looped it on my Winamp (my PC is in my bedroom) and I let it play at a low volume all night while I slept. Let me tell you why I'm saying this.

I have had problems with my lower break if I don't warm up really well first - or let me say, normally I do, or perhaps even better I should say - I DID have problems with it. After listening to the program yesterday afternoon, I was listening to some Metal songs. I just bought an Mp3 of "Break the spell" by Hellion and I've been wearing it out because I hadn't heard the song in years and it was always a personal favorite of mine.
So, I was just walking around the house singing it, and some parts of it are directly over my breaking point - I hadn't warmed up or anything, and I NAILED IT.

I don't mean I weakly made my way over the break without breaking, I mean I hit it like it was a home run!

I'll tell you this - if you are serious about singing - you need to get this program, because I can already tell you that it's changing my life for the better.

I'm not going to claim that everyone who listens to this is going to lose their breaking point because of it, because I can't guarantee that - but I think that what happened is this: mentally, I was still hanging on to the way I had always approached the low break even though I've been practicing with RYV's exercises; the Vocal Mindset program has allowed me to approach it from they way it is supposed to be approached.... and that makes all the difference in the world.

You just do not know how good it felt to approach my break and smoothly sing right through it without even fearfully thinking,"I hope my voice doesn't crack on my break!"

The complete program consists of two parts, the 136-page e-book and the 40 minute audio program. Aside from vocal training, I will assure you that this will be the best investment you can make in yourself as a vocalist.


Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Wow! What a revealing post I got the audio yesterday as well and started listening to it but I was at work so I couldn't listen to the whole thing and I thought I should read the book first (which I'm still trying to find some time for soon). Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It sounds really great

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!


Just don't listen to it while driving! It definitely has the potential to put you under, because it put me under in no time.

I have to say that I believe that the complete Mindset Program is definitely a major step forward in the evolution of vocal training and the potential rewards will be great for those who utilize it.


Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Haha! I won't

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

You have definetly moved this up on my list of things to get. I believe this will be my next investment.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Yep, seems cool, but as i'm not englsih ( i can understand it really well) i'm not sure it will be a of great use.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

I'd just like to say something, as i've recently gotten that vocal mindset audio file.

Everything that was said about it in the first post is 100% true. I've slid through my break and hit notes that I thought I couldn't hit anymore all day today, and my throat feels great. It is not by any means a program that teaches you to sing just by listening to it, so don't think of it as a substitute for practicing. The exercises taught in RYV help develop your singing muscles. But equally important, if not more, this mindset program will help develop your singing mind. If you have any trouble letting go of bad habits, I implore you, get this program as soon as you can. If you're like me, you might be the type who has been strengthening the muscles by doing the exercises, but not quite doing them correctly because of old habits that are hard to get rid of. Listen to this program. Your subconscious is such a powerful thing to have working with you. I've decided in the next week, when all of the babies that are constantly sleeping in my less than quietly ventilate house, that i'm going to start with the NGAC (never get another cold) diet, start using all of the exercises from RYV, Vocal Power, UBW, Can you hit a high C without straining, and a few of my own practices such as vowel scales. I have to admit I had not been practicing as much as I should've, due to either lack of time, or in some cases not believing in my ability to improve myself because I thought I would never be able to change my bad singing habits. After getting and listening to this program over 10 times in the 3 days (roughly) that i've had it, my confidence and drive are as high as they were when I started.

To summarize: Get vocal mindset, listen to it, listen to it again, and again, and again until you feel the need to sing, and trust me, it will hit you after hearing it enough, and then be amazed at yourself. You are probably a better singer than your think you are, and this will help you free your mind.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Ya my mom always told me that I wasn't meant to be a singer, and it's taken me about a year to get over it...I still have some memories though...I think I might need this program!!

Anyone know of a hard copy that's coming out?? I have a tough time reading books online.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

You can always print out the E-Book, but the audio program is more about singing than the book is if Jaime told me right. The book is a self help book that is supposed to help with confidence and happiness throughout all aspects of life if I understand correctly.

And if you need some extra words of encouragement without paying a dime, let me tell ya: Without any disrespect toward your mother, YOU CAN SING! Your voice is unique and wonderful, and with practice, you will be singing so strong that no one will be able to deny you. Anyone that tells you you can't sing doesn't know what they are talking about, and those same people will end up loving your singing very soon. Just stick with it!

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Hard copies of all my books are available now.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

I am so happy to read about of all the success with this program. I suppose I will be purchasing this in the near future.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Thanks for the Encouragement

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

What a wonderful review. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to be so detailed and explain everything.

Re: Jaime Vendera's Mindset Programs : You HAVE to get this!

Thanks for the encouragement (Jay Sin)...oops