Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Man what a tedious task. Four simple rules-
1 Buy the new version of RYV.
2. Sign up for my mailing list.
3. Sign up for the Voice Council mailing list.
4. Send me a "Why I deserve this package" email.

Not very many of you did all of these requirements. If it were me, I would want to win a $2000 + package, so I don't get it. Not very many people completed all requirements. This is your LAST chance. Everyone who bought the book WAS sent an email with the links and directions to all of the discounts, freebies and giveaway instructions, so please don't ask for the links. I will not post them. If you want a chance to be entered into this drawing, you better get a move on and complete the 4 above tasks. If you've bought the book but negelctd to sign up and don't know how, the links are buried on this message board somewhere in several places. Good luck, I will be announcing the winner tomorrow night!

Jaime Vendera

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Now I am 100% certain I have done everything. I can only hope. :). Best of luck to everyone.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

I'm also 100% certain I've done everything

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

I thought it was on Dec 1.
But now I know better so I just sent you the email.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

yea, i hope i did everything!

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Hi Jaime,

I tried to send the e-mail to the info e-mail but it bounced back (mail box was full), so I e-mailed instead to the e-mail address provided when I signed up for the Voice Connection newsletter.

Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway and Happy New Year to everyone!


Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Tedious task indeed. That's why I gave up. Looks like I'm not alone, either. I don't remember #4 being in the instructions. Now I can't even find the instructions.

Oh well. I guess some things aren't meant to be.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

See how easily people give up. All you had to do was read the instructions in the email that WAS sent to you. The link is on this board somewhere. Special thanks to everyone else. I need a favor so I can verfy. Could you please send me your username and email for the Voice Council forum? Please send it to I will then write the names of everyone on a separate piece of paper and do a random drawing. I would have picked from the letters sent in but their were so many amazing responses and some of these responses didn't finish all the requirements:( I am even going to draw a 2nd and 3rd place for a free internet lesson to discuss the techniques with me:)

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

I dug up the email you sent - it links me to these instructions:

As I thought, there is no #4 as above

Duration of bonus offer: Offer expires 12/02/2007
How do I get my bonus? To be eligible to win the two pedals below, you need to visit and register for:

1. The Voice Council Forum
2. Elect to receive the daily digest on the VC Forum
3. Register to receive the VC newsletter

You MUST register for all three to be eligible to win!

I sent an email to your MSN account with the info you requested.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

#4 is #3 on that link; he only listed 3 steps because it would be obvious to put Buy Raise Your VOice in the email you received FOR buying Raise Your Voice.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Rule#1: You Must sign up for the TC Voice Council Forum at Upon sign up you must elect to receive the daily digest on the Voice Council Forum and you must also register to receive the VC newsletter. If you do not do all three requirements you will not be eligible for this Giveaway. So please do all three for the Voice Council. Besides, why would you pass up the chance to have access to some of the world’s greatest vocal instructors?

Rule #2:You must sign up for the Voice Connection mailing list at way, we can notify you of Members updates.

Rule #3: Please send me an email in 500 words or less as to why you deserve this incredible package! Send letters to and put in the Header “Why I deserve the Super Singer’s Giveaway Package”

Well, what are you waiting for? Time is running out. This is the Ultimate singer’s giveaway and there will not be another one like it, so sign up and submit!!!

Thats at the bottom of the page

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Hi Jaime. Just tell me if my letter was convincing please.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

I got it now - the three steps near the top of the page aren't exactly the same as the three steps at the bottom of the page. NOW I see where I went wrong. Need to read the whole thing!

Sorry for all the confusion. I need more sleep!

Merry Christmas everybody!

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

There were so many wonderful letters it blew me away. I REALLY wish I could give this package to everyone! I will have to do a drawinf because I cannot pick by the letters. I was so touched by everyone's enthusiasm. Don't hold me to this, but I am thinking about also doing some sort of Meet and greet via Skypewith all the people who entered. I might even get Tony to come aboard;)

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Jaime how many times do I have to tell you that you are amazing?!?!? I just came by to wish everybody Merry Christmas. Guys may our dreams come true, and may Jaime's method become 10 times more popular. Let fortune and let singers be there to help each other (Jaime is already helping out as much as he can, it's time for everybody else to join in). And let this board be there to give people support in the harshest and most desperate of times. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!

Stan H.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Oh, Jaime about the contest, I registered for voice council. But there are problems with my current e-mail there, need to write e-mail to Mr. Lunte to fix that. I don't know this will not eradicate me from the list of people are accepted for the draw .
I registered back in November under my normal e-mail:

Stan H.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Will the winners be posted here or will they be contacted by email?

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

I entered your name into the drawing Stan. I am posting redults in a minute. I just drew names.

Re: The Giveaway Drawing is tomorrow

Well it's my fault that I didn't read the link completely otherwise I would have completed the requirements. Dang!