Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

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swelling falsetto verses transcending tone

2 question about swelling falsetto verses transcending tone. in a video a fellow (i think morrison) posted here, he asks if his transcending tone is correct, and to me it sounded more like swelling his falsetto. when i do the transcending tone exercise, i go from falsetto into chest and back to falsetto (as i move up i guess its not chest but middle voice). ive found this extremely helpful, but am i doing it right?

also, around tenor C, i cant transcend into a chest type voice anymore (i know this is called middle voice but it feels like chest), so I then go from falsetto into head voice, but the difference between a non breathy falsetto and head voice is blurry to me. At tenor C, the trancending tone starts to feel like swelling the falsetto. What is the difference between a nicely produced non breathy falsetto and head voice?

Re: swelling falsetto verses transcending tone

i think the fellow you are referring to is me. i would suggest you do what i did which is record yerself doin the exercise and post it on here where more experienced people can have a look

Re: swelling falsetto verses transcending tone

thanks for the advice mossman, and i was referring to your video. i uploaded a video of me doing a transcending tone exercise by simply swelling falsetto and then by going from falsetto to what feels like chest voice. im doing this on "ah" on the A below tenor C. then i do a siren from chest to falsetto, and then all "chest".

1. For transcending tone, should the voice go from falsetto to a chest-like production? In the lower range, we transcend to chest, but what do you transcend to after Tenor C? I know the book calls it transcending to full voice, but full voice is a totally different beast at C4 and C5. What we are aiming for in the transcending tone exercise once in the upper registers?

2. For the vocal siren, should the voice stay "chesty" or go into "head voice" around the upper registers?

3. you use the owl "hoo hoo" to practice zipping, and the seth rigs book uses the "edge" sound. both of these exercises are suppose to help produce full voice from falsetto, but both exercises cause my tongue to raise towards the back of my throat. they do produce a fuller sound, but i should be able to zip the vocal chords together while leaving my tongue at the bottom of my mouth, right? how about when singing "eee" the tongue has to rise?

Thanks for all the help!

Re: swelling falsetto verses transcending tone

not sure if it helps but...
when i was swelling the voice for an attempted transcending tone it felt like the quality was changing.

from what i understand in ryv is its a 3 step process. 1 strengthen falsetto 2 transcend the falsetto into full voice 3 use the siren to smooth the transition. so i guess you use the falsetto exercises to strenthen your head voice.

i also saw in one of jaime's videos that he had one of his students stick his tongue out while doing some of the exercises. that would probably help prevent your tongue from rising up when you dont want it too

Re: swelling falsetto verses transcending tone

He's referring to Spencer. Jonathon has a very unique voice. It is ver thin towards the top, much like Geddy Lee of Rush and that is just his natural tone. I have listened to thousands of voices and everyone is different. My transcending tone might sound different that yours. This is why it is better to have a qualified teacher working with you one on one. BEst to post an mp3 on here and let everyone hear it;)