Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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Hello everyone, Im new here and just thought Id make a post. Well... lil bit about myself... im 22 and am definitely what you would call a beginner (yes I know pretty old to just be gettin into the game now). Ive always had a love for music, I could literally sit there and listen for hours on end. Ive always had that visualization of being able to sing a great tune by one of the artists I listen to all the time... however I never really put anything into motion. I recently started picking up guitar which I'm new to as well but am enjoying a lot... and i got to thinking itd be great to have a good voice to sing along while jammin on the guitar.

Anyways I got to looking around and at some point got directed to this site. Did a lil more searching and looks like this is THE place to learn how to sing. If your gonna learn might as well learn from the best right . Anyways Ive had zero vocal training... and well pretty much never sing cuz wen i do LOL horrible breath support and off pitch singing while waivering all over the place isnt exactly something i like to listen too but i guess the fact im able to hear that im off is a good thing anyways lol. And i heard some people talking about reversing bad techniques from prior lessons that werent correct so i guess thats one other thing i dont have to worry about

Anyways a while back i picked up RYV and ive read it through a couple times now. Wanted to say its a great book... seems well structured. I haven't really had a chance to apply many of the exercises other than a couple of the breathing ones so far. Now from what Ive heard RYV 2nd edition has more information in it and goes into a lil more detail and theres some different techniques involved as well. I'm thinking me being a beginner it would probably be a good idea to be using the book thats more detailed and start practicing the new techniques before I get to far in the old ones. Btw if anyone has any other tips or material they would recommend feel free to post, need all the help i can get

Anyways Ive been looking at getting my hands on RYV 2nd edition. Now maybe Jaime can answer this one... I dont currently have a paypal account and I was thinking of just getting it from a store like I did RYV. I noticed in the US it seems to be available and i think someone had made a thread on here about it being on sale in Europe. Anyways I was wondering if you knew when it would be hitting shelves in Canada...I know had it listed and it was out of stock till about a week ago when it went in stock... however on the books not even listed. Same with the local chapters/indigo (which is where I got RYV) its not even listed on their site. Just a rough timeline would be nice.. I know in a previous post you had mentioned some typos and stuff that needed fixing... so is it that you need to get those fixed before they start printing too the major stores?

Anyways figured if im gonna learn how to sing might as well learn it right the first time, and like I said before if anyones got any tips or anything that would help out a beginnner feel free to post it up here. Well this post was just supposed to be short so sorry for making you guys read through all this lol... Anyways ill probably talk to you guys soon. Have a good holiday!

P.S Thank you Jaime for all the information you have provided in these books and the support you provide on your forums.

Re: Hello

Make sure you download the audio and video from this Members section;) I am not sure when or any other book store will pick it up. THat is out of my hands. The book was just released a few weeks ago with the typos corrected. There weren't many and you'll always find more;)


Re: Hello

Welcome! You can pay with a credit card too if you have one I`m canadian too; I live in Toronto where are you from?

Re: Hello

22?!!! I'm 43 and just started vocal training this year! You're not late to anything, trust me! You probably have much less to un-learn too.

The new typo-free book is out (I got mine a couple weeks ago) and the new audio files are great to work with. Download them and put them on a CD to keep in the car.

Re: Hello

Wow... thanks for all the replies already. And damn that is a large post lol sorry about that guys. I do have a credit card, but usually don't purchase stuff from the US incase of any shipping issues and stuff like that. Im just looking at the prices right now and its $34.95 + $5.00 shipping or is that only in the US? What would be the cost for us Canadians?
Well I did download the audio files and they seem great. And Im actually out west in Edmonton, AB.

Re: Hello

Welcome and Merry Christmas!!!

Stan H.

Re: Hello

Hey, welcome to the board! Don't worry 22 is definitely not too old to be starting. Voice is different than other instruments. You really don't have to start at a young age to be great.
Be sure and check out:

They have a lot of free articles and videos by the top vocal coaches around the world(including Jaime who's a frequent contributer there). Lots of stuff for beginners there too.

Good Luck-


Re: Hello

Well, my bad, I did a little more searching turns out does have it listed. Dont ask me why but when you click the link Jaime V. Vendera to find all books by him, it doesnt show up, but if you search Jamie V. Vendera then it shows up lol Anyways once it goes in stock there ill be pickin it up .

I did have 2 questions. First, Jaime would you recommend this book for beginners? Or is it more geared to people with some experience? And second.. is there a way to tell which version has the typos fixed, so i know if im buying the one that has been fixed already. I can provide a link if necessary.

Re: Hello

well i can tell you from personal experience that it is geared for both the singing adept (james labrie among others) and the singing challenged (myself though i am much better since i bought the book)

Re: Hello

It's a remarkably user-friendly method written in plain english. I think it's good for singers of all abilities. Go for it!

Re: Hello

Typos are all fixed. MAKE sure you are buying Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition! Because some sites are still selling Raise Your Voice. The new version is 460 pages whereas the original is 184 pages;)

Re: Hello

Ahh well I think I will pick it up then. Yes it does have the new cover and is listed as 464 pages. I just wasn't sure if any of the books prior to the typos being fixed might be floating around on some sites still, or were those only provided to members who bought directly off the site right after release? Anyways thanks for all the replies and support!! Talk to you guys soon.