Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

One audio file down, seventy two to go ;) Should have all the audio files done by the end of the week hopefully. Both The Ultimate Breathing Workout revised edition and the new Ultimate Vocal Workout Diary were submitted this morning to my printing company. My pdf compiler received Raise Your Voice 2nd edition this morning and will probably take about a week to sift through. So what I am saying is, we are getting real close;)But these audio files are driving me cuhrazeeee. In fact, I had to scream and ended up breaking glass # 86 by voice alone this morning;)


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Very cool!

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

If only I knew how to get the digital compressor in Adobe Audition in line BEFORE the recording track so I could keep from clipping on the high notes. It just cannot handle sirens;)

Jaime V

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Try recording everything quieter, and then adding the compressor. But why would you want compression anyway? Wouldn't it be more helpful to us if we can hear the differences in volume as you go up the siren?

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Absolutely, but my scream and Sirens are so ungodly loud that it is causing digital distortion ;)


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

See, that was exactly my problem recording high notes... That's how I've blasted my mic. I've got to return it to the merchant for repairs and than I can try your Dallan's advice. Is he assisting you with the recording? Tell me how you fixed it when you do...

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

just take more disstance with the mic when you push or scream. and you should better look in a "limiter" plugin than in a compressor before your voice, it will certainly kill the dynamics. but the "far from the mic take" is in my opinion the best solution, we may not feel you close to our ears but we can seriously hear the effect and the exercice or demonstration

See ya

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Yeah I am going to try to go "no compression" and back off. I start the intense exercises tomorrow. I'll just back off, OR maybe record them seperatley from the talking part. But, I am NOT reading scripts, I am winging all the files so that you actually get me as a coach. That is the only thing that bothers me about recording the demonstrations a little seperate. I tried one today that demonstrated holding notes. I held like an A or Bbelow Tenor C for about 30 seconds, but it clipped really bad. I'll get it figured out. Anyways, 28 audio files down, 45 to go ;)


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Dallan's advice was also to place the mic above your head as if miking your nose so that you don't sing directly in the mic. That way you don't have to back off that much and you can still keep a "in your face" sound. Also use a metal pop filter. I've tried the limiter and it didn't make a difference for me in that respect even though I kept it on for other purposes. But again, I haven't tried these ideas yet... Don't forget to tell me if they work!!

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

So... Did you figure it out? I wanna know what to do

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Already do the above. For me, I have to record two seperate trakcs and then splice them together because I am trying to keep it as clean as possible with no compression now. It's a little tough but I'm gettin it. Have about 12 more tracks to do.


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Sorry you are having problems. Recording can be a real pain sometimes. :(

By the way, which microphone are you using?

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Well, if I were in Nashville with my engineer I'd be using a killer Neumann, but I am stuck using a Rode NT-1A. Not a bad little mic, but it is a bit bright, therein lies the problem. Of course I am just doing teaching files, but since it is so bright, I gotta watch how hard I hit those demonstrations;) So I figured I'd just drop the gain way down on the whistle, Siren and screaming demonstrations and let er rip;)So far, it isn't too bad. But I am a perfectionist and I am sure once I post the audio files, I'l hate them. Much like I hate the homemade video look of the video lessons. But, they still serve their purpose:)


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Yeah, I have the NT1A as well... I had thought of recording different tracts with different settings too. My hope is that Dallan's advice will be enough to fix the problem. That is once I get the mic back from being repaired. I'm lucky Rode has a great warranty coverage!

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Jaime, if I may ask, what kind of system are you recording with? Unless you're going into a nicely colored preamp or you have some badass conversion system, you should be fine using NO gain while recording. Just make sure the room's quiet enough to afford you the level adjustments you'll need to make afterwards.

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Let me clarify...I mean on loud takes...If you use any gain at all, use it sparingly.

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

I'm just talking about basic gain at the board to keep the level somewhat peaked as it enters the computer. At 0 on the board, I have 0 in the computer.


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II


Go get a guitar FX pedal, I'm sure you already have one.

Use the compression, limiter, etc on that. Take down your EQ on the pedal by cutting the bass, and turning both the mid and treble to 0.

For added compression, toss a guitar compression pedal at the end of your chain before the computer.

For some reason, guitar FX pedals don't have very strong compression, which is the reason for the second pedal.

I use this setup for everything you've ever heard me do, and it works great!

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

The voicetone pedals will do the same thing, and were designed for voice, so since you have them already Jaime, just throw on the correct pedal and see if that helps the levels

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Already tried the pedals, they cannot handle the volume I use for the Sirens. I'll make do;)


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

lol, that's funny!! That's the problem when you got pipes strong enough to shatter glass, and crap out most electronics too I might add.

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

I'm not sure if it's the volume or the high frequencies alone or combined cause I've been having that problem and I'm sure I don't sing THAT loud!!

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

So Jaime, how did you get around that problem? I got my new mic back from repairs, I got a metal pop filter and I changed the mic placement but I'm still having that problem... And I don't want to blast my mic again!!

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

I use a metal pop filter AND a mesh filter in front of it so I cannot get really close to the mic. I also personallu use a Vocal Acoustic Monitor so that I can contain the volume and not sing super loud.


Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

Right... The problem is I don't think I'm singing that loud, just high (about G6 which is really not that hish either...) I've also tried putting a sock on the mic to try to help stop the frequencies since I don't have a windshield and I thought I should get creative!! I e-mailed Dallan; he seems very nice; he told me to call him, so I will this weekend

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

G5 I mean... (G6 is indeed quite high )

Re: Recording the audio tracks for RYV II

I spoek to Dallan; we fixed it! It was the cable connecting my ART and my Inspire... Man that was such a frustrating issue!