Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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vocal barrier

Hey man, I just ordered your raise your voice and ultimate breathing workout , I’m excited and apprehensive at the same time, I am a metal singer/screamer I’ve bought a few books like set your voice free,( roger love) and complete vocal workout(roger kain) They were decent I practiced my ass off with them. According to a standard tuned guitar , my lowest note I can hold is a D below opened E string, my highest held screaming note will not budge from G sharp (1st string 16th fret) and that’s pushing it as far as scales go anyway, but when it comes to singing I can hit d (1st string 10th fret). my falsetto sux ass My three influences are at the top of the frontman game – chris cornell , sabastian bach, and phil anselmo. I know there are plenty more awesome cats out there, but these guys do it for me. After about an hour set my voice isn’t dead but it is a lil horse. There are no vocal coaches where I live that is why I buy books. The guys I named as my influences seemed to have natural talent and ability, and I do believe they all had vocal lessons except maybe phil. I don’t want to emulate them but I do want their power and range. I ve been told by many people after gigs that my voice is awesome. I personally think my highs are way to thin and my lows sound like cher, which ain’t gonna work man. Bro I really hope your book is the ticket , I don’t want to break glass I just want to have one kickass voice and make my living using it, but I don’t want to be hoarse afterwards, coughing constantly or having some mean ass headaches when I am done. Will your book remedy those areas of concern?

Re: vocal barrier

I'm not Jaime Vendera, but....yes. This book will help you. :-)

Re: vocal barrier

I'm not a vocal coach...I'm a voice strengthening specialist;) THis book is based on solid full voice technique and once you got that down you can scream your freaking head off without losing your voice! Plus, on page 5 of RYV, there is a password for the Members section on this site. That section has as of right now over 6 hours of vocal instruction training videos and we'll be adding more. The book touches on the heavey gritty stuff and RYV 2nd edition which will be out the middle of this year will have a bit more. I am also finishing up a rock/metal system on CD for people who want to sing AC/DC, Priest, Zeppelin, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Pantera, etc...

Funny thing you mention Bach. He studied with Don Lawrence who was also Tony Harnell's (TNT) teacher. I am going to NY in another week to stay with Tony and finish a book we are writing together.

So will RYV and the Ultimate help??? One of my students is Phil Tayler (Future Leaders of the World) He sounded like a higher pitched Kurt Cobain and kept losing his voice on tour. At the very end of the tour when it was too late to sign with Epic for a 2nd record, he sought me out. Now his voice is super strong and he can scream with no problems. He has a new band called Machina with John Lecompt and Rocky Grey both from Evanescence. Looks like they are getting signed to another big label in the next few months. Phil called me two nights ago to say that if it weren't for RYV and my methods, he wouldn't have gotten a 2nd chance.

So cheer up my friend:) If you are ready to work for it, you'll get what you ask for;)

Jaime Vendera

Re: vocal barrier

thanx fellas, i appreciate the encouragement. Jaimie I talked to you on the phone the other day. You were talking to your manager. "YOU" called me back bro. and we shot the shit. thanks friend. comments from anyone are encouraged. I want to know it ALLLLLL!!!! hahaha

Re: vocal barrier

Jaime if you are coming to N.Y.C love to meet you.

Re: vocal barrier

I used to sing in a band in which many people said the vocals sounded similar to Phil Anselmo of Pantera. ( Before I bought Jamie's RYV, my voice would be breathy and I would have no range after screaming for 45 minutes. I didn't sing "notes" that often in the set, like maybe a chorus per song or something, but when i did need to sing them my range wasn't available to me. And then I found the major secret in RYV that would allow me to scream for 4 hours if I wanted and still have my voice at the end of the night. After you buy RYV, you find out that you do not need so much air pressure to sustain a note. Then you'll realize that you dont need that much air pressure to scream either. Thats whats is killing your voice. Also people who start screaming have a tendency to push up their chest voice, this is like the biggest killer of the voice in my opinion. This will all get a lot clearer after you read and practice Raise your Voice.


If you're jamming and playing and you're voice gets drown out (usually the case in metal)I find this really messes up your ability to scream for long periods. You always need to be pushing that right/minimal amount of pressure and if you're not loud enough you end up pushing extra hard. So when I jam, I always where headphones which are hooked up to the PA, or playing live, I'll use in-ear monitors...ALWAYS.

Re: vocal barrier

hey altered, that was the shit bro, your heavy vox are def. simular to phils. was that band before ryv or after?

Re: vocal barrier

Actually all of that recording was before RYV, I could only record 2 songs at a time before my voice was unable to record anymore. Now I can sing exactly the same way, but I just don't hurt myself anymore... On top of that, after RYV I can sing WAYYYYY higher if I want to, actually have a solid vibrato and have a decent falsetto. I still have a long way to go to get my voice where I want it to be, but now when I look back...I was so far off the mark when I started.

Re: vocal barrier

Altered, glad to hear that RYV really helped ;) Boris, if I have any time, we'll see if we can have lunch.But, I will be in a 5 day writing session with Tony Harnell, having dinner with Steve Augeri, meeting with a management company and some publishing companies and meeting with another health related compnay that wants to endorse me. So it might be a little tough.

Re: vocal barrier

As of yet I still cannot scream very high and it bugs me. I can scream some and only so far. I'm not where I'd like to be. But I am better than I was months ago though.

I can scream some like in Crawling from Linkin Park. I can get it pretty much. I can do some like Shaun Morgan from Seether. But one song in particular that I want to do is the beginning of the song Because Of Me by Seether. I've seen him live and he screams it exactly like on the CD. And it is very high and very raspy, growlish, gargly sounding. Cool, actually.

How long does it take to scream like that?

Re: vocal barrier

Screaming high is exactly what I'm trying to achieve as well these days. I've been practising it for a year and a half now, I've seen some slight improvement simply by vocalizing and doing RYV... but my guess is that to be able to accomplish the feat of screaming any note in the upper range takes a long time.

The main thing that I notice as I pratice this is that chest voice can be overdriven a lot without problem, when the vocal folds start to adduct to mixed, adding grit for me is very touch and go, if I push too much...boom, breaks into falsetto. Around the break is the hardest. Then high in the headvoice If afterdrive too much is sounds like brian johnson at his worst.

Re: vocal barrier

I thought about getting the Mark Baxter lesson on screaming.

But will hold off until I get the RYV and breathing guide. They seem to be taking too long to get to my house. I guess I'm just anxious.