Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Due to my CRAZY schedule (TONS of new products this year) I am appointing Brandon as my message board advisor. My time is limited so I won't be on here daily. I promise to drop in at least once a week. Brandon and I have worked together for almost two years and my decision was based on his knowledge of the RYV techniques and his time spent on this board.So if you have any specified questions geared towads me, please post to Brandon and if I need to address it more, In will when I am on here. I am hoping thay singers such as Oiselle and Lee will keep offering great advice too ;)

There are MANY great singers on their board, so please don't feel offended and please keep posting and spreading great tips. The Voice Connection will be going through some major changes within the next 6 months to make this site more about the singer. If you wish to be more involved then I urge you to do a product review or interview a singer that you like. I will accept any reviews and interviews and review them for posting. Plus, as with jlkjester, I will be more than happy to post a bio of the contributor. Remember, The Voice Connection is for you, so please helps us add more content :)

Jaime Vendera

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Thank you so much for this opportunity, Jaime.

I can't stress enough that I'm not Jaime, nor am I AS knowledgeable as Jaime, and please don't feel that I'll start acting "authoritative". Just keep asking questions the way you all normally do. I'll just be answering a lot more of them than I used to.

I'm human. I make mistakes. And I have questions of my own that I'll be asking.

All I'm really doing is helping to take a little bit of the weight off of Jaime's shoulders. So PLEASE don't be offended or upset by his decision! Thanx!

Your New King (Just teasing;)
Brandon Selvey

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Congrats Brandon! I'm sure you'll be great If Jaime trusts you, we can all do. I'll offer some advice too whenever I can. The voice is my great passion and I love to share it with you guys

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Well thank you, Oiselle. I'll definitely do my best.

And again, I still answer to the man himself, so I promise I won't start acting bossy or anything like that. All this basically means is that you'll see me replying to more of the messages than I normally do.

One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that the comp at my house is not a high-speed connection, so whenever people download mp3 files, or something they want me to listen to, it'll take me an additional day or two to get to it, but I promise it will be done.

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Hey Brandon

Welcome aboard.

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Thanx John. Hopefully we'll discuss the voice together sometime soon.

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

I wish you both the best.... hope that cd system for rock vocalists comes out nice hahaha i would LOVE to buy it :D...

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Jaime or Brandon;about the interviewing a singer or reviewing a product would I send that to your email address?

I happen to be going next month to see The Exies and smile empty soul at a small venue in Charlotte, NC and I I really like the singer's voice from the Exies. And since it is a small venue it would greater my chances to interview him. Although I have never interviewed before I would like to start doing that if I can, to kind of understand where they started and all that.

I would like to help in that area if possible.

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Hey its nice to see we can all help each other out. Has anyone also noticed how more nicely clean the board is lately ? Good to see the board heading in the right direction.

Also if you need any help with anything Jaime or Brandon let me know.

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Hey Brandon, since I'm a little new here, that's cool you have this new responsibilty. Just giving props!!!

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Hey Brandon,

I'm looking forward to having in-depth discussions about screaming, grit, overdriving, edge and pulverizing the larynx until he folds sever and you either swallow them or cough them up. Seriously though, congrats...

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Thanx for all the encouragement guys! It's nice to know that everyone seems to be on board with this, so far. I was really worried that some people were going to be offended or upset or jealous, but I PROMISE that that was neither Jaime's nor my intentions whatsoever!

John, I'll contact Jaime about interviews and product reviews, because to be honest, I don't know what he'll want to do about that. There's a chance he might want ME to take care of it. (Upon which time I would release my e-mail address to everyone) OR, HE might wanna take care of it himself. Regardless, I'll find out for ya ASAP, brutha!

Altered, I also look forward to discussing grit, growl, melisma, etc. I'd love to hear other singers' experiences AND difficulties with all of these subjects. I'm just as open to receiving advice as I am to giving it.

Jlkjester, please feel free to jump in and answer anything you want, because I KNOW that I don't have all the answers, so I wouldn't dream of pretending to.

Nancy, thanx for the support!

Your Friendly Advisor,
Brandon Selvey

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Congrates Brandon

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

If anyone wishes to interview a band, it is best that you send your requests to me at That way we can contact the band and get it all set up. The Exies would be great.


Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

cool!!! someone new to send SOME questions .

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Hey Brandon - I forgot to tell you congrads.
You will do an awesome job!!!!! So has your range and tone gotten better since being smokeless???????

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

I couldn't imagine a better man for the job. Congrats!

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

I can't even begin to tell you all how happy I am that everyone is cool with this decision! Thanx for all the support. I know I can count on you all as much as you can count on me, and that's good to be able to say!

Chrisphx, as far as being smoke free, I HAVE noticed some differences! The most noticeable being that the gritty stuff is actually EASIER now! I always thought (before using RYV) that I would have an "edge" over some when it came to the gritty because I was a smoker. Then I get RYV, and it turns out that the MORE lubricated the cords, the less damage will be caused from screaming.

So basically, the growth of my vocal endurance was the biggest change. I'm still working on full voice range and power, though. Thanks for asking!

Re: Brandon Selvey- New director of The Voice Connection Message Board

Welcome Brandon