Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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which one?

Hello Jaime (and everyone else!!)

I'm new to the world of vocal instruction and am slightly overwhelmed by the number of programs out there. Also I've noticed that Jaime tends to give other coaches much more credit than is generally the practise among people in the field.

So I have a does one pick all of the programs that one needs. For instance I currently have Brett Manning's Singing Success and Mastering Vibrato, Singorama and Melisaa Cross's Zen of Screaming. Yet out of all the stuff on Amazon, only Jaime's work (RYV and the Ultimate Breathing Workout) tends to enjoy consisten 'five stars', often cited as the ultimate or complete package. Yet recently, Mr Robert Lunte's DVD-based instruction seems to have caught my eye along with some others. While I eventually plan to have all of these I would really like some advice and explanation. For instance what sets Jaime's own work apart from all these others I have mentioned ...

Sorry for a long rant there but i have to ask someone???

Re: which one?

Oh and is it absolutely to do only one at a time...or can different programs be used during various times in the day?

Re: which one?

it depends really, i got singing success first and didn't really feel that motivated to go through it all. I then got RYV, Thomas Appell's book and a few others, and was able to read around about what I was doing. Having done so, I think Singing Success is a really good method, and I'm now working through it every day and getting a lot better, but the knowledge I gained from all those other books was invaluable.

SS is good mainly because you just work through the CDs, and if you do it every day moving on to the next one when you're ready, you will get much better. The other programs require more effort, because they don't tell you what to do when, just give a list of exercises. So, if you can organise and motivate yourself well, then maybe RYV will suit you completely, (and either way it's definately worth getting) but if you prefer being led through the exercises then SS. But to be honest, I'd go through as many as you can afford and just keep learning.

Re: which one?

sounds fair......thankss!!

Re: which one?


Welcome to the forum.

I can't speak about the other methods because I haven't read them. Though as you point out, Jaime has no prblem recognizing the competency of other teachers and methods. At the heart of it, this is one of the things I like about Jaime, he is very (to use a tired cliche) "down to earth," and this is also what I like about his book. He will tell you there is no "magic secret" to becoming a great singer. It's all about how much effort you put it, and then he will proceed to give you some very good tools in a way that's very easy to understand.


Re: which one?

I hate to sound so biased... I honestly do!

But as a wanna-be opera singer, and having not only bought a few books by various teachers, but also checked out a ton from my university's library...

Jamie's book is -definitely- the best I've come across so far. No other book has helped my voice the way his has.

I've heard some wishy-washy reviews for most other books, but -everyone- I've gotten to buy RYV, or who I've heard from that owns it (and uses it), loves it and has had big improvements.

I know all programs will tell you, "Good Technique is Good Technique," but hearing the exercises on various pop/gospel/etc. oriented CDs, and reading the books, I can hardly imagine a Rock or Opera singer being able to use those techniques with any major success!

RYV, however, seems to me to have technique that really is just overall, 'Good Technique.'

Re: which one?

that's definetely the lines, along which most of the stuff I here abt Jaime's book, is based on....thanks for that Anthony.. ..can't wait for the new RYV to come out...just for the record how long (assuming daily, diligent practise) does it take for Jaime's instructions to start making very definite improvements?

Re: which one?

For myself, although of course it will differ from person to person, I've already seen good results within about two weeks... and I haven't even been practicing -that- regularly.

I mean to, but unfortunately between some other projects that popped up unexpectedly this week, plus a huuuuuuge math test looming up soon, I've fallen off the wagon a bit.

However over these two weeks, just applying tips, being more mindful, and practicing simi-regularly, I've gone from having a top singing (not talking about vocalizing) note of E4 to more of an F4, maybe an F4# if I pull, and lemme tell ya... when I remember to take a good breath, apply the proper support, and float my ribs, the sound I'm making now is MUCH bigger, fuller, and richer than the one I was making two weeks ago.

To quote my teacher's comment from yesterday: "Great! This is fantastic... you're starting to sound much more like an actual 'opera' singer, your diction is tons better, and your chest/head connection is starting to blend really well... plus your not losing quality from the beginning of the lesson to the end."

I've also been able to sing through a entire, one hour high-intensity practice, and then a mass with absolutely no vocal fatigue at all twice now, which I've never done before.

Also no matter how sore my throat feels when I wake up, or how hard my allergies hit me, or how stiff my neck feels... after a good RYV warmup, I'm singing with more ease than I ever used to even on my 'good' days :D.

So... I guess you can see why I love RYV!