Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Hi, even though i'm not pretty sure what happened to my voice but as I am seemningly healthy at the time and it has remained this wayy the last days i guess that it is permament.

my voice freaking changed violently:

- My falsetto changed from nice to imbecile
- no head voice whatsoever
- upper range basically unusable
- timbre changed from normal to david gilmour

I think I WAS a tenor and NOW I am a baritone, but I do not care about the naming thing, I just know that I hate this voice and if it is going to stay that way, I am not sure that I want to continue with my singing attempts....

I hate it I hate it I FREAKING hate it... I sound like a dumbass.... it has been going on through the last months, but I still sounded decent on my mid range some weeks ago

It is so unfair....... i was beginning to like my voice and now THIS happens.... AAAAAAHHHH I hate it .... I hate talking now, I sound like a fucking retard (no offense to mentally challenged people) ... besides, this voice does not go over other sounds so I have to speak louder to be heard....

I cannot squeal, make funny noise, imitate a girl, make monkey noises etc.... all that which was part of how i express myself.... and I know it sounds bumb, but it sucks losing yourself :(

it's no longer about the range... it's the timbre.... I sounf like someone else.... aahh this shit makes me so sad... I mean I already wnt throug the voice changes in puberty, those were cool.... but this....

my voice does not even work as it used to, if i do anything above d4 it is all airy and sounds ... BAAAAD reaaly bad....

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I dunno what else to say and it's even worst coz I have no way of getting the frustration out of my system, coz I still can't play I guitar and nobody gives a shit about this (friends, family etc.)

anyway, the time I did make progress was great and I thank all of u for that, specially Jaime.

I don't know what is going to happen now... I guess i just have to wait :(

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Do you wanna quit????

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Your honestly probably just getting sick or did some slight damage (im sure just wear and tear though, nothing too severe). I suggest you take a break from singing for a while to let yourself heal; just vocalize softly and make sure your drinking nothing but water and lots of it. Then you can go from there with your recovery.

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

as said before, just relax and give you a break....

reading your post, i can see that the practice of your voice and being a "tenor like" has turn to an obsession.... Just keep it cool, take your time and everything will be allright.

I'm pretty sure you overworked badly your voice the last weeks... Just think if you were getting a bad cold and you maybe kept on pushing too much, put too much air, too much high notes, too much volumes etc...... it's simply too much for the momemt.

I am too really pissed of by the fact that one day you will get the note and timbre you want and next few days, it seems impossible, some day i feel like i've never sing before, it's really frustrating, but i know that it's just a bad moment and i will found my voice again. Those moments also help me a lot to know what is right or wrong in my singing approach etc...

Try to take a break, not maybe not singing but don't think too much of working and results just remember the pleasure that bring you to practice in the beginning, just sing for fun or passion but not because you have to practice to be a tenor and hit this fu***** High C next week as pavarotti or Dio.....

Keep it cool and i'm sure everything will be allright.

Even it's sometimes good to go on a couch and speak to someone of your "obsessions" , there's really no shame about that.


Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Don't be so disheartened... It will get better... I think you're stressing yourself out too much... You need to let go. I would also suggest to STOP singing for at least 2 weeks. Than start over with the basics.

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Xavier- it really seems like you have a passion for singing. Don't give up something that you love. Take some time off from singing and gather some knowledge on vocal fatigue and proper technique. Read Jaime's books. Go to the Voice Council website. Work on your personal health-rest, water, supplements, say no to drugs, cardio. You get the idea. Listen to your favorite musicians and singers that inspire you. Chances are you will come back with a fresh voice and hoepfully you can keep it. Good luck!

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

I agree with stopping for a few weeks and coming back to it. Sometimes when things are at their worst, you need a break and time to remove yourself from it.

When I was hospitalized and couldn't play guitar for a week, when I came home, it felt so much better.

But you do also have to remember that your voice will continue to change for your whole life. Listen to some men in their 50s-70s. Gravel! I think that is sometimes due to poor speaking habits, but the voice change certainly doesn't end after puberty. Learn to accept yourself brother!

Another story - I gained thirty pounds this past year. Until recently, I was horribly dissatisfied with my physical appearance. I'm coming to appreciate the extra weight now. Things change and though you may not like it at first, look for the beauty in it. Never let go of the past, but don't live there.

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

I don't see why you want to be a tenor so bad. Are you that interested in singing 80s butt rock?

