Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Zen of screaming 2

Hi singers!

Has anyone checked out the second part yet?
I was disappointed by the first part to be honest as the part of learning screaming is very short (compared to the running time and I can`t learn from just watching people screaming on stage).
Good general excercises and interesting interviews in it, but I expected more about that screaming thing..

So does the new (2nd) volume cover that more detailed?

Thank you for info..

Re: Zen of screaming 2

I agree. The first one sucked. I wouldn't expect much from the second one.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

Zen2 is far better than the first. It gets into greater detail.


Re: Zen of screaming 2

I'm kind of holding out on Zen2. I liked the first one a lot and use its warmup. The screaming/yelling material was definitely very short, but it still worked.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

I bought Zen and was extremely disappointed. Like 90% of the movie is testimonials... Very little on actual rock style vocals. Even then I didn't understand it. The pencil thing went entirely over my head, and I think the method she was using was proven wrong when she went to get it recorded on tape, if I remember correctly.

Re: Zen of screaming 1: Above the Pencil

The 'Above the Pencil' technique is a basic one from many schools of singing. By trying to project your pitch so it flow out of your mouth above a pencil held in the teeth, you have to slightly lower your larynx and raise your soft palette. So it's a visualization that works for a lot of people, but like all visualizations, it's not universal. Think of how long it takes a lot of us here to finally get "zipping" for high notes.

The weirdest visualization exercise I got was from my chorus teacher. He told his classes to imagine we were pinching a dime with our butts. The idea was to improve our posture so we could sing with example lower ribcages (sound familiar?), but man was it creepy.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

dude did you go to a catholic school. you know you can have your old teacher put in jail now.he shouldnt be putting anything in your butt

Re: Zen of screaming 2

One of my old voice teachers told me that trick, although she only suggested using it if you were going for a high note and you were very tired, or were sick and had to sing.

Nothing creepy about it .

Re: Zen of screaming 2

Well, enough about coins where they don't belong.

With help from both RYS and The Zen of Screaming, I was able to scream in a very gutteral manner and intersperse it with lots of clean singing and didn't get the hoarseness or loss of a clean tone nor access to falsetto (which used to happen pre-Zen and pre-RYS).

I want to get Zen2 and know I'll want to get RYV2 when it's out, but can't imagine how they'll outdo the originals.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

Zen of screaming wasn't nearly as informative as the laryngiscopy video she took after ZOS 1 pretty much showing us that screaming really only involves squeezing the vocal folds and the entire airway together as hard as possible and changing the configuration of the resonators, and that low screams were just a matter of engaging a falsetto mechanism and blowing a lot of air through. She goes on and on about the false folds and yadda yadda and it turns out that you can squeeze your shit together and access them, but for the most part, you're just using a lot of nasal resonance and squeezing the folds together so hard that they don't vibrate...If you do it right, you don't push so much air through that they get blown apart and in time THAT is what makes for a strong screaming voice; focused air.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

Great points, James! The more gutteral scream certainly had a falsetto feel (the more air than a note should normally need feeling). That's too weird and it explains why I didn't lose my ability to use falsetto after barking out lyrics like a lunatic.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

what i dint like about the zen of screaming is that it seems she is just showing off yer client list as opposed to just teaching you stuff. having some of that stuff is ok but when the disc is an hour long and 15mins of that is informative it gets a bit annoying

Re: Zen of screaming 2

Zen2 is awesome and more involved. RYV II has THE explanation for how you the throatiness occurs and how you can do it wihotu hurting your throat.


Re: Zen of screaming 2

Ya, I wasn't a big fan of Zen1, I found it to be more like a commercial ad then an instructional dvd, as a result I will not be buying zen2.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

I actually liked the first one better. I just ripped it on my comp and edited out all the infomercials. Zen 2 didn't help me at all. Melissa Cross doesn't teach you how to scream. Youtube videos have helped me the most with screaming. I can't wait to buy RYV II though =D.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

is there any dvd like "zen of screaming" but more rock oriented and not too much metal oriented.

Hey Mr Vendera when will you do a dvdv??????

Re: Zen of screaming 2

James Lugo has a new DVD set coming out that you could check out on his Vocal Asylum site.

Robert Lunte's program as well would be good for you; its definately rock/classic metal (not growling death metal like a lot of Melissa's clients.

Also, Breck Alan has a new DVD series out that i've been seeing at Sam Ash a lot lately; might want to check into that.

Re: Zen of screaming 2

they asked Jaime to do the sequel to metal method's vocal power. i hope he does it. even just for a tribute to Jim