Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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New Job = Voice Death?

I just got a job at a vacation call center. Yesterday was my first day, it was a horrible experience. Due to how nasty the people were, but also the staff was too intense for that it was only my first day. On top of it, I talked to 470 people in 6hours. By the end of the day my voice was feeling very horrible even though I was concentrating on my breath and alternating pitches to make sure I wasn't wearing it out. I think when u talk for so long constantly your voice is gonna get worn out. I never talked so much in my life as I did yesterday.

On a side note I think, I'm not gonna go back today it was way too much crap to deal with for the amount I was getting paid.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

the speaking voice deserve as much attention as you singing voice. Place your speaking voice hgih in the mask the same way you would sing. Raise your pitch a little bit if it helps.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

You definitely need a certain kind of personality to put up with people barking at you all day. (Whether it be the customers or the employers) I did a telemarketing job about 5 years ago, selling super over-priced printing cartridges. I quit after a day and a half. I couldn't put up with it.

Furthermore, you would probably get used to speaking all day for 8 hours, and learn not to hurt your voice BUT whats the point of going through that if the job really sucks...?

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Yeah, like I can put up with stressful things. But the first day of the job to have someone yelling in ur face as ur on the phone talking to someone. You can even hear the what heck the person is saying. The lady was just unprofessional and annoying. The one woman was listening in on my calls and said I had a very nice speaking voice, so that made me happy though :)

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I worked collections/customer sevice/disputes for 5 years! I feel your frustration!!

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Speak as naturally as you can and keep your voice well hydrated. I'm quite lucky in that it comes natural to me to use resonance in my speaking voice, so I tend not to shout, even though I speak louder than most. Speak in your mask.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Hey Jaime.....Why don't you tell everybody what your first job was when you lived in Los Angeles.!!!!!!

Your Best Bud and co-worker !!!!

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I was a go-go dancer at a nightclub called Swinging Richards...considering what they made us wonder I can sing high...;)

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Are u kidding??

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

LOL!!! Thats funny somebody impersonating Jaime...

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Read ALL books by Dr. Morton Cooper!


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

jester...despite all the good advice given about proper speaking voice technique...I think your first intuition was the best....GET THE HELL out of that job, haha! In fact any kind of salesmanship just leaves me with a really bad taste...I know some are fine with it, and good at it...but not for me, thanks.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Being on the phone SUCKS..But when I lived in Hollywood and my girlfriend from Beverly Hills dumped me because I hooked up with her best friend for the weekend, I had no choice but to become a telemarketer ;) It can be rough but you can handle it. Keep the tone placed up in the palate and make your tone a little softer/lighter, almost girlish, to let the voice float out of the throat and take the weight off the cords.


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Why did you cheat on her? And why the need to tell us about it? Infidelity is not something to take lightly or joke about. My wife of 4 years cheated and left me so excuse me if I dont get it. I would have expected more from you Jaime,thats all.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Well we've all made mistakes in our past.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Jordan, lighten up man. It was a joke. I am married and would NEVER cheat on my wife, but if you take everything I say to heart and cannot have a little fun in life, then you won't have no life at all. Yes I am sorry about your wife. A good friend of mine is going through a terrible divorce, but if I told him the same story I just put up, he wouldn't take it to heart and get depressed because he'd know that I am goofy like that.


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I just thought it was lame...not a joke at all.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

That's your right to feel that way and I'm sorry I offended you but I won't change who I am because one person is offended. Or else I'd be twenty different people every three days ;)


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I thought you were different, guess not.

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Just tell him your sorry Jaime and move on...we dont need all this here

Re: New Job = Voice Death?


You know what? EMail me your number at


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

You know what, forget the phone call. I am really tired of walking on eggshells. Do you have any idea how much time I put into development just to help other singers out??? And apparently you thought I was different...But you were wrong? Do you realize that I am one of the few coaches who actually try to take time out of their schedule to answer hundreds of questions? Do you realize that I charge for song critiques AND phone time yet I STILL get hundreds of singers emailing me or calling me and asking for my opinion, and yet although they realize they have to pay, I ususally STILL try to listen and email back, or answer their questions for free. Do you realize that RYV II is costing me thousands of dollars to redo, is twice as long as RYV I and is going to cost me twice the price per book to print YET I am NOT raising the price? If you think I am doing it for the money, you are entirely wrong! Do you realize that we are planning on expanding the Members section greatly which is only costing me but I am doing it to help you? Do you realize that we have all had our share of problems, especially me, and if someone were to make a joke that personally affected me, I wouldn't make a huge situation out of it? Everyone has different experiences and that is part of life. I guess my lesson here is that my apology wasn't good enough Therefore I will begin to act like every other vocal coach out there and I shall no longer be personally posting on my own message board.

Jaime Vendera

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Ah, Jamie, please don't let one upset vocalist set you off :-/.

I know I really appreciate your advice and comments whenever I see them.

We all have sensitive spots--for me, it tends to be jokes with an even slightly 'anti-gay' slur, and apparently for Jordan it's anything to do with cheating or the like.

I'm not exactly sure what Jordan thought you were like, considering that we only know you from the message board, but I personally have no problem with your personality, and I hope you'll continue to post.

We really do value your advice, and appreciate the time that you take out of your insane schedule to give us all encouragement and advice.

And hey, for the record, I am buying RYV II the -minute- it comes out, whether it's $10 or $100 . RYV I has already been worth it's weight in gold to me .

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I am not mad at Jordan, because I take everything lightly. But it seems that there have been times that when I post something, people get way too bent out of shape. Therefore, I feel it's best if I leave the posting to the people on this board and let Brandon moderate it and Oiselle keep it in line.


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Hey Jaime, don't take it to heart so much... As much as I enjoy looking after the board, I always enjoy reading your perspectives on things as well and I really hope that you're not going to avoid posting; it is your board after all! Don't let one person ruin it for everybody else please In addition, your generosity is what makes you such a great person Thank you for being yourself! You are right, most vocal coaches, authors or anyone else in the public eye would probably not take the time to have such a personal involvement with fans. People must realize that and appreciate your input.

Beside, I don't think your initial comment was that bad; even if it would have been true, everybody does silly things when they're young; that's just how we learn and grow. I know I've done some pretty ugly things myself so

Jordan, Jaime already apologize once, that should be enough. What else do you want him to do? He's not the one who cheated on you!! Move on man...

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

LOL! so, i've been away from the board for a week or so and it looks like cobby decided to take my place for awhile, but its cool because i was very entertained by it. jaime dude you've really got to make a login for this board, or someone is really liable to get offended

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

umm, none of that was from me... you need a login jaime

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I honestly didn't think it was you because of your humor in other posts. So I figured I'd play along and if I pretended to quit the board, the culprit would be sniffed out ; Guess it didn't work but at least everyone knows I'm sneaky now :)


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Jaime, you are right... you shouldn't post here anymore to make some people realize what they would miss if you left this board !

BUT I'm sure you won't for all those here who love and respect you


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

and I agree you are goofy and sneaky

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

although you are an admitted cheater...thats sad

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

Ouf! That's better; we would have missed you

Re: New Job = Voice Death?

That's not Mag. Too many pranksters on this board. We WILL be getting a new board soon.


Re: New Job = Voice Death?

I also did not type that :(