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

i would guess give it rest but not permanently. could be nodules or something.

oh and James i work as a fitness trainer and ill be launching a free fitness site soon that could help you lose the unwanted fat and also if you are a front man in a band itll help your lung capacity. ill keep ya up to date on that

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Believe me when I say I know how you feel.

But come on, get real! You think suddenly becoming a baritone would mean you couldn't hit a D4? I know low basses who can vocalize into super-head, and into whistle register.

And as a baritone myself, allow me a little righteous indignation: You think being a baritone is making you sound like a dumbass?

Sorry, but if you sound like a dumbass, your fach has nothing to do with it ;). Baritones have some of the most pleasant speaking voices I've ever heard.

So get serious for a second: If you sound bad, if your voice isn't responding any more, and if your upper register has vanished very suddenly... then a voice change probably has nothing to do with it.

If I were you, I would go see an ENT. If you can't, then at least do this:

1. Stop trying to sing. Take a break for at -least- two weeks. Don't vocalize, don't sing with the radio, try not to hum along with things, and don't (DON'T!) test your range to 'see if your voice is back'.

2. Speak as little as you possibly can.

3. Drink lots of water.

4. Get at -least- six hours of sleep a night, preferably seven or eight.

5. Check your diet. Make sure you're eating enough, and that it's not all junk food.

6. Check your emotional state and see if something outside of your voice is troubling you.

You need to understand what you can and can't get away with if you want to be able to rely on your voice.

I recently got stressed out, and just stopped eating because I was always busy or was too upset to eat. Well, three weeks later and ten pounds lighter I had no voice left at all. My voice had lost all of its fullness and coloring, I was struggling horrifically to get over Middle C, and my throat would start to hurt after only fifteen minutes of singing... I could barely make it through a voice lesson.

Once I started eating and calmed down a little, it took about three days for my voice to return to normal. I still haven't regained the weight, but there you go .

I also know from experience that if I get less than six hours of sleep, my voice is going to be difficult to use. I know I can't afford to get less than six for two nights in a row, or it will be completely shot.

So basically... calm down! Take stock and see if you can logically figure out why your voice might have started acting up. It could -possibly- be a voice change, but I really doubt it. I would love to hear a clip of you to see if we can't figure out if it's maybe some overuse, drainage, or something of the like.

Last note: Didn't you say something about your nose being closed off, or something? If your nose isn't stuffy, but it's closed off, then that's something you should consider seeing a doctor about.

Or if I'm remembering wrong, and it's that you're stuffy, then you could have a cold or a sinus infection. I can sing through a cold, but for me personally when it comes to a sinus infection all bets are off . My voice will drop about an octave when I speak, and I can't sing at all till the meds kick in and it start to clear up.

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

yes sleep...sleep is way underrated. did you know that sleep is the MOST neglected aspect of human health? make sure you catch yer zzzzs or your voice will suffer. speaking of zzzzzs goodnight everybody and hope you had a happy halloween

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

hey dude
Back in the summer i was having serious problems, i just lost everything. Ive only just started singing again last week, so its been about 3 months and the 3 months of not singing has been really good for my voice. I thought maybe it would be weak and id have to build it all up again, but its stronger than ever and i think its because whatever bad habits i had, ive forgotten.
Maybe you should take a long break, more than 2 weeks. Give it a month or something.

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(


Please pardon my use of profanity but I am so HAPPY :D .... i had a severe inflammation in almost overything in my larynx (ie chords and lining) so My voice sounded like "stable" so that was what made me (and almost everyone around me) believe it was a voice changeeeeee.... but it was not :D

sooo I turned 18 last week :D so now I am a grown man AND I do not give a shizzle about my vocal fach because MY voice is back again...

PS: i checked for all the stuff you guys have said and funnily enough.... IT WAS ALL... I had: allergies, vocal fatigue, I had a cold which I confused with allergies...etc.... EVERYTHING...

sorry for being so dramatic and emo on my first post your patience and help is DEEPLY thanked.


Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

Oh one thing else.... my vocal fry is still pretty funny tho... xD whatever hahahaha I´m absolutely ecstatic becausse the rest is back :P

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

congrats bro....and happy belated birthday

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

I'm happy to hear your feeling better! Take it easy

Re: Voice changes suck, i think I will give up :(

CAn't Find my damn headvoice, stuck with reinfuckingforced falsetto!!!!!!!!!!!! It's driving me crazy. I think I'm joinig the club too..