Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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What do you think is happening?

Hey guys
This weekend ive had that breakthrough again, and im starting to get used to where the sound is coming from now.
Its really weird, theres no strain or tension at all...the muscle under my chin which is usually the one that tightens is doing nothing, i can sing my C5 without going past my breakpoint with complete ease and also a C#5 (which ive never been able to do)and i can sing those notes with a fairly closed mouth too and usually i have to open it right up. It just feels as if im singing with a different voice.

THe one thing im worrying about a bit is this distortion thing that happens after a bit. I try and hit the notes and it just sounds distorted and it sounds like im straining, but im not at all...nothing is straining, it just sort of gets tired after a bit and wont hit the notes n e more. What do you think is going on here? Its not hurting and its not making voice hoarse or n e thing.
I think it might be something to do with that fact that to hit those notes before there wud be some strain and extra (unecessary) muscle gripping around my larynx, therefore i was forcing my chords to do there job, but now im not forcing, the muscles used to make the chords hit the high notes just isnt strong enough at the moment..????
What do you think? is that possible?
Or another thing could be too much, maybe my lungs have to adjust to the amount of air my chords need now, where as before i wud probably have pushed more air through in those more challenging high parts....
or could it be both of those things?

Re: What do you think is happening?

Sounds like a bit of muscle fatigue where you aren't use to using your muscles in a new way. Give it time, you are doing fine.


Re: What do you think is happening?

Ok thanks Jaime, i needed that bit of reassurance... i wouldnt want to start doing something wrong. I guess its just gonna take some time to get used to my voice again.

Re: What do you think is happening?

Ok thanks Jaime, i needed that bit of reassurance... i wouldnt want to start doing something wrong. I guess its just gonna take some time to get used to my voice again.

Re: What do you think is happening?

I can sing my C5 without going past my breakpoint with complete ease...
End Quote:

Lee, does this mean you singing the C5 while still in the "chest reqister" or in the "falsetto/full voice register?" I was under the impression G4 was the average high-end range for the "chest register" before the coordination change to the falsetto "full Voice" coordination.

Re: What do you think is happening?

Yeh i mean C5 in chest voice (before more chords zip up into head voice) Alot of guys can sing higher than a G#4, Pavarotti can hit up to a C5 in chest voice. But with this thing thats going on with my voice, i was hitting a C#5 comfortably before i had to break into head voice. Ive always been able to sing up to a C5 though, usually with belting it with strain...but as long as whatever is happening to my voice is consistent, ill be hitting them easy as pie :P

My voice is really tired today now, my speaking voice is also affected, but its becos i havent ive onlyt had one day off over the last 2 and a half weeks....i kept trying to have a day off last week but i kept wanting to check if my voice wud do its magical thing again. Im resting today and tomorrow now though.

Re: What do you think is happening?

Lee, why are you trying to hit that C5 without your vocal chords zipping? I always think that the sound of one's voice should be consistent from bottom to top and the transition very subtle between chest and head voice. If you start mixing the resonances gradually (go for mix voice right before the break and early on after), it shouldn't matter if you're hitting that note before or after the zipping occurs. It's probably easier to let the zipping occur sooner when it's needed. Do you see what I mean? Could this be causing your vocal fatigue?

Re: What do you think is happening?

But tone of my head voice is too different....well...its getting alot better. In a way i do think thats whats also happening with everything being easier...its like a slight blend of head, but it still has the same feeling as chest. I dont zip before the C#5 usually because i know its in my ability to get this belting sounded without straining....and im getting there slowly but surely. And yeh i kno if i made the transition more subtle, my tone wud be more rather not scarifice my tone and go all out into making my head voice uber strong...which is also starting to come along really well.... Im stubborn you see :P I know if i keep working at it, ill get it. And if when i start singing again on wednesday the new thing thats happening is still there, then im well on my way to reaching my goals....
Thanks anyway guys

Re: What do you think is happening?

Lee, I hate to rain on the parade and Jaime is undoubtedly correct, "you're doing fine", but please be aware that changes like the ones you've described are also consistent with some types of cord-damage and over-exertion.
Watch for unintentional distortion and sudden increase in "ease" of high-range notes (usually accompanied by a loss/lessening of low-range)as possible signs of beginning callous, nodule, lesion etc on the cords. The swelling or beginning-callous can have the effect of shortening the vibratory part of the cords, hence the higher notes. The surgeon who repaired my cords told me that if I'd rested when I first noticed the distortion and sudden changes it would have probably healed itself and made surgery unnecessary.
I usually wouldn't post such a negative viewpoint on the message board but, if asked, I would have described exactly the same symptoms you mentioned in your post and I speak from personal experience.
Take care of that wonderful voice mate. If the distortion persists and you can't get rid of it with rest and using more support, see an ENT Specialist.
Believe me it's better to be safe than surgeoned!
Cheers, Dave

Re: What do you think is happening?

Yeh, last year when I was just starting to mutter musical sounds, I attempted pantera and stuff... and my voice was being affected, and whistle notes came in the way.... but I was KILLING my voice do to constrictions caused by improper control of my support.... my chords were severely wounded for about a month... a month of coughing, pain, and a POWERFUL itch.... it all summed up to a laryngitis in the end of the month... it was HELL .... so yeah... Dave is on the spot... and DO take care bro Lee... Yours is one voice worthy of patience and care....

Re: What do you think is happening?

OH, and out of personal experience, whenever you want to take care of your voice, do not be SO careful when you speak... speak resonantly and with proper support.. as a person would normally do.....

(did anyone realize that on my last post I wrote "do" instead of "due" ? Excessive MB writing KILLS your typing skills hahaha)

Re: What do you think is happening?

Well, yes, I noticed the "do/due" Xavier but realised it was probably just something like my "callous" callus!

Re: What do you think is happening?

ok thanks alot guys... Ill be very careful.
Ive rested the last 2 days now, so ill see how my voice is coping tomorrow.