Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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I am curios how high everyone can go in falsetto.
I can currently reach D6 on a good day but it

Re: Falsetto

I have no idea. I think I can hit middle G or A in falsetto.

But have no idea what this d6 you talk about. What is that? Is that in one of Jaime's books? I haven't recieved them yet.

Re: Falsetto

C4 is the C right in the middle of the piano usually under the piano logo or name. I believe c5 or tenor c is the next c to the right then c6 is next. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Re: Falsetto

When I do my falsetto slides i usually go up to A5 which is no problem. However when just singing along to songs and not thinking about it i've been hitting up to D6. Still can't get the transcending tone to work though =P.

Re: Falsetto

D6 is a soprano D and that is really good. In myold lazy age I can only go till about a B5 (soprano B) and can actually carry my full voice up to a C#6 before I switch to whistle. In fact, if I am doing light exercises and working up in the tineiest falsetto, I probably switch from falsetto into whistle around a B5 or C6.


PS- The Transcending Tone exercise is HHHHHHHAAAAAARRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD!!! Quit being lazy and start practicing it until you've mastered it ;)

Re: Falsetto

Hey Jaime I can do the transcending tone and siren up to c5-d5 but it starts to get really heady and thin around the b4. It is still thicker then falsetto so I am trying to figure out if it is what you call swelling my falsetto. It is wierd once you get that high and a lot harder to tell what it is.

Re: Falsetto

Acyually, I was wrong. I can hit G or A from middle C over in regular voice. But as for falsetto, I'm not sure. I'm still working on the eeeeEEE scream from Jim Gillette.

Most of the time when I do falsetto it begins to get heady as someone mentioned above.

Also when I do falsetto my dog beins to bark.. Not sure if that is bad or not, lol

Re: Falsetto

My highest falsetto note is around B5, and then it goes into whistle. In whistle, I hit an A6 once, but I can't seem to do it again. :-(

Re: Falsetto

It does get heady around a c5-d5. It is like changing gears once again. You got to let go and allow it to really shoot up in the head. To know if you are swelling falsetto, check out Jim Gillette's Vocal Power. We ARE working on those lost audio examples plus many more for the releade of RYV 2nd edition. If everyone here thinks RYV is a 10 on a scale of 1-10, then RYV 2nd edition is going to be a 100!!!


Re: Falsetto

I am looking forward to it :) Is it going to be a rendition where I can basically throw away ryv 1 and just use ryv 2? Will it include ubw as well? Not that it matters because I have that book as well although I dont ever seem to be able to work on those exercise and the 3 ryv ones at the same time due to time constraints.

Would it be possible for you to include a cd with all audio examples with ryv 2? Even if you charged a couple more bucks for packaging and labor, I think it would be a nice thing to include so everything is together...... Just a thought

Re: Falsetto

I tested my falsetto out recently. Today in fact. One person that used it early in his career was Vince Neil.

I can sing Live Wire, except when it gets in the middle of the song where it slows down then right before the solo thing he then screams kind of higher than I can go in falsetto.

Also the song 'ten seconds to love' he mostly sings in falsetto. Most of that I can imitate. some I can't do.

Re: Falsetto

ummm shout at the devil?? uses a LOT on that one

Re: Falsetto

That's true. Just about every song on Shout at the devil he sings in falsetto.

Re: Falsetto

I noticed something about falsetto I never knew before.

If you practice an "eeeEEE" scream or sound it is stronger than if you do an "Ahh" sound in falsetto. Why is that?

And I've been practicing falsetto more than I ever have before. In RYV Jaime says that if you learn falsetto first then you learn full voice and it becomes easier.

I had never heard that before. I had been learning full voice as long as I've been singing and falsetto is my weakest thing. Although I can sing a few songs by Motley Crue in falsetto and it sounds okay but could be better. But because of practicing it more it is getting stronger and better.

Anyway, I've learned much more than I ever have on falsetto in RYV. awsome stuff.

Re: Falsetto

RYV II will talk a lot about building a reinforced falsetto from an EEEE. The E vowel is wider and allows the cords to stay open more in falsetto whereas A vowel has a tendency to pull you towards full voice. It is easiest to first use falsetto because a wide glottal opening (falsetto) is produced with less vocal cord tension as opposed to a full voice tone (narrow glottis).


Re: Falsetto

I have been learning backwards for a long time then. It's like re-learning all over again. But that's okay.

Re: Falsetto

I have been working really hard on Falsetto the past two weeks. And I have really amazed myself how much higher and clearer I can get now.

In fact been working on screaming, then falsetto, full voice. Lots of workouts. Since It has has made me such a better singer.

The exercises in the members section for falsetto really helped me to get so much better. In just two weeks.

Re: Falsetto

Now try singing songs but at soft a volume as possible, without being breathy. The goal is to sound like a fly singing ;)


Re: Falsetto

Hey Jaime what songs do flys typically sing?????