Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

I now do 500 bullfrogs daily and can successfully lip bubble 'Separate Ways'.

I have found that I can apply more resistance to the bullfrog exercise by pushing a finger underneath my chin applying resistance to the exercise.

Will this make my larynx lowering muscles even stronger and more flexible?

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Good job. The resistance will help.


Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Thanks Jamie.

I'm also keeping the ribs expanded and using minimal breath and firing high notes using the powerpush, I can feel easy resonance in my nasal cavity.

I find I have to use so little breath to stop the high notes from splatting, when firing the resonance into the nasal cavity.

I am now enjoying singing 'Lights', though I cant wait for when I have that high C with full resonance and ease.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

It's all about the quality of the notes on the exercises my friend. You'll get that high C ;)


Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

God bless you Jamie, sometimes I feel like a blind man who's gradually regaining his sight.

I know that sounds cheesy AND corny, but I really mean it.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

is it true, if you lick a bullfrog, you can see things?

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

I still can't do this bullfrog thing for the life of me. I can't seem to make my Larynx go down intentionally either.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Dude I just started working on them last night and today can do them w/o the "helper" method. If you watch the Jonathan Spencer video, part 1, around 30mins in Jaime show's you how to get there. I did them ALL last night with the helper method and today can move that little bastard down! It's also in RYV....

Trust me, I had the same exact problem and decided to drill down w/ the book/vids and figure it out. ONE DAY later I can do them. I've probably done 700 today.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

I found it quiet hard too but after just a few days it starts getting better.
What I do is like yawning with my mouth closed, it really makes the larynx go down. It is really tensing some muscles on each side of the throat, I have to consentrate to make it work. Then i do the bullfrog thing, bulging those muscle.
Hope it is the correct way to do it.
Anyway, it is clear that it make those muscle work like they never did before ! I feel them like I never did.
By the way, the Bullfrog is at 43:20 on Jonathan Spencer video

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Hey Chris, here's how I do the bullfrog. Hopefully it'll help you too.

Just point your tongue straight down (while it's still inside your mouth of course;)and basically push straight down with your tongue as if you were trying to "manually" push the larynx down with your tongue. Honestly, that's what you're really doing anyways. You can do this with your mouth opened or closed. The reason I'm telling you this is because some people add unnecessary strain to the jaw by clenching their teeth when they do the bullfrog. Do NOT ever strain while doing this exercise. Even though the point of this exercise is to feel that burn, you'll know when it hurts to stop, take a breath, and figure out what's hurting. I hope I've helped...

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Cheers Brandon, good tip Thank you.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Hey Brandon,

Thanks for the tip, I will give it a shot! This is kinda funny because everything else I picked right up and I am like retarded on this exercise.... Maybe I am bullfrog challenged hahahahaha

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Hey Jaime- A couple questions

1) When I push the back of my tongue down both my larynx goes down as well as my throat puffs is that all it is??????

2) I am assuming that the whole goal is to keep the back of the tongue down and in a u shape to not restrict sound????

What is wierd is that my larynx sits real low anyway even when I am sing until I get high.... I am wondering if that is why I dont see it move as much?????

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V


1) Yes
2) Yes

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

3.) Yes, but that should not happen. The larynx might mive up a bit but should not disappear on the high notes.


Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Let me re-phrase - it doesnt move much until the notes get high then it shoots up. but it sits pretty close at other times to the bottom. Does that make sense????

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Who is Jonathan Spencer?

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Nancy: Jonathan Spencer is one of Jaime's students. There is a video of a lesson with him in the members section. You should check it out- it's quite helpful to go through the exercises "live" with Jaime and compare your performance with Jonathan. (He will most likely OWN you, haha)

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Thank you for the info. I saw oodles of stuff in that section, just haven't got to it yet. Been so much into reading RYV. I will be checking this out. That is just awesome that there are live lessons to view!!!!

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

You guys should be careful with those exercises as to not stress the back of the tongue too much. If it's lowered too much, it will become tensed and it might affect your vibrato and the overall sound of your voice. I sometimes had difficulty controlling my vibrato and I recently realized that's what was happening...

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Ok oiselle, I'm taking your word for it, since I'm new to this b/frog exercise and the board.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

Hey Nancy, the natural u curb of the back of your tongue, do the "GN" sound than the bullfrog :)keeping the tongue in position.

Re: Bullfrogs - A question for Jamie V

E$xcellent advice Oiselle. This exercise should NOT stress the tongue. In fact, when I do it, my tongue does curve down like a yawn but without a lot of pressure. It feels relaxed and dows NOT need to move to do a bullfrog.